PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY MOV 25, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRES Durham Participation House helps on Wedniesda 4, Participation (Durham Reglo] brated the fu plementatiop of' grains and fa with a reception Holiday Inn, 0, Rose Marie C President' and man of the HoN Directors extent warm welcome t seventy invited including eleeted handicapped ty, ay sentatives from tht iHouse Provincial, regional anc a) cele- municipal governi tiI im- ments. Its Pro Participation House acillties (Durham Region) 18 an 1at the incorPorated charitable ýshawa. organization that pro- Connor, vides residential Chair- faciities and related ard of support programs to ,ded a severely physicall1y han- to over dicapped adults. The guests main thrust of the pro- _Lpr-mJect is to provide these aduits e mem and women wlthi J supervIsed residential care in their own comn- munlty. It Is a reversaI of the trend of past years whlch saw these same citizens forced in- to iiistltutional settings and In many cases, set- ting that were away fromn their familles and friends. At present, Partici- pation House has seven- teen tenants in seven specially modified apartinents located in three buildings in Oshawa. The first of these opened in May of 1980. Recently, a day program was impie- mented 'which rounded out the facilities and programs offered by the project. This day pro- gram is attended by most of the residents and emhpasizes the im- provement of indepen- dent living skiils. A volunteer board of ten directors and a ful time and part time staff of 35 members headed by Elaine Smith, Ad- ministrator, carry out the various aspects of 1 the project which now t has an approved oper- a ating budget in excess of 1 ,~ON THE PREMISES,,.1 t COMPUT!ERIZED &PHOTO~j ai Di Corporal Marc Aalbers works at the console of an air traffie control simulator at the Canadlian For- ces Air Traffic Control Training Unit at Cornwall, Onta;rio. Man seelks Air Traff'ÃŽ'Ie Controller titie %,ui-pra ý arcAa- An Air Traffic Con- bers, an Air Traffic Con- troller is responsible for trol Assistant for the the safety of ail aircraft past four years, is about in his or her control t0 become qualified as area. TypiealCI an Air Traffie Control- Aaîbers wilm aycpi. ler, Ground Controller tact with an aircraft and Flight Controller. when it appears on bis Aalbers, son of Gerry radar screen as far and Clementîne Aalbers away as 120 kmn (75 )f Whitby, is in the mid- miles) from his air- it f a ten-week course drome and wiil instruet nd upon. completion the pilot on angle of des- 'ili have attained the cent, air speed and ibove qualifications. direction, bringing the Spring Special COMPLE- TM.. PAINT JOB 1 25.00 3 coats Includes ail materlals. You preparo (sand & mask). LOCKWOOD AUTO BODY 234McKenzie, Unit 8 6368 aircraft right onto the ground to a safe land- ing. This becomes more demanding when the Pilot bas no visual re- ferences because of cloud, fog or other wea- 060601 Lung Assq The annual meeting of Durhamn Region Lung Association was held on Monday, May 9 at Ade- laide House Y.W.C.A., Oshawa' The 1983/84 Management Commit- tee was formally in- stalled, its members representing Bowman- ville, Columbus, Oshawa, Port Perry and Whitby. Dr. Myles Fisher was re-elected President, with the following elected as 0f- ficers Or Committee Chairmen: Walter Beath (Oshawa), Elaine Buchanan (Port Perry), Carole Collings (Oshawa), Betty Derochers (Whitby), Dr. Scott lienderson i (Whitby), Doreen Swan j (Oshawa), Alice Shef- field (Oshawa), Tony j COWling (Oshawa), Don i Sutton (Whitby), jean i Vinters (Bowmanville), t, Donna Worden (Whit- p by), Jean Martyn (Port ti Perry> and George d Nebber (Columbus). aý fonour plaques, in a 'cognition of services pi o the Christmas Seal A "ampaign, were award- lp i to, Glenholme Arc in- di . ozriw IT î#It N-11- - p m H tcg Cd du ther conditions. He is also, responsible for keeping aircraft safely separated to avoid mid- air collisions. It's a stressful job, highly do. manding and requires concentration and skill. 000000 a ciation 'Division) and to Ux- bridge Junior Farmers. Durham Region Lung Association raised in excess of $97,Ã"00 during the 1982 Christmas Seal Campaign, and, provid- ed a wide variety of educational and rehabilitative support services during its past fiscal year. These in- cluded asthma informa- tion programs, better breathing courses for older adults with lung disease, cold weather protection 'masks,..and the distribution of ï5,000 pieces of* educational material. The Association's smoking and health awareness program visited more than 9,000 junior school children aerfss the region, and its pulmonary function testing program provided screening for the early signs 0f lung isease. Financial assistance was given to à number of respiratory atients in need, and the ssociation also, sup- Drted accredited Cana- han research projects elated te lung disease. bm ~ 81-Sp.m n, K&M,4 CLANERS. Chain Link Fence Wooden Fence Wooden Déck