Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1983, p. 6

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FACE S& WEUNESOAY MAY 180 1883, W*ITOY FREE PRESS Br~k1in Byines By RXNEREVELER MI tuer.: Reveler's Law .... The odds of the bread faling to the floor butter-side down la dlrectly proportionate to how recently you have washed the kitchen floor. LIBRARY NEWS The library would like to extend a large thank you to Valerle Hundert and the Brooklin Junior Garden Club members for showing an enlightenlng filmn about trees at the Saturday Storyhour. *ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING supplies 40% off *1BATH ROOM 2% f accessorles25 of *STOVE PIPE50 of accessorles50 of "*HAND TOOLS 30% off " PAINT & STAIN Sherwln WiliIams-Kem 50 % off " CURTAIN RODS 50 of & accessorles50 of o Overdue books are sitl very much in demand. Check and make sure you are flot on the, 'Garfield Wanted Lit". Remember overdue books cannot be clrculated and other llbrary users want ail the books available now.... See you at your ilbrary. The W orneir'sINSTITUTE The omets Istiutemet at the Brookiu Coin- munltY Center On Wednesday, May 11. Members answered Roll Cail wlth "Somethlng you have made, sewn or grown this year"'. Carnie Arksey gave current events. Bessie Cosway gave an in- terestlng talk on agriculture tellilng about planting and growlng lettuce wlthout the aid of soit. Elleen Youn told about the 35th Annual Women's Institute Offioer's Conference held at Kitchener University May 3 through 5. The theme was "'Approach each tomorrow with the knowledge you gained today."' A trip la planned for, the month of June. The District Annual wlll be held at Myrtie United Chur- eh on May 25. TV4NE UP...SLIM AND TRIM CLUB There are now new "Early Bird Classes" for the beginner and the mature person Who wants to get a new feeling of vltality. Join in the painless exer- cises to music to wake up your body ready for a new day. An emphasis wlll be placed on stretching out those tight muscles in bodies of ail ages. This new section of th&eSlm and Trim Club will hold classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 to 9:15 mn the Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. For those of you who are more advanced and re- quire a more strenuous workout, summer hours for the T.S.C. wil be Tueaday and Thursday mornings at 9:30 sharp and also Monday eveninga at 7: 30 p.m. Morning classes are held in the Oddfellows Hall with the evening clasa at Brooklin Community Cen- ter. For any additional information please cail Anne at 655-3903. GIANT PLANT SALE AND AUCTION The Brooklin Horticultural Society will be holding a massive plant sale and auction on Saturday, May 21 la Grass: Park corne rain or shine. Starting at 1o a.m., there will be a range of annuals, perrenials, shrubs, etc., up for auction. These plants have been donated by B.H.S. membera and you wll find many varieties that are not readily available through gar- RROOkLIRNHOME BRERY & DEL ICA TESSAN y 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 h i Dinner Rolis u89 doz.p Hamburger Buns .99 doz. dg Hot Dog Bunsl.10 doz. A Seo Our Many in-Store Speclals bi GOING OUT 0.F-BUSINESS SALE AIL STOCK UP TO 50% OFF 35% off 35%, 20% *LAWN SPRINKLERS 30% *GLUES & CAULKING 20% off off off off off " POOKET KNIVES " BOLTS'& FASTENERS " INSECTICIDES, * SEEDS den shops. Corne out for an enjoyable mornlng and support the B.H.S. and treat yourself to hearlng the antics of club auctioneer Ken Brown. TIME TO FILL IN YOUR FORMS Once again, Group '74 la organlzlng the Brooklln Sprlng Fair Parade. These ladies do an excellent Job as wei l l know and their load would be llghten- ed conaldenably if everyone wlahlng to participate la the parade would be klnd enough to have their application forma filled out and turned in by May 27. These forma are available frorn Meadowcrest or St. Leo's schools or from Brooklin Library. This year there are two new categorles glvlng you an even botter chance of wlnning a prize for your Imagination. For addltlonal information please-cail Karen Brady at 655-485 or Marie Ferguson at 655- 4157. GIVE A GUY AN EVEN BREAK 1 have been reading and listening to, the contro- versy that has» been taking place out west wlth respect Wo the antl-semetic (let's eil get the Jews) propoganda ...I1feel si 1 There la nothing so hideous' as discrimination. Whether it involves women la the work force, civil nights,. religious nights - you name it. Aren't we supposed Wo be a free country, within the limita 0f the law of course? My feelings have always been "«give a guy an evenbreak". You might not agree with a person's convictions but you have to agree with their rlight to have those convictions. If you are secure enough in your own attitude you have no reason to worry. I feel people who get carried away and atart tW throw atones are usually those who are unsure of themselves. I have always tried to know those who many would consider are "different" from myself. Differ- ent colora, différent religions, different political. persuasions. I must admit 1 have been atung. Let's face it, there la good and bad even in the lower for- i of life let alone human beings. 