PAGE 14; WEDNESDAY MAY 18, 1983,-WHITB'Y FREE PRESS fi R.rofefl& £RepoIr We're woriking harder to gain your trust. Inquire today 433,4090fl (from p. 12) ýj TYPESETT., INQ> ON HEPREMISESe. COMPUTERIZED A PHlO'NOý--I TrHE CORPORATION O1 TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES CLO SED VICTORIA -DAy - MON DAY, MAY 239,1983 WHITBY TRANSIT F The Whltby Transit WILL NOT be ln operation on Monday, May 23, 1983, because of the Victoria Day Holiday. The Transit System wiil resume normal operations on Tues- day, May 24, 1983. We regret any inconvenience that may be caused by this ac- tion. M Nursery & Landscaplng R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng,' Dîrector vfPublic Work Taunton Just east of Thlckson 725-7442 Thie local senior division teams rernain- ed relatively quiet on thie athletlc battie- grounds. Sandy Stevenson, frorniHenry, captured second place An thie 200- metre dash with a tirne of 27.2 seconda and Denis O'Connor's Char- maine Busker placed third An the 400-mnetre hurdies with a time of 1:17.6. In the senior boys events, Eric Heins, froni Henry, placed first i the 3,000 metre run witAi a time 0f 9:06.2 and teammate Rick Lamnont also captured a first place finish with a throw of 13.37 metres An the shotput. Each of these conipe- titors wAll advance to the Central Ontario Championships (COS- SA) to be Aeld May 19 at Peterborough's Trent University. Liberals like grants. They are bureaucratic. prefer tax incentîves whAch use 'the existing ta structure and add nothing to bureaucracy. I arn discouraged by the trend in recent years1 abandon tax incentives i favour of grants, subs dies, boans and boan guarantees. I arn discourage because I have a strong belief that ncentives ei courage and motivate people to participate An thi economy. I have an equally strong belief that ti, onby tbing grants encourage la an unhealtby depein dence on fnancial assistance for public funds. The goverrnent wants more direct control of thg private sector. By distributing grants, t la able t cernent Its grasp on private enterprise. 110w does this happen? Ini the first place, t ii. necessary to employ a great number of people t( admAnster, a grants prograrn. Second, because tht power of distribution and selection reste witb the governmnent, 'private enterprise must rely on the judgment of a civil servant or a politician. In thie decision-making procees the businessmen AE repbaced by the bureaucrat. It bas been proven over and over again thal government control of thie private sector An the foi-m of bureaucratie decision-making leads invariably to bad decisions, lees productivity and less efficiency. I prefer tax incentives because tAey are avalable Wo everyone. Investmnent decisions are based on the best business judgment of the individual and the cqmpny urvveson the strengtb 0f that decision. ihmportant point An tAis matter la tbat An an ncen- tive tax structure, the company will decide bow te invest money in research and development. But in a grants systemn, tbe government negotiates a say An wbat that business will develop. Inequity s inherent i a grants prograni, for grants not only favour one company over another, but they also favour types of companies. Thus, wAle thousanda 0f email businessmnen go studies made. For 90 per cent less medication and/or none. For 75 per cent of people who are ion or weather sensitive ionizers help to reduce allergies, mi- graines and Andoor tiredness. Three-quarters of the population are weather sensitive and suffer because of thla. Wayne bas researched ail of tAis andbis research la collaborated wlth extensive studies now being done at universities, Soutbern California la the largest and also at a Jewiah University in Jeru- salem and many others around thie world. In Europe and Mia ionizers are used An thie treat- ment of burns and wounds,- also, resplratory, diseases as tbey do away witb bacteria. hey also make breatbing mucb easier. 1 smoke cigarettes, our friendsasmoke and my husband loves hAs Pipe. No more smoke; At la taken out of the air by thi onizer. Our plants are thrlving epteter rapid growtb since being subjected W oiersë. Tbey lov ee negative ions!1 We bave two large ionlzers, one la 17 by 7 by 5" high and tis clears thie air An a room 20 by 30 i no tâme flat leaving thie air clen and fresh. Another la for the -car, smail and neat which wiil plug Mi'to thie. lighter and can be carried An. a purse or, a bag. Another we have ýworks An the kitchen and la some- wbat larger than thie email one. Wben I write about Wayne my brain As so busy thinking about aIl the things we discuss I almost. becorne confused. We expect many more wonderful things to corne into being from Wayne over the years. 'If you have problenis related to your health such, as astbuna or wbatever ask questions of Wayne and he wil answer to thie best of bis ability about the ionizers. Or he can explaAn everything about ail thie different types including a desk model for an office with two pans An a holder to put on a desk. I would think a mnust for business people who struggle under, flourescent lighting and air conditionlng. 184Warf.WO9-h-a- .I ax to si- ed à e n- ie to is 10 M I THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN0F WHITBY NOICE TOPROPERTY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act of the Province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to ail owners and occupants of subdivlded lands withtn the Town of Whitby that unless the -rioxlous weeds or weed seeds on any subdivided lands ln the Town of Whitby are destroyed by Frlday, June 3rd, 1983, and throughout the season, the Councilof the Town of Whitby has dlrected the Weed Inspectors for the Reglon of Durham to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed ln such a manner as they may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors ln the discharge of thelr duties shaîl be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Town of Whltby agaînst the respective par- cels concerned and that such amount shali be coilected ln the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. The cooperatlon of ail citîzens is earnestly sol- clted. R. Collins, Regional Weed Inspector Phone: (416) 668-7721 Donald G. McKay Town Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Aoad East Whitby, Ontario, luSPAS * SA UNAS * LEE WARD CONSTRUCTION <DIV. 0F LEEWARD POOLS AND) EQUIPMENT LM.) " Renovations (Residentiai & Commercial) " Masonry and Cernent Work " FREE ESTIMATES 433-0055 0 CHEMICALS m a ulqw 71F 'W s il fi du DROP IN TO THE OSHAWA BAZAAR & FLEA MARKET 727 Wilson RoadSouth - Oshawa MENNONITE MARKET GOOD PRICES ON BLUE JEANS m Speaking By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. ~UA.J(PC - Ontario) bankrupt ln this country, Maislin la able to negotiate a deal where t will pay no interest on *24 million for two years. Wby? Because larger companles are better equippeci to deal wlth government than are thie smaller companles. The move from tax lncentives to grants discour- ages small business' and creates- government dependence in large companies. After ail what small business could properly respond- to fast changing markets if it relief on the slow, time- consuming, inflexible bureaucratie selection pro- cess? FAnally, the donation of public funda to financially assist selected companies As open to thie abuse of political patronage. The surfacing of the Gillespie affair bas deepened rny conviction that the grants system iAs out of control and should be replaced by a systeni based on equity and tax relief. The selection of companles for handouts from civil servants and politicians is a violation of the principle of free en- terprise and does nothing to encourage risk taking An private enterprise. So if you think that no alternative bas presented itself in thie ranks of thie Conservatives, remember,- this s what we would do. We would reverse the trend from bans, grants andesubsidies and reinstate an incentive tax structure that would bulld a dynainic Canadian society. A mcarch on City Hall shouidn't be the olytme ygj