Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1983, p. 9

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Between You and Me BY RUTH COLES Talent is what you posses; genlus la what Malcolm Cowley. Just a year ago we met Wayne Conrad, 19 years old, wbo la the owner of Envlronmental Electronics, ln Brooldn and a student at the University of Toron- l ay tas klng electrie physics combîned with .nuoscience. A healthy combination and one he wilPut to good use; as a neuro surgeon bis interests wlll be wldespread and varled. He wlil be able to of- fer bis patients ail the knowledge and know how of a mind wbicb is keen and searchlng; bis ongoing researchb wil be a part of bis practise. Wayne. wants to design equipment to be used in conjunction wltb bis practise.. Nia goal la simple, wbich gives it authenticity to rny way of tlning. Not a "do goode" by any means An the sense we thlnk of "do gooders" he wants to give of himself an bi aens is knowledge too which wfil be ee Hia mentor and great friend, Professor A.D. Moore, la at bis side ever ready with bis vast ex- perience and knowledge to encourage and guide Wayne. Professor Moore la the founder of the Elec- trostatie Society Of America of wbich Wayne la the Youngest member -and he was invited at the age of sixteen to join t"n group. A prestlgious group of about 120 people, scientists from ail over the world, Wayne is An good company. The mernbersbip la comprised of leadlng experts in their fields. Their knowledge and expertise la ever ready as far as Wayne is concerned.. In tbis day of monetary reward without tbought of the consequences tbiu Young man la refresblng to say the least. 1 think an idealist but very practical wltb very Megbprinciples; bis search for excellence wlll be forever ongolng. Llatenlng to bim and watcbing bis dlean cut, ex- pressive face la an award i itself for us. We, think 0f-bim as a good friend. My husband understands h is tbougbtswell; 1 amn learnlng'and Wayne can talk W ome for ,ýhours 1n tbe most,.understandn, easy siple way -ta explain the complexities of bis work. Thils la somethlng wbich many people find difficuit ýto do when they bave such a fund of knowledge. My husbandI1 have to put'An tbls category too. Wayne la a designer of lonizers not tbe Inventor. 1 ibecare very hIterested in Ions after readlng the book, The Ion Connection, written by a Canadian business man. I knew nothlng of ions until my husband explained tis phnoe ot me. Tbey have such an effect On Our well belng tbat lA should be understood and takenintoaccount. Wayne make-sno exaggerated dlaims for tbe ion- zers and be bas put many days 0f research into the study of tbem; daysof research, maybe 1could say years lonizer are comlng inta tbe rnarketplaoe'at a, grt rate tobe sold., Thereis no smllarlty to ecologers whlcb sometimes add a scent to the air and tbis lajust a masng g- mlct Onu bas ta understand wbat Ions are todifferen- tiate betWeen ecologers, and lonizers. In Urnes past researchers ncludlng medial men found conflie- tlng evidence because procedures were wrong as of- tenbhappensin the beginnlng of such astudy; lots of experirnental error. Now there la, good, research. Not poorly designed - studies or rnetbod problemas. Many people may urn- derstand blology but flot the physical aspects of ion research. <A definition of ions la Abat hey are negatively charged air molecules sucb as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Negative ions are very bene- ficla to every living tbing, positive ions are tbe re- verse. Aer at thunder storrn you will notice Abat he afrlanfresh and everytbing, graus, trees and ail the outdoors seems mucb greeer. People too are Invigorated. Positive ions wbich coreA 0fn#Tv. dthe opposiad can cause çMdren tfel ret stessIfAhey are too close, tiredness and irriAabillty ta, narnea couple. Now about the lonizers Ahemielves. A roor can be very effectively dleared of allergens, mSof t he dust, Pollen and smoke can be remoèved and the air cbanged every so many minutes accordlngta the azie of Ahe roomn and/or the lonizer. We live ln tbe country se you would tblnk the dust would be mina, not so,îlt late.IibletIn warm 'weather dust cornes from our gravpl road tbrougb the screens unti we streak the road wlAh oïl. Wlnter Une wben everything la closed up At sAlI cornes i rnuch ta my dlsmay. Dustig I don't mind but every day la a bit mucb.. Wayne told me the lonlzers would combat most of At. Miracle of miracles! I can aimoist say dustlng la nearly a rarlty, not qulte, but almost. The differ- ences 0gratAat Ifeel my min d lap trck on me. I naturally believed Wayne but I stll cant qulte believe the resulta. Neither my busband nor i suffer from bigh blood pressure or any related Ails nor do we bave allergies but If we did we mlght see more miracles and great improvement. Because the ionlzer takes out molecules which cause air borne ailergins and wbich cause allergies, they are taken out as fast as they corne i. This,,0f course cen not remove food allergies. Out Of we wlllsay 150 to 200 people the vast majority will see a difference. A supply of negative ions for six hours, a day for 8,000 people some 55 per cent needed no medicetion according ta recent (see page 14) 00000. RUG HOOKERS The Pickering Rug Hookers Club will hold a 15th anniversary exhibit and tea May 26 from 1 to 4 p.m. and 7to 9p.m. The ladies in the club hook rugs, wall bang- igs and related small articles, a limited nurn- ber of which will be on sale at the exhibit. 1Admion to the exhi- bit is $2. Police defend honour at Games ]>IrharnRegional Police wll defend local honour as tey travel t» the Toronto Humbe Highland Games June 18 to do battie in various competitions wlth other police squads from acrosa Canada and the United States. The Games, being staged for the first Urne, will feature a bigbland dancing competition, pipe band competitions, tug of war, aAhleAlc events, a drumming competition, and a massed band parade. 'The prograrn will ,corence at 8:30 ar. wth the officiai opening at 12 noon. The compe- tition la being beld at Humber College's North *WE EDSPRAYING Want a weed f ree lawn? Cal ILou's adc ig ~ 728-3589 Govment Llconsd, Guarantsed & Ressonable Rates WH4EN THEY [OSETIE PEOPLE [OSE LVS In an emergency, time is a precious commodity and every second cou nts. 1So when you hear the siren-or see-the flashîng light of a fire truck, ambulance or police car, remember t hat lives may be at stake and obey the following regulations:ý <>Always bring your vehicle to a stop as close as possible to the side of the road and clear of any intersection. 0C Do flot follow a responding fire department vehicle within 150 metres (500 feet). THE TIME THEY SAVE MAY SAVE LIVES. Ministry of Transportation and Communications (5DOntarjo James Snow, Minister William Davis, Premier /

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