1This witch hunt f people of the Jewish persuasion la latolerable to me, as it would be if those in question were labled Protestant, Catholie or Zen Buddhist for that matter. Every area has ethnic jokes. I have heard my fair share of "Newfie" and "Pepsi"l goodies as I arn sure la other parts of this country there are "On- tario Capitaliat"' jokes. If it la said with affection it's acceptable. It's nice to be laughed with but not at. I hope this is flot a trend of our tines. Over the Years I have met rnany "Jews"'. To be truthful I have not liked thein ail, but that la life. The major- ity, however, are lovely people. They want only to ive out their lives, work productively and raise hfeir families ... just like you do. The point 1 arn trying to make la people are ýeople. Forget the frilla, the background, the color, he religion. Get to know the peoplel1 If you find you lon't like them, well flad. That la your prerogative. t least give them a chance and judge thern for vhat they are and only as they treat you. If you could do that I would be eternally grateful, ýt most of ail you willbo a more enriched anda etter penson for It. ee you next week ..Roxanne Reveler Brooklin Bakery drop-off f Frldays, before noon please b (Thuraday noon thia week!) b 655-4951 m ce ce wi toi iti Ca the Foi re@ anc Léo 3471 5. goi, bo 615, LOB Win Brc tre, Ma, May eact NC cepi aui( OSTOMY PROGRAM The Oshawa & Dis- trict Ostomy Associa- tion wiil hold a program Wednesday, May 18, B p.m. la Roorn 1002-F at the Oshawa General Q RETA & VIES MO VIE REN TALS New Releases *ý Best Friends *Lovesick *Videodrome *Airpiane Il *Pirates of Penzance *An Evening with Robin Williams *Coane Bmck to the 5 and Dime S JiMrny Dean, Jimmy Dean e *Creepehow SLease aVCR 3900 from S32501M 655-4229 S93 Winchester at Anderson, Q Brooklin NwHours: Mon.-Sat. 10-83 A representative frorn Squibb wil tailk totuie group.> Everyone la welcome. Refreshments and social pet-bd will follow. For more information cali Louisa at 728-1869 or Bro oklin Fair, The therne of the Brooklla Spnlng Fair parade, bolnq held Saturday rnornlng, June 4, la "Good limes". Anyone wishlng to parti- cipate la the parade or any othe r activities of the fait- are welcome. For parade entries the numbers tg cail are 65&- 3196 or 655-435. There are many new dlsplay features at the fair being held frorn Thursday, June 2 through Sunday, June 5 at the Brooklin Cornmu- nity Park, Winchester Roâd, Brooklin. A new feature, s0 new that it.l not listed on the early programa, la the National Defense dis- play. A feature thia year which la boing held for the first trne, Dairy Goat Show, la termed Wo be the third largest goat show la Canada. 'Also among the new items are the Canada Sports display and an Arena Dernonstration, being, held on Smturday and Sunday. The ever popular Fid- diera' Contest and the Step Dance contest are on the prograrn this year. The Beauty Pageant for girls 17 to 22 yeara old, living la the Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa area and the Babby Show are also featured. The Brooklin Spring Fair willb f ficiaily opened by the Regional Chairmnan, Gary Herrema, Of Ux- bridge. Miss Brooklin Spring Famir will be crowned, at i 7:30 p.rn. Thuraday and the fair will bo officially îpened at that tirne. Milss Brooklin Spring ï Fai- will bo a prize win- ner with the two runnera ap receiving prizes. The irst Phuzewill bo eligi- )le to compete in the lias C.N.E. 1984 'ageant. Entries close gay 26. Phone 728-3470. Among the rnany rnpetitions la the >nada Packers Quilt Ompetition and the inning: quilt wll go on the provincial level. i1f lsa wmnner there, the anada Packers will re- Lest the right to buy Io entries will bo mc- Med after May 23 and exhibitors must bo EUCHRE The Ladies Auxilimry, Branch 112, of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold a euch-e Thursday, May 19 at 8 p.m. la the Legion Hall, 117 Byron Street South, Whitby. Lunch and prizes. Everyone welcome. Tickets sold at the dloor for $1.50 pet- pet-son. OTHER SPECIALS* Llvestock Spray,,eg. 10"9 GALLON Now $69 100 A.M.P. Electrical Panel $34915 QuaBrtz Heater reg79ss11 No$59O9 Fireplace Screen reg. 119"1 Now $8900 Birooklin Pro Hardware 58 Baldwin St., Brooklln u m 1 m i m 1

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