Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1983, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESOAY MAY 26, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS I ___________ Mm.. pEla. E.o M g ."~ ARTC ÀLES FORSAL AIR CONDITIONER, GE, rolable compressor, 3,000 BTU, have wall bracketm for Installation, 5 yoars aid, out of use last year. Asking prie $125. Please cail alter 5 p.m. ato660-249. APARTMENT SIE humidifier $50. Ploase çai 0666>2785. *RAND NEW 24 volume of oncy- ciopedias, 10 vol. chiidren's ciassîco, 4 vol. medîcal bock. Worth $1200. Soit for $690. - Please caili728-2370. DOUBLE bed with woodon head- board, mattrosa and box sprIng, $100. G.E. dehumidiflor $75. Baby crIb $20: Vagurt makor $15. Phonoe6fl762. DUNCAN Fyfe table, two loavos, central podosti, $125. Chaîn saw, goad working condition, $50. Chost of drawors, oak, $30. Girls and boys bikos $25 sch. Oid dining room table $75. Phono 6834638l. ELECTRIC iawnmower, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 or bot offer. Cali 8684M0. ELECTROLUX rua shampooor, now condition, used twico, $200. One moto-cross bike, excellent condition, $50. One 20"'chiid's bike $20. On. glrl's 20" 3-speed $4. Phono 576-4993. ô H.P. CHAIN drive tiller, $250. Box traier $200. Two' G78-14 anowe on rime, two ER78-14 stool radiais on rime, two P205-75R14 on rms, $50 par pair or $100 lot. Phone 0685909after 5 p.m. 8 PIECE Itchen et with brown upholewd chairs, exceollent condition, $M0. ChIld'e demk and mtchlng chair $25. Cmli afiter 5 p.m. 8884M5. FOR SALE - Convelibie bicycle, 20" whoeI, Onadian mode, ln ex- collent condition, $00. Cmli 668& OO7after 0p.m.' FOR SALE - EnvIrolet ecological bibie, inoiuding vent kit, new condition, 83W- tiret. Mandolin banjo $150. Sun iamp $25. Cmii 655.000 FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mini condition, $400. 1970 Honda XR75, goori condition, $M5. Phone 655%I.39 FOR BALE - "Roxton" mapie china cabinet. Excellent candi. lion. SM5 firm. Phono 579-2644. FOR SALE: Zenith 19" black and white TV, $60. Wrlnger wshor, excellent condition, $100. Cash aniy. Phonoe60-1663. FOR immediate rosuite, adverise ln the Free Prose Emporium. Check your ciosets, attic and basement - tari summer with cash in hand and your spring cieaning done..Caiou 668411 now. 4 PIECE antique bedroom suite $600 1972 Delta Oide, runs, not certified, $200. Qusen aize bed- spread, drapes and aheers $100. Phone 668-2551 alter 4 p.m. woek- days. Alil day weekonds. Cali 008111 to place your id. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A lithoe over 6 foot tell, saiid cherry- waod, Westminster ciack, Lyre 6'"ponduier. Finishod ta your requiremonts. $850. Phono 655- 4097. GUNS FOR SALE.- 20 gauge $60. .22 cal. $50. Cal 728-4849 and ask far lKen. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Tail whiteoIbaokcaso $50.Camp etqvo $20. Stop laddor $12. Iran franie aid echool desic $40. Mens biko $50. Largeolad crack $35. Type. wrIter $30. Phono 6634638. JUVENILE chiffrobe $50. Change table $20. Couch and chair $75. Alil In good condition. Phono 668& 7253. KUBOTA Fiail mower, new, 5 foot wlde, fine cut, model 3661, 82,000. Phono 655-3477. MUST BELL 26" color T.V. $20. Eautiful picturo. Two 12" black a white Ns $100 or$00 euch. Cali 683-7017. 1970 CHEVIELLIE, 4 dr., good run- nlng condition, nued minor work for certIfication, $200Masle. 1978 Honda 400 hein, minI condition, beer box, highway bars andi mag wheeis, muat b. sen, 81»20. TWO burgandy bed chars, lke new, $»Wpair. One York exercis bench wilh leg exerciser $60. Cali - M When tho advortlsod Item ls soid, disposod of, or unavailablo for whatover reason, the Item wili b. deemod 10 havo boon sold andi a commission wili b. chargod basod on THE ADVERTISED PRîCE as Iiiustratod beiow, rogardieso If price la statod with "besi of for". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposod of, the ad wIIi bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE o f $6.00 wiii appiy payable In advanceo f publication of the firsi ad. Otherwiso a 87.50 charge willi ap- ply If bIllier whIch muai b. paid upon rocoipt of bill. Tho abovo minimum charges wili bo appliod to the final commission due but ln any case the highor amount wiII b. chargod.. Minimum charge: 8$6.00 pro-pald; 87.50 biliod. Maximum commission: 8100.00. Ail advoriiements muet bo piacod on an ex- clusive basis with 1he WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atisast one mcanth If not soid. 5% of advertised price up 108400.00 RATES (if article la moid): EXAMPLE. Soid Item adverlised for $120.00. Commission duo 86.00 (minimum charge le $6.00). Privai. advortislng onlyl Ploase notify tho Whltby Free Prose Immediately when Item le soid so that wo may doleto t from the foilowing Issue. Alil ada not f itting the Emporium guidolines wIil b. treatod and charged per wook as regular classified adia on a pro-paid basie such as: services, holp wantod, ciothing, rosi estato, and personal message type ade, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Privato ciassifiod ada may appoar ln the Emporium section under appropriate hoadInge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby,LiN 581 If ln doubi cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES ~ARICLESi1 ARICLES1 FOSALE FOR SALE « FOR SALE 1M1 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewrlter $25. Throo 5x7 vînyl covered roomn dividors with loge, $15 each. Four floor poliahers, $25 esch. Phono 576. 0769. NOTHIN bate an md ln the Whltby Pro. PreoeEmporiumi Section when Il comea ta seoIing yaur unwanted articles. Colii 68& 6111 now. ONE hoavy duty sot of acotylone torches, by liquid air, complote wlth cuttlng tlp and hases, $20. New heavy duty air hammor $40. Phono 686-4874. PINQ PONO table $55. Nover ueed 2 man tent $15. Chiidron'a bînoculare $5. Mense 10.epod $85. Tri-lovol chose set $12. Lamp $5. Old Viking etero $20. Phono 666&3712. PLACE your ad ln the Whitby Free Proes now - as fut as a phone cmli, resuits happent Calii PROPANE gas Meohoter com- ploe t h pipee $125. Phono 723-1605. O6SCEDAR 4141s, 8 foot length, $5 each. Phone 655-4200; 3 H.P. air compreseor, 4 monthe aid, 30 galion capacity, $85. Air file $85. Now feather duster $75. Impact gun $65. Torches $150. Phono 686.4874. THINK MONEY - Think the Whit. by Free Prose Emporium Section. Oneornmait advortisement ela*Il It takea, Place your article for sale ln the Whitby Froo Pross end get immodiato reaulte. The Free Pros. le rsad by ovor 70,000 potentiel buyeroea ich wook. 'Think about what wo cen do for yau ... thon ceii un. Whitby Free Prose 668-111. TRAîLER CANOPY, good quallty, canvase and vinyl, beige and brown, 8x12, $60. Phono 668- 7437. TWO AR-14 bookeheif 2-way speakers rated at 150 watts each $22. Two Shuro SM-57 micro- phones complote with deek stande, 10w Impedanco, $150 for pair. One large Lazy Boy recliner, leather, elightly wom, $75. Phono 666-3958. MO0 WATT P.A. Amp end 8 Chan- nel Mixboard. Great for recording or performing. Excellent condi- tion. Pald $16800,. Asklng SM0. Phono 686-4866*fier 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Fliter Oueen wlth at- tmchmonte. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 743-092. WOOD STOVE, Fiaer Marna, and woad table '.