Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1983, p. 18

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PAGE,18, WEIJNESDAV MAY 11, 1983, WHITBY FR EE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read ~CAS51FI f-1D ADS 1 SLSSALES 0 NT SLESUPPLIES 'SUPPLIES flIANU nVNt 1A~I v. -e- ulm W MVU A LE - Fi-a turing -place wainut dining room suite, lots Of hausehold gaods, aai 1978 Dodge Maxi Van. May 14 end 15, 10 a.m. ta 6 p.m. il ýNordia Court, Whltby. SUPER STREET SALE - Hyland Street, Whltby (off, Blair St.. at Buma). Saturday, May 14 from 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m. Feed your appetlle for bargainsi CALL 6686111 ta advertise YOUR garage sale. EXAMWAY, Ex-Shakise, Ex-Olde World. Pure Life affere more maney ta iRs dIstrIbutors than any ather Company. For Informa- tion ciii 66&.2565 eveninge. JOBS available In Australia. Cali: 1-404-547-926 or 1-604-547-2184 24 hours 7 dmys. ROUTE DRIVER ta delîver papers each momlng ta 1h. Brooklînl Ciaremont area. Prefer someone with mmii car. Cmli caleot 576- WANTED - Mat ure lady ta ciare MOVING AWAY SALE - May 14 tram 10 arn. ta 4 p.m. Househoid Items, chldren's books and toys, hockey equlpment, skaâtes and eklilsand much more. Very reasonabiy prlced. Everything muet go. In Ashburn, flfth house narth of the four corners, east aide an Ashbum Road. QIANT 3 FAMILY YARD'SALE - May 20, 21, 22 and 23. North af Taunton Raid on Garrard Raid. Fumiture, dishes, tables, books, TV, Skidao, 1975 01dm and lots mare., NEEDED - Mittire persan ta cire for 2-year-ald girl ln my home three 10 four deys per week for 6 ta 8 weeks stmrting June 1. Cal 579-4465 anytîme after 6 p.m. WANTED - Backhae, cernent mixer, used lumber, air compres- sor, drill pream, matai lathe, win- dows, electrîcal power baols, usedI trucks. Phone 66&2953 or 705-437-2201. iu uiur niwoIE> par weOk In my home, (In Whitby). Phone- 7234M Obefore 8p.m. J WANTED j Ouc Gouda) Pottry - - lMarty CHfILD CAREI 655-38721 S~E~IERVICES. tr6pm T" YnU BUTTERFLY Dycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. FE Qualf ied Staff Children From 18 Months to 2 Years FREE. Drap mb 1h. Dickson Printlng & Office Supply store In Hot Meals the Aax Plaza and pick up a frees German Lessons copy Of their 1983 Metrlc Caien- 3091Bosch St., WhItby dîr. Prlnted ln two colours, il makes for handy reference. 683. 688927 OR 571-0031 19. DOEjICHELOO LPMOILE ~~îAILBLE FR AE MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, i live-In girle from Ouebec. halo wlth children and hous.work, succesa or refund guaranteed. Ciii 2822478. ALOE VERA forever living dis- trIbutor. Bob Azzopardl 686.000. USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITON AND GUARANTEE CALLU«00111 tb placeyour ad. USER BIKES SALE (SOLO AS lB) 1973'CB 550 ~799 Honda 198OXL100 $599 1979 CR 250 Mx 8799 1982 CB 4W0 1799 (KnighI Hawk) Honda 1979 CX 5We 1699 Deluxe Honda 1980 TT 2W0 8899 Yamaha 011RIM CYCLE LII 578«31 50 30X0' STORAGE SHED In Whlt- by for rent. Goad for any purpoce. Cali 579.446 or 728O.966 ABLE ANTENNAS le a magnavax of sales and service depat. 668 6901, 513 Perry Street. AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 BTU, excellent condition, $100. Phane 668-793M. BARN BOARDS for sale as soon as possible. BemI affer. