PAGE 18, WEDNESDAV MAY 18, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WUdeIy Read C LASSIFIIED ADS« EVENTS ERVICESFOR RE ARTICLES ARTICLEÂ GRDNIG ST.~~~~~ 1-RE 8CHlCit hib High 4 .m. paringsPlac$0 heesaces Ajax Fo urhr nomain rt baro yourSpot pho668.47o 66844A81. RîFOResmnsav Sb5.00PRST Vedrinuresp"e cil 68 3-344 f GARAGE& YRD SALES GIANT 3 FAMILY YARD nALt - May 20, 21,' 22 'n& 23. North cf Taunton Roed on Garrard Road. Fumiture, dishes, tables, books, TV, 08idoo, 1975 Ode and lots Mors. GARAGE SALE - Car, kitchen. m, booksi,ceaie tues,, patio *tone@,t«a car, f lower pots, toye, records, etce. Saturday, May 21, 10 a&m. 7Z Clais Streut, Whitby. Raln orefMine. BASYSiTTER waned In our dean home, two chiidr yen..Mad 5 peur clds, 4dayweeh Cauit600& EXHAUST TECNNICIAN Due te continued gmowth an cpportunity existe fer aM ex- haust technician ln our Whitby store. heaplicant muet b. exper- ienced ln aIl aspects of vehicle exhumt ami depension ln- staliation. - An eceiient omfpensation - Monthly bonus& omis- sion package. - Heeithà &Dental Pian. -Excellent woriing conditions fdl job eecurlty. * ntweesed candIdates pse apply ln perem te: meds Mi;r5SN* 120DUhd itSL .5aa ieeun Australie. Coli: ?40)4447-m24 or 1004W4-2184 24 teus 7 deys 111510 - Mature Person se cam Ob 2"yeed Oid gIrli n IY home &thretourmdayeper week forSô 60week a V&igjn 1. Oeil W»94«d"49W ô srP.M. BUTTERFLY Dmycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualifled Staff Chiidren From 18 Months to 2 Vears Hot Meais German Lessons 309 Beech St., Whitby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 30X60' STORAGE SHED ln Whit. by for rent. Gond for any purpose. 0.11 579-4M8 or 728O.966 BRUCE ENTERPRISES wishes to announce the publication of ThoUghte ln Virs, a book of poima consisting of 100 poima ail wrItten In the lest year by Har- ____________________ Whltby. =AAIAB . ....E siR< DIRECT MOTHERS SUMMER HELPER%.FO I iive-ln gils fmm Queb.c, theip wlth children and housework, GROWER succoeas or refund guaranteed. aSV Cali 282-2478. aSU WE UY nd EL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDiTON AND GUARANTEE FOR GOLO Ail Goid and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental gold. Damnaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- ciai prices for Canadian and American' silver coins, any condition. Aiso buylng any for- eIgn silver Coins. SHORTYS STORE 121 Birock St. N. Whitby Exclusive Agent in Whitby for Northiand Goid & Silver inc. CALL M04111 10 place yoeîr id. W OR SEL USED BIKES SALE (SOLD AS 18) 1973 CB 5W0 $799 Honda 1 MO0XL 100 $ 599 1979 CR 2W0 Mx Il799 1982 C84W0 $1799 <Knight Hawk) Honda 1979 CX 500 $1699 Honda 1980TT250 $ 899 CEDAR TREES 4ft.&6ft.tall Makes beautiful hedging& Ideai iandscaping. Dug Up »aMe day as deiivery. Oshawa 576-5879 'cari. 1-261-1772 CEDAR NURSERY' <Dowmaav Ill> COMPLETE mahogany dining rom suite, occasional chair, matchedmOitai twin bide an. tiqued), antique Brdseyi maple dresser with marbie top. Phone 655-4070. DOUBLE b.d with wooden hiad. board, matInes and box sprIng $100. G.E. generai humidifier $75. Baby crib $20. Vogurt maker $15. PhoneOM8762. DUNCAN Fyfe table, two isaves, centrai piestai, $125. Chaint saw, good working condition, $50. Choit of drawins, oak, $30. Girls and boys Mies $25 each. Oid dining mcom table $75. Phone 6830Ma. 1970 CAPRI 2 VO, chocolete metalic brown, 4 spoed, good condition, asking $1,900. Phone after 5 p.m. 725-0428. 1976 CIJTLASS STATION WAGON, air conditioning, AM/FM radio, esking $350 or beet offer. Oeili668-0395. FOR SALE. aiea street mape, Whitby, Pickering, Aex, Oshawa and West Hill. Dlcksoin Printing & Office Supplies Store, Ajax Shopping Plaza, 683.1968. Dealer Inquirles Invitid. VW FOR SALE., 4 drewer letter size filing cabinet $85. Oiivetti-Proxis 48 - electrlo typewriter, workIing order, $125. Sharp - eiectric caicuietor, EL-057, $50. 3M dry photocopier, no.-01182848, ln- cludes paper, $20, retai value $299, hardiy usid. The foremen- tioned are contents of an estate. Pies ecli 66&.2815 eveninge only. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dining table with six chairs. Very good condition. Asking $1,500. Phone 839-3731. GEOTYPE prose-on iettering now ln stock at Diokson Printlng & Of- fice Supples In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for e emaller sheet of ietterlng? 