Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESOAY MAY 18, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mm.. PREU.. Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeci to the following conditions. 'wWf ARTCLESARTICLES 1FORSALE1 FOR SALE AIR CONDMONEI, G.E, rellimbis comprssmor, 3,000 BTU, have Wall brokets for Instalation, 5 yesr od, out et use lest year. Asking priles 125. Plumasoeil a&ter 5 p.m. at 0111>2149. APARTMENT IZE humidifier 850. Plusse Calii1166>27M. BRAND NEW 24 volumce0cf sncy- ciopedias, 10 vol. chiidren's ciessios, 4 vol. medlie book. Woth $1200. Soli for $M0. Ples oeil 7262370. CHUST freezer, lerge, 825&. e drmwer chest of droers plus metching 2drawsrnight table 800. Round bld, metchina ornd tbes, asun chair, pusse, round bedspreed and maîchlng dmp.. M.00. Table tennis table $60. Phone 725,337. ELECTAIO iswnmower, Sunbeem ioluxe, 8100 or bout citer. Calii ELE CTROLUX rug shampooer, new condition, used twice, 820. ono moto-cross biNe,- excellent condition, 8$0. One 20" chiid's bike 820.'On. girl'. 20" 3-speed M45. Plhone 576-4993. 6 H.P. CHAIN drive tiller $250. Box trailler $200. Two G78-14 snowe on rima, two ER78-14 steel radiale on rima, two P205-75R14 on rima, 8$0 per pair or $100 lot. Phone 66&.5909 a&Mer 5 p.m. à P4ECE ktchun set wlth brown uphoistersd chaire, excellent condition, 8200. Chil'. desk and metchlng chair 85. Oel etter 5 P.m. 08654. FOR SALE - Converible bicycle, 20" whesi, Canadien modo, In ox- collent condition, $70. Oelil 66&- M safter 6p.m. FOR SALE - Crattaman rlding mower, '82 model, electrIc start, 36" cul lwin biaesa, 8 h.p. Brlggs t: & Stratton engino, 5sepeel trans-. mission with noutral and reverse, pneumatic tires, hoedIghts, usel oniy three limes. Compare et $1,810. Soli fer $1,485. Phono 6554995. FOR SALE - Envirlet ecological toilet, Including vent kit, new condition, $M50 irm. Mndoiin banjo 815. Sun lmmp M2.COeil 6684000. FOR SALE - 45 aiumlnum insert windows, ens sizo, 40;4" (45") x 37", $4 eich. Phono 655-407. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mint condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75, gond condition, 8350. "-Phono 055-3977. FOR SALE - '"Roxten" meple china cabinet. Excellent condi- tion. $MSOflrm. Phono 579-2644. FOR SALE. Zenith 19"1 black and whie TV, $60. Wringer wsshor, excellent condition, $100. Cash cnly. PhoneOO861863. 4 PIECE antique bedroom suit. $60. 1972 Deta Olde, rune, not corii lo, $200. Oueen sizî bel. epreel, drapes sud sheers 8100. Phone 0082551 chter 4 p.m. week. laya. AIl dey weekenls. 'JARDEN TRACTOR -wlk 3uhind hevy duty type, Briggs & Straton engin., 12 inch tiros, 3 spaede~erdneutrai sud re- ~~lB rattchments InlulI. 'egOi1 furrew plow with couitou-, ono diac harrow (8 disco); one cultIvator, one front end blae for gradlng and snow. AJilin A-i shape. 8$M. Phono 655-499. SE.LL your unwantecl articles quickly, eaIly iy a conomlcaIly withs un adin your bcG& news- pqwe - the Whitby Fres Prfe. CeilooS-ll. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A litIle over ô testtll, solld cherry- wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6%1" penduier. Finishel te your requIrements. $885. Plions 65&. >4097. GUNS FOR &ALE:~ 20 geuge 8$0. .22 cal.850. COeil 728.4849and asN for Ken. NOTHINCO blte an md in Ihe Whltby Fre. Proe Emporium Section whon it cornes le eeliing your unwmnted articles. Oeili0Oô& 011now. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Sewing machine 8$W. Tall white bock- case 8$W. Wheeibarrw, new, $M. 011 Oak wssh stand M4. Four ceN chbire $15 each. Camp atove $20. Stop leldor $12. Iron trame old sohool desk $40. Men's bîke $50. Large old crock 8$M. Typewrlter830. Plhons 083.6638. HOUSE TRAILER hitch, for full- sîze lete moIsi Fords, cost 81W0, esaking $65, wll i natall. Trailer canopy, gond quality, canvmss and vinyl, beige and brown, 8x12, 8$0. Phone 8666k7437.1 JUVENILE chiffrobe $50. Change table $20. Couch and chair $75. Ail ln gond condition. Phone 668& 7253. KUBOTA FMail mower, new, 5 test wlde, fine cut, model 3661, $2,000. Phone 65M-477. MIJST SÈLL 26" color T.V. $200. Beautiful picture. Two 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 emch. Calil W837017. NIEW black swlvel bar stool, rogular $109.95, aiklng $75. New 48" tieurescent rubos, $2ech. New large -TonNa tbye, asking $15. One bookcase bel 830. One tripie dressar and mîrror 860. Bookcaso 810. Box spring and mattres, A-1 condItion, $100. Coleman gis lmntern $20. Bemver table 5mw, 8", SM0 or boat etter. Black & Docker SkIisaw 850 - sabre saw 830. Crafttman sander $30. Oeil 668w.056 1900 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., 8125. Standard typewrIter $25. Threo 5x7 vinyl coverel mcmr dividere wlth 1egs, 815 «aCh. Four floor polishers, 825 each. Phone 576. 