WHIT BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1983, PAGE 2 How To Choose A Jeweller iIIE When you buy jeweil- ery you buy memorles Nothing expresses the truc meaning of the phrase -investmenh dressing- like a busy career woman's wardrobe. As she clirnbs the ladder of* success, her fashion choices heconie all the more important lor her image. Today's working woman knows her clothes can shape her protessional style and affect her self* im- age and performance, too. But while her desire to be well dresscd and her clothing budget are hoth escalating. her timie to shop is.declining. With the often hectic day-to-day. minute-to-mn ute demnands of* both business and homne life. finding enough tinme wo shop f'or cl othes can bc as dit'ficult as actuajly de: ciding- what wo buy. For many women time bas sud- denly become a precious commodity. The mother who drops her children off at school, puts ini a fui day at the of,- fice and cornes homne in the evening to face the needs of her family bas neither the time for the energy to go on a casual shopping s*pree. When the weekend arrives she wants to spend her time wîth the farnily -she works 50 bard tw help support. For the young. and iasting symbols. make sense to buy a Knowlng this, doms it ring or necklace the way single career woma n. timne is also a Iuxury. An amnbi- tious go-getter. she neyer heard of working only fire o 'five. After work she is probably dashing o)ff to tone-up at the gymn or tak- îmUg pos.t-graduate courses tà a further her career. Ask any career, wornan what she tinds niost satis- fying when she goes shop- ping and the answer ai- ways seeffl to be coflve- nience. value and tinding jusi what she was looking f'or. lnvestnient dressing means more than JUS( spending monëy. h meians miess învestîng linie and efflort thlat wil I pay long terni wardrohe dividends season alier season.-1 you buy bread and ml? Yet, so, many peo- pie buy jeweilery from the first store they see because they assume ail jeweilery stores are alike. .Not so. Jeweilers and jewellery stores can dif- fer in many ways. Find- ing the right jeweiler for you is like ehoosing your doctor or dentist: you want someone in whom you have confidence and trust. Consider these points when choosing your jeweller: 1. Does he/she have any formai training in the jewellery trade? The jeweiler who car- ries the letters "G.G." or "F.G.A." after his name has completed, ex- tensive studies in gem- mology. A "Graduate' Jeweller" (G.J.) has successfully completed the Retail Jewellers Training Course offered by the Canadian Jewel- lers Institute. 2. Does he/she have experience in the busi- ness? The jeweller who has been in business a good nuznber of years has Iikely accumulated extensive knowledge through practical exper- ience and this shobld flot be overlooked. 3. Is the jeweller a member of the Cana- dian Jeweilers Associa- tion? IF so, the store's responsible business past has been verified and the jeweller has pledged to maintain his Go Notural Boutique eGotex & Sea Queen Swlmwear *Fitness outf its& Bi rkenstonck Shoes- *Try our Health Food Bar 121 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-2661 hlgh standards. Talking to a jeweiler can give you a better sense of whether or flot you wii feel comfort- able doing business with hlm over the long term. As with other profes- sionals, there are many exceptional jewellers who can serve your needs. But do <"'shop around"l to find the jeweiler with whom you can establish a good working relationship. Once you have found him, trust him and hold on to him. Like your family doctor, he is ir- replacable. r6 wp" 18 9 Queen St. PORT PERRY 985-8551 )ith a differenceJ 80 Brook W. < UXBRIDGE 4PRFTICLITY AT A P 2 great buys from patcal built-in- % stitches for versatile lis ncluding bulit- ibuttonhole, indus- S PLUS A Good S eIct ion of over 30 recondltîoned sewing machines. ~KE N'SSEWIN( Durham Region's largest selection of sewîng machines. 200 John St. W. Midtown Mali Oshawa VS 579-0742 E 1,1#- 4 *4, F I I Busy Career Women Need Clothes That Mean Bus' 1