6813-1968. GIRL'S.hlgh ris» bike, 3 speid, 24" frame, gond condition, asking $40. Cali 668-0379. '1HEROES of th. Bible" coiouring book availabie et Dickson Print- Ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Pieze, 683-1968. Dealer InquIries ln- vitid. LAWN.50Y lawn mowers, 10% off flst price, start at $179.95. Wide RentaI 655-8010. OFFICE deeke, 4lving ,board, eider frIdge. Alec e 1977 Aspen Wagon ln excellent condition, noed some body work, $750 as s9. Phone 8688-4104. ROTORY riding iawn mower, 12 h.p, with 48" cutting blades. Asking 3975. Phono 83.538.> STRETCH Ià 8MWseowing machine for saie. On gond condi- ion. CaliiOO&207. TORO iawn mowens, 10% off fl pnice. Wide Rentai 655.8010. VISIT our usid fumiture ware- house by appoîntment. Big savinge on deeke, chaire, f iiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson PnInt- Ing à Office Supplies te arrange an appointment ,te vlew. 683 2" Storm Doors Triple Seed *5 colore$1 89.50 *4 styles Instaliid Includling tex. Aie ece- nomIcai and energy efficient storrn or nepiacement thermal win- dows and patio deors. FREE ESTIMATIES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 Corne In And S.. Us And Diseatsleur TYRO CRAFTS 74 King St. W., Oshaw 1571-2206 .CHRYSLER cutboard motor sales, service. Parts and rentais. Wilde RentaI 655-8010. PROP and skig repaire. Fast ser- vice. FiberiassanMd aiuminum boat repaire. Fibergiasa sup- plies.- Plastic shiets, tubes and rode. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham Streot, Oshawa, 579. 1433. rJEDIENCE' IlCLASSES I H Bankc 10 week cours Il ouldeors I II e l a a u e IM a y 3 . I Brooklin 655-4871 ATOMOBILES SALEFOR SALE GOES GREAT ON 1M3 ROCKS. SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert servlclng experience. DU*HAM CYCLE LTD. Taunton Rd. E. & Townllns, Oshawa 576-3150 OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 &m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7; Fr1. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 GARDEN PLANTS TREES FOR SALE Hobby gar-de nir h»as prucs, mapie, cidar, ash trees. Dwarf apple end peer trois. Lllec, forsy- thia, iris, pionies, rhubarb, horse- redish rocta. Strawberry, resp- berry plants. Ail very réasonably priced. Fer mors Information 655-4525. LTs GARDENING TIME AAN AND THIS SPACE CANI BEil YOURS FOR ONLY PENNIES PER cuSTOMER. Oeil M&8 6111 TO PLACE VOUR AD. TTRAILERS. ~ E W F ORSISALE FOOR 1 ENT ama ~** ~ TYPEWITER rentai, manymaics CM P IN en d modela, by the Weskend,, TI R AILE R weeic or m nth. Discounts aal TRAIER ale. Ickon Plntig&aoffice 1973 Lionel, sloops 6, excel. Supplies In the Ajax PluazCl lent condition, canopy,. us fer business machine repaire propane steve, ice box. 683.1968. $1,400.- Phone after 6 p.m. 668-7452 FREE: Dmp Into the DIckon Printing & off ice Supply store ln the Ajax Plazaend pick UP a Ire. OPYOf thîr 1983 MetrIc Caen- dar. Printed ln two coloUre, il mnakes for handy referenc. 83- 1968. TENDERS I I.NVITATION TO TENDER, SEALED TENDERe for the projects or services iisted below,. addrossed to the Chlef,- Contract Administration, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada, 4900 Vonge Street (1Oth Floor), Wiliowdaîe, Ontario M2N 6A6, wili be.received un- tii 1500 hours on the specified ciosing date. Ten-, der Documents can be seen, or obtained on pay- ment of the applicable deposit, through the officeý of the Director Generai, Publie Worics Canada, On- tario Reglon, Tendering Office, lOth Floor, 4900 Vonge Street, Wiiiowdaie, Ontario. PROJECT No. 181209 FOR FISHERIES &-OCEAI4s, Ciosing Date: THURSDAy, JUNE 2,1983 Deposit For Tender Documents: $2500 Tender Documents may aiso be seen at the Toron- to Construction Association, 1 Sparks Avenue, Wlllowdaie, Ontario, and the. Oshawa & District Construction Association, 627-A Wentworth Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Enquiries: 416-224-4240 INSTRUCTIONS Deposit for plans and specifications 'must be made ln the form of a bank cheque to the order of the Receiver Generai for Canada, and wiii be reieased on return of the documents In good con- dition within one month from the date of tender THE NAVE MU "M N NF R V IEI TO PLACE VOUR AD CALL 688-6111 ~S IPSPLIES nu< REý PRESSwo BOATr MOTOR feralie, 7 home- power, $100. Eiictric fireplace OM $50. Cali 655-4722. I __- Itý w ý,,ýleicýIFAIýýaýRWýt<,Fý"Imýý'r'Ao,ýrýe"m" iký, iéwme