The,Church Spea'ks Sponsored by the WIIITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By REV. IVAN R. DYER Pastor, St. Thomas' Anglican Church, BrooklIn Some weeks ago now I received a letter from the Government of Ontario with a poster, explaining that the week of June 19 to 25 has been declared "Senior Citzens' Week" and this letter wvas asking the Churches to give some pubicAty to this event. Ministers are forever receiving mailings, fromn one group or another, ta publicAze this event, or that issue, and one s almost overwhelzned by them ail. I was about ta throw this one itot the "round file" when I suddenly stopped andA got-. thinking about senior citizens and began wondering what we are doing for senior ctizens and what we can be doing. The Bible teaches us that we sliould honor our mothers and fathers and this s usuatly taken ta DO'C Awards By COLLEEN CREIGHTON Denils O'Connor 111gb Sehool Last Thursday, May 26, was Awards' Nlglit, an annual event here at Denis O'Connor when students are recognlzed for their achievementa throughout the year. Thé awards were many. The maie and female Track Athetes of the Year were Brian Devenyl and Charmaine Busker. The overail Female Athlete of tlie Year Award was presented to Lorraine Huinink. Other athietes who were given honorable mention ncluded' Marg Rzymsk and Martin MeMahon, both grade il stu- dents. Marg and Martin have been chosen to parti- cipate An the summer sports' leadership camp An Barrie, -Ontario. Another hihlglt of the even4n was the acknowledgement that Green Rlouse was the winner An the intramural program. This s the ffrst trne in nine years that Green House bas been victorlous. Yeah Green!1 ,-..The music department also bad ts shareof kudos. Nati Nashi was the recipAent of the Female Musician of the Year Award and Paul Arbour recipient of the Maie Musclan 0f the Year Award. And the "big new"l of the night - our new Student Couneil for the 1983-8 scliool year. President Cindy Davies handed ber office. over ta Rie Chow, Trea- surer Susan Mcheli handed hers to Paula Hadden, Ailan Gailglier, Social Convenor, handed bis posi- tion of responsibility over ta Bruce Boulanger and Lisa Sandreili, Secretary,.handed her-position over ta Kelly Sowden. Congratulations toalal and good luck An the coming school year. The evening continued with our final dance of the sclioot year. It was a perfect ending to a great day!1 A- sure sign of the school year drawing to a close was the arrivaI of our coveted yearbook. Pens were busy during fourth period on Friday as students committed themnselves ta autograplis and mWessages' for postenity. It was a happy day and a superlative way ta end a Friday afternoon. Thank you ta the mean that children should obey thefr parents, but t actually lias a much wider meaning than that. It las reaily talking about honorlng the elderly and in par- ticular one's own parents. The choice of the term "honor" carnies with Iit a range of connotations far wider than'Borne sucli term as "obey". To honor s to 'prize highly' (Proverbs 4:8), 'to show respect', to 'glory and exalt'. Moreover, t has nuances of carAng for and showing affection <Psalm 91:15). In fact, t is a term frequently used to describe the proper response to God (Psalm 86:9). How do you honor the elderly? Do you believe that t s only the rote of the government ta lionor the elderly? What will you do about Senior Citizens' Week? ,ý Here at St. Thomas' we have decided to lionor many of our seniors by taking them to Cullen Gar- dens and Miniature, Village for lunch on June 22. It As only a smail gesture but t s our way of sayng that our seniors are special and they are a very in- portant part of our congregation. Last year 1 announced to the congregation that a birtliday card was at the back of the Churcli, for signing, that was for one of our seniors. In announe- ng this, I told tliem that I marvelled at the thought of this man being seventy years my senior. It s liard ta fatham sucli a difference but when I visit and talk witli this senior I marvel even more at is wsdom and wtt.> Senior cîtizens are such an important part of our families, Churches' and society. They have so mucli ta, teach us and we are blessed because of -tlem. May they be not forgotten and may wealways honor our seniors for An doing s0 we lionor God and our- xBridge reisuits The foilowing are the resuits of ,duplicate bridge play at the WhAt- by Curling Club. North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doughty, 121; Mr. and Mns. JAm WMarrie, Ã"6; Frank MacNeil and Bil Nel- son, 95; Art Conrad and Harold Smuck, 92%. East end West: Mrs. Art Conrad and Mrs. Harold Smuck,-95; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 93%k; Mrs. William Austin and Mns. Robert Broadbent tied with Mrs. Zeta Cunnington PtèICpLyf and Mrs. Margaret Jones atO93. ffwaIfno DOORS WITH 4 SEALS (PATENTED) MORE THAN 2"THICK MANY NEW SAFETY FEATURES SUNRISE SALE ALUMINUM PR'IE 29" 15. 166 hates SOt(aor 668-7602 MON.-FRI, 8-4 P.M. SAT. 10 -4 P. M. ,PUY DI RECTLY FROMFACTORY BAVE THE COST SALE PRICES VAUD OP AT THE FACTO REG.- >PýRICE$260.00 $300.0 FROM lit COLOUR 129gis PRUCE LOWER PRICEO THAN 2" DOORS .WITH ONLY38EALB. SALE PRICE VALID UNTIL JUNE 11, 1983. N4LY FOR ORDERS PLACED >RYISHOW ROOM. 83 WHITBY FREE PRESS# WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1983, PAGE 15 1 1 626 Charles St. (Fâctory)