PAGE 14,WEDNESDAYJUNE 1, 1983, WH ITBV FREE PRESS Mieh hel starr buildingreadnooe rrernier william Davis will officially open the Michael Stan' bufiding, new Oshawa headquarters of the Ont- ario Mlnlstry of Revenue, at a public ceremony on June 1. In a joint announce- ment, Governument Ser- vices Minister Douglas Wiseman and Revenue Minister George Ashe also said that Michael Starr Willbe in attend- ance at the forthcoming ceremony wben the building is formally dedicated in bis namne. A higblY respected public figure and long-time Oshawa resident, -Mr. Starr is currently vice- chairman of the Liquor Licence Board of Ont- ario. Highllghts of bis dlstinguished career in- cludes seven years as chairman of the Work- men's Compensation Board of Ontario (1973- 1980); 16 years in- the House of Commons (1952-1968) witb six 0f those years as Minister of Labour; and tbi'ee years as mayor of Oshawa, from 1949 to 1952. Mr. Wiseman said, "I'm delighted that Premier Davis and Mr'. Stan' will be present as we publicly recognize a beautiful building wbich bas been a focal point of development in Oshawa's downtown core. This building also represents a fii'st for the Ontario Governent - tbe complete relocation my ministry in extend- of a ministi'y's head of- fice operations from Toronto. '-The Ministry of Revenue has been pro- vided witb excellent facilities," added Mi'. Ashe, "and, is very pleased to be Dui'ham's newest corporate citi- zen. Durham reglon has been very bospitable to DAlSUN ANNOUNCES MU WP11, , 1 ' ýý ïl âff, Ewl UNTRUCKS NO GIMMICKS. NO HI'DDEN*QUAUFIERS. Now when you buy any new 1983 Datsun truck, oucnfinance up ta $10,00OÃ" for only,9.9%. Not for just the first year. Not for two years. But for up to' .'41W ý~~472'mm)onths. Which makes iR one of the best factory- - backed deals you'll flnd anywhere. »So, if you've been waiting for interest rates ta corne down, your wait is over. And it -applies ta aill new 1983 Datsun trucks. Four-wtueel drive or two-wheel drive. Gas or diesel. Long box or regular. Anidthe one and oDnly King Cab. Prices on this great Ilne-up of tough lu i Datsun trucks start as 10w as $7,28X~ Sa corne on in to any participating Datsun dealer for fuît details. Qualified buyers can save big. But hurry. Offer is good while supplies last. ing the warmest of wel- cornes. The official openlng ceremony per- mita us to offer something in return, a chance to invite Oui' neighbors to see oui' new building and get to know us a littie better. " Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. for Durham East also commented, «"The peo- pie of Oshawa are very At this meeting we Il have Mr'. Bian Gil- uriat, who is a cei'tified ,ealogist. He' will be cýussing four casehis- ies, reseai'cbedin inada back to igland, Scotland. Nor- wn Ireland and the publie of reland. )ur meetings are free J open to the public. fui'thr information a»e cl Gil Mclntosb MIDW.AY DATSUN LTD 1300 DUNDAS ST. E.., WHITBY .668-6828 1 proud and appreciative of the fact that one of the major provincial minis- tries. is now part of tbeii' community. They have gained a very attractive building -wbich wlll con- tinue to be a source of local job opportunities in the service lndustry. " The $35 million Mich- ael Stan' Building was planned and designed according to Mimistry 0f Revenue requirements, and -constructed 'umder Ministry of Governent Services supervision. Approximately, l600 Revenue emnployees moved- into it on a phased basis dui'ing February and March of tbis year. The seven-storey structure has a gross floor area of 42,740 square metres (461,000 square feet). A domi- nant feature of its inter- ior design is an attrac- tive skyllt atrium around whicb the var- ious office levels are grouped. Daily' opera- tions are assisted by sophisticatied computer, and telecommunica- tiofis eqwipment, and the building is serviced by -the lateat secuiity, fire and smoke detec- tion systems. In addi- tion, several design components Malte the Michael Stan' Building one of the* leading provincial government installations, froni the energy-eéfficiency stand- point. Premier Davis, Mi'. Stan', Mi'. Wiseman and Mi'. -,Ashewill bejoined on, the platform at .the opening by a number of otber dignitaries. They include. Terry Russell, deputy minister, Ministry 0f Revenue (who will act as cere- mony chairman); Alan Gordon, deputy mini- ter, Ministry 0f Govern- ment Services; Gary Herreema,_Chairman of the Regional, Munici- palitY of Durham;, Alan Pilkey, Mayor Of Osbawa; and the Rever- end -Canon David Peas- good, rector of St. George's Anglican Cburch. The' ceremony is to take place on tbe soutb- west side of the building facing Centre Street and Atbol Street, starting at 3:30 p.mi