4 q PAG E 2, WEONESDAY MAY 18,1983, WIIITBY FR EE PRESS R uddy The Dr. J.O. Ruddy response te the mallout JHospital Building Fund bas been great. Alte bas reached the $115,M0 asklng for pledges or f un d plateau, donations was dellvered "We're t making good te each local resident reaches prora, sald cam- last week and 60 to 70 go palgn publlclty director pleces of mail are fiow- 00 "fh~ on Frie. ng Into the Ruddy cm 4~> r3I uJ Re noted that the palgn each day. Many people anlny reently bcm wr that the fund will accept pledges over a three year perlod, as well as immediate donations. "People are flndlng It easier to pledge over the three years," sald Frise. "Vie knew if we wan. ted te be succesaful, WC would need the suppori of the entire cornmunl. ty, " he concluded. The fund is still *345,000 short of its goal Of *460,00. 1- Cruise missiles debate topic, The,, controversial issue of crulse missiles will be the topic of dis- cussion at a debate titled "te cruise or flot to cruise" May 30 at the Marigold Dinner Thea- tre, 419 Brock St. N., Whitby. The public debate, featuring Larry Solway as the' host moderator, wWl boast a panel f physicist Eric Fawcett, George Bell, President of the Canadian Insti- tute for Strategic Studies, and Fathier Paul Hansen, a member of the Roman Catholic Church's Task Force on Corporate Responsi- bility. Fawcette the presi- dent of Science. for Peaoe, an organization waging a war against the use of destructive weapons, wil provide the scientific implica- tions of the cruise mis- sile. Afterý coming te Canada in 1970, Fawcett took on the position of a professor lin the Depart- ment of Physlcs of the University of Toronto, a position he stfilholds. He is also the Cbairman Couneil appro ves' pool re novaieions mlttee of Scientilse-and Scbolars, 'whose ,pur- pose la te enable Cana- dians to speak ý out againat oppression. Bell, a'à retied Briga- dier General, 'wltake the', external-'.'ffairs, point of view, on the panel. As the vice presi- dent of York University sincej1976, Bell bas dealt wiextemnal'relations with 'thé- Canadian goVernnient.' ' .Father ,Hansen, .-ar- guing agiat the cruise ýmissile, wil elwt the tepic fromü the moral aspect. Tbe Né* Bruns- wick native, ordained as a Roman Catholic prlest te 1969, b as long ibeen mvolved 'in the -peace movemenùt. *Beé;was recently finvolved, te ýthe Litten pèac edenstra tions te Torontý.: There will be a recep- tion and dinner begin- ning at. 6 p.m. and the progra1im will get 'under way at&P.m * The coat 'of the evenmng is $13 per per- son. Advance reserva- tions are necessaryand may. Ie obtalied 'by phoning 7547.The Now you don't have to risk a penny to discover how you can bring great entertainment into your home with Pay TV. Now you can sample ail three Pay TV channels for a whole week to helpyou decide which Pay TV services wiII give you more of what you want to watch. Now you can enjoy programs the way they Were ineant to be seen- unedited and uninterrupted. Now is definitely the ime to tzy Pay TV- the viewing alternative that gives you more choice. To take advantage of this No-Risk, 7-Day Trial Offer, cail or corne in to your Cable Centre before. May' 3lst . Pick up your Pay TV descrambler (and a converter if you need one) and easy instructions on how to install it. Leave a fully-refundable $20 deposit, head home, hook up and enjoy. Check your mailbox for ail the exciting details or phone your Cable Centre. Better yet, stop by toda>'. GET CONNECTED «lRogers Cable TV 301 Marwood Drive. Oshawa 579-2232 Pay IN so nice to corne home to. I I Town Council bas ap- proved renovations and improvements to Kins- men Pool pipes 'and. dressing rooms. In the" 1983 budget, $8,000 was approved, for.. mechanical .improveý- ments and $13,200 'was proposed to improve the' dressing rooms for aestbetics and to proteet the inside* areas from adverse weatber condi- tions. Councillors .agreed that work should go ahead immediately. "Let's get this dress- ing room going and get it ready," said Coun- -cillor Joe Drumm, Who noted that the pool will FLEAMARKET St. Andrew's Church, Whitby, wiiI hold a fies market at Henry Street HIgh- School, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (ramn date June 18). Parking spaces may be rented for $10 or three spaces for $15. For further Information or tà book your spot pbone 668-9427 or 668-8481. Re- fresbments will be Spring Specia-l COMPLE TE PAINT JO-B $125.o 3 conte Includes &Hl materlals. You pmepare (sand à masýk). LOCKWOOD AUTO IODY 234 McKenzle, Unit 8 6368 soon open., Cost of , mecbanical repairs, .18 now estimated 'at $14,93 5 af- ter addiinna.pobem sw1racedover *theé in A repot. by 'Wayne DeVeîu, rceto director, said that-thie pool Water level drop-. ped: -considerably-,.over, the winter. After pres- sure testingi-he skim- mier and vacumpng" were found to be. in poor, condition with ^sev.eral, leaks, needlng replace- m n . It w s a s recommended by engineers that two:add- tional skimni.ers',and new return liteâs should' also be replace. .MARIGOILDS, FOR SALE Marigolds Wil- be sold agate this year at.the,ý openteg of the Wuhy< Musewnf on Saturday, May .21. The nursery grown Stock WiHl be sold at thegoteg price. pro- ceeda from the sale wfl be used tosupportthe' Whltby Museum and Ar- ------- ---