Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1983, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MAY 18, 1983, PAGE 17 II KING'S KARPET KARE j CatRpew sor - Ibiu. - priugg Whltby 6675 682262 686-1853' l'11k1y c41umnum c'9'omE 0mf2fLuE>nent Cnfttz Speclalizing In Patio Doors and Repacement Windows VISIT US IN OUR SHOWROOM. Wo ropair soreens and glass. CARPENTRy HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Coramic Tii. Ing, Drywail, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALLO668-4686 =mlrate 900 Hopkins St. Unit 3 (At Burns St.). Whitby LANWER &SMALL ENGINEI I REPAIES. I Sio1 LA WNMOWWR. I ltLIAL668-51_07] 1St Clair Sfoway Plaza Midtown Mail 1150 SImcoe N. 200 John St. Oshawa 576-9971 576-2431 Pr S lu fur668-0540 VH ver coins, old guns, SE NIOR lcks : ley,:0:h C ITIZENS Aseat.e ors.## 725-9783 opeetn-p$95 SAVE MON EY ON 5118 AUTO INSU RANCES WHîTBSY FREE PRESS U"8~111 TpLn eigCnr PINE IDGEANDYCODRIVING" ACE ,APPLIANCE SERVICE Appience parts& service for ail mekes. Refrigerat. ors, stoves, washers, dry- ers, freezers. Aisoammiii ippiience repairs. Confident, courteous ser- vice by our Experience<j techniciens. la TUs guss Frm .1946 pie àc w Diiey DEAL WITN TII! TOP 0F, TUE! ECEK i*UNu t .lu'I 1 hour driving lesson $15 and free pick:up. 683-9725 . Complote course $17900I <epproved by Ontario Safety League) Income tax deductible & Up to 41% insurance discou 686-2224 mmummm rnrnrnrnrnWmm m j * Advertise Under i CALL A [% s*rlrte ESSIOA 8 Your Ticket To Increased Business! -57j6ý-e4 wHITBY FREE PRESS..... 668-111I MMUM MM' moummm@&@ u Mm m ' ADVERTISING SDEADLINE CHANGES Due to the Victoria Day holiday, the Whitby Free Press office wiIi be CLOSED - MONDAY9 MAY 23 Du PROsf SoNh ay 5hedto ilea R EFLEXOLOOY - A therapec jfoot massage that MIireileve minor Ills and tension. By a lic. snsed reflsxoioglat and herbuliat. Oelil 88194. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marriage. Pisse view Our samples 0of engravsd wedding Invitations at your loi- surs In our Ajax Piaza store. Dick- son Printing & Office Supplies 83.186. NEED A HANDYMAN? Wiii do odd lobs. grss cuttIng, home repairs, paInting, etc. Cail 683. 4323, uk for Jim. RUG CLEANING SPECIAL -1J Have Your Llving-Room, -Dining-Room And Haliway 0f Any Size Cleaned For 840.00. Bedrooma Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guaranteed. For Ap- LWPolntment COeil668-1465. You Are lnvited tose our wide seloc. lion of wedding .sta- tlonory and accossor. les. Wedding Invitations, Naplcins, Guest Books, and Thanir l'ai Notes in t/he latest styles. M.B.M. Pubilshing 131 Brock St. N. Whltby 686111 EDCAUGALN, SEVICES UORAMUAR for people Who hate grammae' le the Ideai pocket ref.rence book for business People. $3.95 per copy end avil- abis et Dlckson Prlnting & Office Supplies In thé Ajax Plaza. Deaer enqulies InvIted883.1968. WHITSY FAEE PRESS U"8111 INCRID'5 hous eenln6 and carpt cieanlng service. Experi- enced, reiiabie. Oeil 578"190. GIOVIS - Ginetto and Paul are thrillld to an. nouncothe arriva# of their now cdaughter, Tonillo Mioki, littie sistor to Kano. Proud grandpar- ente are Mr. and Mrs. GOvia of Downsview and .Mr. and Mrs. John Dock of Whitby. Special thariks to Dr. Anderson and tho staff at the Oshawa Genoral Hos- pitai. ciAr NO&TICE f'~IMVING1Ail f rionda and relatives & CATAGE of Joo and Ada Baxter, Whltby, are Invited to at- tend an anniversary tea ln honor of thoir 4Oth' N B ýc wedding anniversary on DELIERY CARACE Saturday, May 28, 1983 DELIERY CARAGE from 2 to 5 p.m. at St. Specializing in Moving: Andrew's Presbyterian " offices Apetments Church, Whitby. Best Pianos Appiiences wlshes only. 728«7158 Anytime MATTAS "Cash & arry'" Were hous. Nsw end used restaurant equipment and supplies. 735 Albert Street, Oshawa. Now open 9 to 5 Mondey to Friday. 571-2m3. QPJIUiRSS ABSOLUTELY privats converse. tions. 24 hours. 1-485.3224. Q .3ISONLS IWEIGHTI Sallynatrslyon ilnaturel IProucts -anWdffsterrifîilNoI Idwgs. Fast, simple, Inexpen.l $iv. 00% satisfation 9a). entes. R. CLIFTON 03.18M3 HADASSN J& FABRIC SALE New largw nlpment of ioveiy upbsteoy famues et $4 per yard. Specla - 50% off on ber. gin pricd brand nane jans. Good selection of neariy new ciothing. Beh Zon Synagogue, 144 King Stroit East, Oshawa. Tuesday, May 24aend Wednesdey, May 25 froin O9a&m. to 5 p.m. THE HIDEAWAY BINGO BEST_ rTHE HIDEAWAY--- A WEEK S7 SPECIALS C2 S7 P.M.START S25 REGULARS « I(433-0751) THE HIDEAWAY-- Ail gaoinslc. by Town of WhItby and run by members of Hldeeway Bingo Coin- minttes. CMNG WEVENT PICTURE ME- CLEARANCE SALE lOOD te choosefrIm. Low- est Mfoue ln Canada. Our 7th eucceaful ysa. Ons dey only - Thursdy, May 19, 10 & m. 1 9 p.m. Whitby Curling tClub, 815 Brok Stret North, Whltby. Bring your prijnts, photos, needleworc, e. CLASIFIIOS CONTIUE ON PAGES l8 AND 19 CSS*S* Ce *eeee* e. se...... AI Please check your advortisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whltby Free Press wilI not be labie for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The WhitbyFree Press reserves the rIght to ciasslfy or rejoot ail advertise- monts. Ads must appear In the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 1le each addition- ai word if pre-pald. You may charge your Classified Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEI your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caliing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12ç each additionai word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12s each additionai word. i AUCTION SALES - 34s per lUne. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbors are avaiiable at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make every on- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no Ilability regarding ioss or damage alleged to arise through faiiure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We wiI not be responsible for box number. replies flot called for within 30 days. DEADLINES., Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 I. -PROP REPAIRS- Shegs Rebuilt Oshawa Glass &Fibre Products 579-1433 341 Durham St., Oshawa rNATURALLY IT'S PURE LIFE!s Control YourWelght With NATURE'S BALANCE Cail orma Moal ReplacementJ 6682565 EveigsM TROY'S FURNITURE REFINISHING We ýspecialize in antique restoration. -Free Estimates - M0 EucIId St. 0" of WÂMIgff aopk) WhItb 666M3277 M 1 ài GM 1 1 'w

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