0769. - 'LRMOet: N MU - When the advertised Item la soid, dIsposed of, or unavaliabis for whatever reason, the Item wlii be deemed te, have been eoid and a commission-wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiutrated beiow, regardiesa If price la stated with "beat offer"l. If the Item la MOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wlii be mun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE et $6.00 wlii apply payable In advance of publication of the tirai ad. Otherwise a $7.60 charge wiii ap- ply Il biiied which muet be pmid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum chargea wlll be appiied to the tinai commission due but In any case the higherîmount wiii b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one montfit not sold. 5% of advurtlsedprice up te 840.00ý RATES PIf article la soid>: EXAMPLE: SOM1 Item elusu for $120.00. Commission due 80.00 (minimum charru sa80.00>. Private advertising onlyl Pluea netlty the WhItby Free Prose immeliately when Item la s011 se that we may delete Il from the tollowing Issue. Ali ads net tltting the Emporium guidelines wlli b. treatel and charged par wask as regular casseiiel aIe on a prepalI blais such ai: services, help wantod, clothing, rosi estate,ý and pereonai message type île, or ads net quotlng prie or quantIty. Private ciassItied aIs may appoar In the Emporium section unler appropriate holdings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CL.ASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 200 Whltby, LiN 581 If ln doubi cii: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS NS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.I "ICES ATCLES MOIES FOR SALE FOR SALE' AL 1970 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., gond run- ning condition, needs miner work for certification, $200 ai le. 1978 Monde 400 twIn, mInt condition, boer box, highwey bars and mag whseis, muet b. seen, $1,200. Two burgandy bed chairs, Mek new,8SOpelr. On. York exerciso b.nch wlth log exorciser $60. Oell 66&2912. ONE ad ln 1he Whitby'Froe Prose Emporium Section wii saili almeet anythIng. Cmli 668l.61 ONE heavy duty set et acotylene torches, by iquid air, complote with cutting tip and hoses, 8200. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phonoe86&4874. PINO PONO table S55. Nevor usol 2 man tont $15. Children's binocuiare 85. Men'e l-spool $85. Tri-levol chose est $12. Lamp $5. Old Viking serso 820. Phono 666&3712. PROPANE gas epic. heater com- plote with pipes $125. Phono 723.1605. 17 DOORS, vareus sizos, 4 kit- chon drawere, ail hardware, 1 kitchen sInk, set of tape, 1 spray, 13 foot Formica ceuntortop, $200. Phono 66&2780. 85 CEDAR 4x4's, $5 each. Phono 655-4200. 3 .P. air compresser, 4 menthe 0-1d, 30 gallon capacity, $885. Air file $85. New foather lueter 875. Impact gun 865. Torchos 8150. Phono 688.4874. 3 H.P. SEARS cempreseor, 30 hours use, 25 galion tank, $950 neotiablo. Phono 655-3503. 1*0 AR-14 beokaheit 2-wmy speakers ratel et 150 watts emch $225. Two Shuro SM-57 micro- Phonos comploeswlth dek stands, low Impadanco, 8150 for pair. Ono largo Lmzy Boy recliner, isather, siightly worn, $75. Phono, 668.398 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Ohan. nel Mixboard. Great for recerding or portormlng. Excellent condi- tien. Pal $1,800. Asking 890. Phono 686-4868 after 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Filter Ouasn with at- tmchmonts. Excellent condition. $150. Plhons 743-0929. WOOD STOVE, Fisher Mimae, $280. Dining roomn suite, Formica and wood table with extension, 4 wo and cleth chaire, $95. Cali 655-3546. 190 PONTIAC PHOENIX, power steoring, power brakes, sun root, air conditionlng, 4 speed, stan- dard, AMIFM eterso cassetto recorder, certitiel. AskIng 84,900. Phono 666-1499. 1900 OLOSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 door, standard treaàsmison, gol condition, 35 M.P.G. Aek- ing $5.695. Phono 728-7158 any- lime. 1975 BUICK, LE SABRE,. 4 deor, hardtop, muochanically sound, neode body work. As lea865. Cmii 668-8543 eftr 5p.m. 1973 FIREBIRD "1ESPRIT", noess body werk, $1,100 ln new parle., Wlili sali for seme. Nogotiablo. Cmii 728-6050 fter 5 p.m. f973 PLYMOUTH FIJRY, 318, mutomatle, power brakos, power steering, heavy duty. rune geod, neele some body work. 8250 as la or traIe for air comprossor, eand blasting equipment or peint equlpment. Caii 668-8785. 1973 TOYOTA, as le, good fer car parts. Aeking $200. Phonoe688 0303. 1971 OLDS DELTA 80. V8, auto. matic, ln gon>d condition. 8550 as le. Oelil666-1400. ~IVOUvffWLO AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - Onu new eluctronlo ignition conversion kit for aIl GM *V's 1959 te 1974 mnd American Metors V81s 1903 le 1974 wlth Delco distributore 850. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM bulît pick-up seat With fold down console, roI crushel veivet, excellent condition, $275. Phone OSS.787. 1973jSTANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parts. Gond body parts. Tires on rimeamnd 4-apeel transmis- sien with swing axies. Parts $5 to $75. $150 for ail. Phono 2828760. PLACE your ad ln the Whltby Fres Prosu now - ss fast as a phone cmii, resuits happeni Oeil 6684111. RADIAL TIRES,ý two GR70-15 tires, fuIr condition, $45 pair. Caii alter 6 p.m. 668-388. ,Cmii 006.0I11 teplace yeur ad. OUEEN4IZE bel chssterfleid, med voiour, Ilke new, $400. Cmii 610k2702. OUEIEN.SIZEwterbed with brewn veivet butten tuft, feur pester with water mattroes, hast- er, waterbld shoote and mettroea cover inciuled. 850. >Cali 0Oô& THINK MONET - Think the Whit. by Fmet Pres Emporium Section. On@ ameladNertisernent ls mllit takes. Place your article fer sale ln thea Whitby Fre. Prsa and guI, immedimte resulto. Th. Free Prose lasrmal by ever 70,000 bo'tentlmi buyem oaéch wesk. ThIink about whmt we coen do for you ... thon oeil us. Whitby Freu. Prose 06M4111I. TWIN mattreas, box sprIng anI trame, extra long, 80", excellent condition, 8100. Phono 579«335. BY NEEDSMTORCYCLIS ~fOm FSALE ONE Gonaron Iiant love seat 1901 HNONDA Interetîte, 14,000 $25. One Gendron chilI love sait km. Toc many options te iist. Ex- $50. Both In gond condition, collent condition. 85,400. Cmii Phono 655-3575 attor 5 p.m. and 655-3917. weekends. 18' CUTTER, convertible top, 125 h.p. Morcury motor sud power trlm. Tandem Tralhex triller and extras. $5,680 or blet ettor. Phone 668-0586 or 1883-4443. 1900MONDA 4W0ce HAWK, bought In spring 1961, gond con- dition, heimels and a rain aui In- cluded, 17,000 km., weli maintain-, el, muaI ssii, 81,200 or bet offer,- "wiii clrtlfy. Emînenî organ,;: Saulna A315, two full eybords, flvs pro-sat percussions, Orbi, tono and Arpeggle-matic Ritmix, box, foot pedls, $1,550 or beat offer. Phono 683437.. 1980 YAMAHA Endure 175, low mloeage, very gond condition, MOIG-Complote liing room .mw Met, Neous- mals te match, INSTRUMENTSI off whito velvot Largo sofi, love. seat and lwo swivsl chairs. Exqul- HONNIER Tango Il RM Accordian, site. Pal 83,500. Asing $2,500. 96 base, tetaiiy reconditionel, Cali 86&2395. $900. Phone O68.7965after 5 p.m. ONE chesterfield, erlginaiiy Sklir, receverol once, $200. Phono 655-4964. Metes!Ie "Recycler GI Unwanls 9 lb EmiiorluMSocilOetfthe-WhIlbv Fre0 PronSi There ls no rea- son to keep thlngs you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers wIIllng to pay good money for thlngs ybu've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classlfled depart- ment of the Whltby Free Press.. You wIII be pleased wlth the qulck resuits. As fast as a phone cali, re- suits happen! 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the foiiowing adve ,rtise- ment piaced under this section of the Whltby Free Press. (on't forget to include your phone number) E I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. CI Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E Bill me $7.50 after f irai publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and last namne) Street Addrus City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whîtby Li N 5S1 CouliUs NowAt 668m6111y Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad 'n. L _____________ I SILVERTONE electric chord orgen, 72chordSgond condition, with b.nch, $200 firm. Cali 668. APACHE "MO$&" Traiter, 1975, gond condition, 2-20 lb. propane botts, 3-wey trilge, now spore tire, sloops 6, curtaine,ii ABS exterior, 82,500. Phonse6687%5 mftsr 5 p.m. CAMPING TRAILER, 1973 Lionel, sloops 6. excellent condition, canopy, propane steve, Ice box. $1,400. Phono 668.7452 aller 6 p.m. COVERED box triller, 7 test by 12 test, 5 test 1h1gh, removmbie top, 2 electric braN. axios', si,80. Phone 655-3477. 1974 CHEV %i TON with cap, 84,000 originel miles, very gond running condition - body nesls, work. $1,000 firm. Phono 666, 4630 b.twesn 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. VAN - 1962 44 Ton Chev. 350, V8, 4 barrai, Super Van conversien, bibIe with extras. Asklng 816,500. For liai et options, pleas. cmii 0084178. mm 2% of balance over sm.00 ln, mý Am

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