<'qth oxtenalan,4 wood and ciath chairs, $95. CaliiB B E D SELL unwanted articles with an ~~ Whltby Free Pros,66mi111. ONE Gendran infant.lave sisat $25. One Gendron chlld love soit ____________________ $50. Both In gaod condition. ____________ - ~AU GMGBLES1 Phonoe655.3575 after 5 p.m. and ~F RS I.J woekonds. «» TRAILERSI 190 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2I door, standard transmission, 19031OX TRAILER, 4 fI. x 8 f. x good condition, 35 M.PG.Aek. " 1 30 Inch aldea, 3,500 pound campa lng $5,695. Phono 728-7158 any. Ofo5WI5 OI5 LE5 city, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phono Uîme. 600GD 1075 BWICK LE SABRE, 4 door, FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch CAMPING TRAILER, 1973 Lianel, hardtop, mechanicaily eound, and dinling table wlth six chaire. 81091)8 6, excellent condition, needa body work. As lea$65. Cali Vory gaod condition. Asking canopy, propane ai~e, les box. 668-8543 aller 5 p-m. $1,500. Phono 839-731. $1,400. Phono 668-7452 after 6 A UTOMOBILES W MCESt F SALE il RSALE1 1971 OLOS DELTA 88, V8, muto- matlc, ln good condition. $W50na le. Cal 666&1400. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - One new eloctronlc Ignition conversion kit for mil GM V8I's 1959 ta 1974 and Amorîcan Motors V'. 1963 ta 1974 with Delco distrlbutors $50. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM bulit pick-up seat with fold down console, rod crushod veivot, excellent condition, $275. Phono 655-8787. 1973 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parte. Good body parie. Tires on rime and 4-ipeod transmis- elon with swing axios. Parte $5 ta $75. $150 for ail. Phono 282-8760. RADIAL TIRES, two GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 'pair. Caii aftor 6 p.m. 66&3885. 1lu1 HONDA interstato, 14,000 km. Too many options ta îlot. Ex- Collent condition. $5,400. Cali 655-3917. 1980 HONDA 400 ce AWK, bought In sprlng 1981, gaod con- dition, hoimets and a ramn suit ln- ciuded, 17,000 km., weii maîntaîn- od, muet soli, $1,200 or boat offer, will certlfy. Eminent organ, Solina A315, two full koyboarde, f ivo pro-set pemcusins, Orbi- tane and Arpegglo-matlc RltmIx box, foot pedais, $1,550 or boat affer. Phono 683-437. 1910 TAMAHA Endura 175, low miloago, very goad condition, $1,000 flrm. Phono 668-6494. INSTRUMETS HOHNER Tango Il M Accardian, 96 'base, totaily roconditionod, $900. Phonoe6887965 after 5 p.m. BILVERTONE electrc chord argan, 72 chords, good condition, with bench, $200f irn. Cai 668 1973 FIREBIRD "ESPRIT", noeds body work, $1,100 In new parts. WiI soul for same. Negoilabie. Cmli 7284050afer 5p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, automal, power brakes, power steeringi heavy duiy, rune good, needa sarne body work. $250 as la or trade for air compressr, sand blasting equlpment or paint equipmenl. Cmii 668-8785. 1973 TOYOTA, as ls, good for car parts. Aeking $200. Phone 668 9303. 6998. p.m. I M MOVîNO - Comploe living rooni set, new, custom madie ta match, off-white velvet. Large sofa, love- seat and twO oi cvliairs. Exqul. site. Paid $3,5W0. Aeklng $2500. Cmii 66&2395. ONE cheeterflic, arlgInally Skiar, recoverori once,$20 Phono 655-4964. QUEEN4IZE .wterbed with brown velvet button tuf t, four poster with water mattrea, hat- or, waterbod shoots and mattroas caver Includori. $500. Cati 0O8- p.m. COVERED box Irmler, 7feet by 12 feet, 5 foot high, romovablo top, 2 electrlc brake axies, $1800. Phono 055,3477. 1974 CHEV %~ TON wilh cap, 64,000 original mil», very good runnlng condition - body neede work. $1,000 tiret. PhoneOô&68 4030 betwoen 6:30 p.m. and 9 SALES DOWNb Reverse This Trend Today QUICKLY e ECONOMICALLY *CONVENIENTLY Advertise your product or service in the Whitby Free Press. UT PAYS TO ADVERTISEj I CaII Now WHITBY FREE PRESS.".. ......68-6l11 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions. 2% of balance over $400.00 m moi m A

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