S..peaking to You 1Iy COTT 4I4NNÉLL, M.P. (Pc - Ontarlo) After talking to people ln tue constituency, 1 amn offen left with the impression that wbat the people want is a more relevant Parliament. Tii. present government ruling our great land bas frustrated al sens. of democracy. On Friday, May 27, 1 criticized the government for the fact that Crown corporations are not ac- countable to, Parliament or the people of Canada. I would 11k. f0o continue to develop this theme to illustrate iiow tue Liberala are making Parliament increaaingly irrelevant. This week and next, the discussion wil concern tue Canadian Development Investment Corporation, the. biggest Crown Cor- poration of them ail. Tih. history of the Canadian Development Invest- ment Corporation (CDIC) is an unequalled example of Cabinet sidestepping Parliament. CDIC waa created entfrely by Cabinet Order . In a v.ry devions and evasive manner Cabinet pasaed 17 or- ders - in coundil and set up tuis large holding cern- pany. Its inceptiori waa so irregular tuat I presume If was don. to avoid going to Parliament with tue legislation. CDIC, with ne mandate from Parliament, needs only'Crown appr-oval even though if is responsible for overseeing four Crown corporations Canadair, DeHavilland, Eldorado Nuclear, massey-Ferguson and other government holdings. If la empowered te buy and sel corporations as if sees fit and advises tue government on economîc matters. To make matters even worse if la not even subject te examination by the Auditor General. Tiierefore, CDIC is in charge of public funds wituout meaning- fui public accountability. IRepo rt f rom Q ueen'9 s Park By The Hon '. George Ashe, MPP (PC -Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue On June 1, six years of planning and bard work came to a dramatic, ceremonial conclusion with the official opening of the Ministry of Revenue's new Head Office in Oshawa. First announced i 1977, the relocation Of the Ministry's headquarters from Toronto involves the tranafer of some 1,600 positions and implies a signi- ficant economic boost to the. Durham Region. Over a period of Urne, an increasingly large percentage of the. Revenue positions wil be filled by Durham residents, while local suppliers are already* securing Ministry contracts for a wlde vari.ty of goods and services. 0f great significance, too, to Durham residents is thie unique honor bestowed upon on. of the region's meet respected citizens, Micbael Starr, after whom the Revenue Head Office- building is named. Mr. Starr served as federal Minister of Labour from 1957 to 1963 and was 1jouse Leader from 1965 to 1968, as well as ihterin party leader and Chairman of the Caucs. He bas also served as Chairman of, the Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario fromn 1973 to 1980 and is presently Vice-Chairman of On- tario's Liquor Licence Board. Unquestionably, Durham citizens can be justifi- ably proud of the contributions Mr. Stan' bas made to public life in ttus province and I know local resi- dents join with me in extending warm congratula- tions to him in accepting this most enduring form of recognition. So, June 1 officially opens a new and excitizig chapter in the story of Dunham's economic growth and development. Already, the Region bas been exceedingly gener- oua in its hospltality toward the Minlatry of Revenue employees and 1 know, both as a Durham resident and as the Minister of Revenue, tuat the flrm foun- dation cf frlendship established i recent weeks signais a long and mutually productive relationship i the years abead. lb. relocation cf Revenue's Head Office t0 Oshawa represents precisely the. kind of business influx whichi l vital te tth. Reglon'a continued ecoo<nlc dveopment, and I'm sure other business cecernswll look favorably at Durbam's consider- able potential as they lay relocation and expansion Plan. 00 00 Wben the Censervatives were i gvernment in 1M7 our policy was to establish aunset laws tbat would make Crown corporations accountable. If the. Crown Corporation was not provlding. a direct benefit to thie people of Canada, the corporation would be phased out or sold to the private sector. Goverrnents' responsibillty must bu narrowed rather than expanded In order te eventually get our debf, that bas grown I 15 years from fhree billion te 137 billion, under control. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1983, PAGE il Anna -Russeil booked The. Durham Reglon Concert Association bas announced that it bas booked Anna Russel, musical comedienne ex- traordinaire, to appear i the coming meuon. Draw winner Mrs. Brenda Matchett dlsplays a wallet/calculator that she won in a periodical draw for subacribers of the. Whltby Free Press. -Fr.. Press Staff Photo Tiie 71-year-old Inter- national star bas been able te successfully mold a career out of ber sbarp wlt, back-slap- ping humer, and pler- clng voice. The Russell reper- toire fMatures such gems of parody as the. "pure but duil" nymph- and-shepherd style beloved of British com- posera; the. schmaltzy operetta love duet; the. lumbering German lied, li "Schlumph"-and the. finicky French art song, in "Je n'ai pas ma- plume de ma tante." Only members of tii. Durham Region.Concert Association will bu able tQ attend the. headline performance. Tii. memburship campaign la now in pro- gresa wlth feu set at $25 for adult anad $15 for students. The season constats of four con- certa. For more information cal 725-1558. 0000. CAMP UPEN HOUSE A Camp Open House wil b. held on Wednes- day, June 15, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Durham Region Family YMCA, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby and on Thursday, June 10, from 7 te 8:30 p.m. at the. Oshawa office, 52 Simcoe St., Oshawa. Corne out and meet the staff, register for camp and have any questions you may bave answered. For more information phone 668-6868. HOLIDAY HOUSE SITTING SERVICE Protection For Tour Korée, Pets, Plants and Pool.6 CALL I I thie Doctor General =1 ANNUAL MEETING Noticela hereby given that the Annuai Meeting of the Corporation wiil be held WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1983 commenclng at-8:00 p.m. ln the cafeteria of the hospitai The meeting wiii be heid to: 1. Review minutes of previous meeting 2. Receive Reports 3. Amend Hospital By-Laws Amend Section 2 Subsection (2XaXIII) by de- ieting "One Hunctred Dollars ($100.00)" and substituting therefore "Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00)" and deieting "January 1, 1974" and substitutlng "J uiy31, 1986". -and- Amend Section 2 Subsection (2Xa)(iv> by delet- ing "1Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)" and subs tituting "Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)'l therefore and deieting "January 1, 1974" and substituting "J uly 31,1986". Section 2(2XaXiii) of the By-Laws wiii then read, "Any person who has contributed the sum 0of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) to the Corpora- tion on or before Juiy 311,1986." -and- Section 2(2XaXly> of the By-Laws wiii then read, "Any society, organization, f irm or corporation which has contributed the sum of Five Thous- and Dollars ($5,000.00) ln any one contribution on or before Juiy 31, 1986 shall be deemed a Life Member." 4. Appoint Auditors 5. Eleot members ta the Board 6. Discuss any matter raised at the meeting. Copies of the _Hospital By-Laws and Financiai Statements may be examined at the office of the Secretary at any time during normai businoe hours or wiii be maiied to members on request. By Order of the Board, J. Kunotsky, - S.ortary r m M ~1 m ma l