Baby Show Theià m Brooklln Spring Fair Baby Show will take place at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, June 4, at the BrooklihiFairgrounds, Winchester Road, Brookli. There la no registra- tion on the day of the Baby Show. The last day for registration la Tues- day, May 31, from 2hio4 p.m. and 7 hi 9 p.m. at the Brooklln Concept Centre, Cassels and Baldwin streets, Brook- lin. For further informa- tion contact Mrs. Lois McCormnack at 728-3470. Diningf Guide. GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whlthy, 068-8U21. This popular Chinese Restaurant has been in Whitby for 30 yrs. The Bo-Bo platter recently introduced has gone over weil. The Golden Gate also offera a wide selection of Canadian dishes from roast beef hi veal cutiets and park chope. Fairly new hi the menu is juicy delicioua chicken fing- ers served with home made plum sauce. Per- fect for lunch or dinner. Open until 2 a.m. daily. Fi. and Sat. until 3 a.m. Sunday il a.m. - il p.m. Fully licensed and fast home delivery. M Between You and Me By RUTH COLES TUE CR00 CHILI COOK-OFF On May 27, 28 and 29 the Cook-Off wil ake Place i Iroquois Park, three exciting days of fun and intereat. Ali aid of Cerebral Palay, a wonderful cause and we hope for great succeas and a happy weekend. Let's keep the place tidyl The spirit of the Cook- Off, community and people working together in harmony, who appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, hi leave the world a bit better whether by, a ôÃ"ô281 1009 Dundas St. E., Whitby' B UYI- of these dinners GETI1 ½1PIC Souvlaki or VeaU Cutiet WH healthy child, a garden Patch or a redeemed social condition. Let's succeed ln making the Chil Cook- Off a true benefit to mankind. A few words of Ralph Walter Emerson and a favorite quote of Roébert Kennedy which always inspires me; "Some men seS things as they are and say why? 1 drearn things that neyer were and say why not?"1 Any undertaking like th" demanda tremendous thought and hard work to put it ail together. Many people have been Involved planning the Cook-off and wprking towards its successa Lorna Braid the manager of CHOO Ra2dio Station, we have juat known for a short time but we feel on short acquaintance-that she probably excels at everything she undertakes. I think she would gather people around her who would search for and find excellence too. So for Lorna and ail concerned we hope for a large attendance, good weather and great success. Here la a rundown 0f events over the weekend, something for everyone. On Friday night dance hi B.J. and Sweet Country, Oshawa Squares, Harry Agar's Mountain Country. Oshawa Squares is a, Square Dance Exhibition. You may not be dancing under the stars will be dancingthi great music. Saturday promises lots of goodies for the whole myhN sdsy!l" Bar-b-que New York 0 Junior Filq (Fr, Surf &Tur Bar-b-que1 gi For reser 9w0f Maji IITOY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 1983, PAGE il family. A Lemon P4oU Contest, Police Tug of War, Lob Bail Tournament, CHOO County Talent Search finals and an arena concert featuring Ronnie Prophet. On Sunday, music day, gospel sounds, choral songs and community chorus'. Community Choir Concert promise to be firat held ln the arena from 1 hi 5 p.m., the cost $5. There wil be 26o performing on this afternoon. .Taking Part wW be the County Town Singera, the G.M. Chorus, the Sweet Adelines, Barker Shoppers, Pinehiil Fever and Brookfield. A youth group from Germany hosted by the Muai- kids, something to reaily look forward hi. back rIbs $ 795 sirloin steak $ 79~ let mignon $ 7.95 i.kend Sp.ciul ,Iay, Saturday, Sunday) f $12.95 k4 back ribs $9.95 Ail above orders vati:nscal: 668.0316 Hopkins St., Whltby* r credit carda aCcepted.I (~aig Z edas iorîts Formerly Not For Brides Only 108, Brock St. N. Whltby - 668-3111 "ONLY THE NAME HAS CHANGED »OUR QUALITY US STILI THE SAME"Y -Weddlngs- -Rentai Service- -Flowers for Ali Occasions- -Funeral Work- BRIDES CASCADE BOUQUET (aff9ord s "Your Whltby Florlst" Cmli Us - You Won't B. Dlsappolnted 668M31 11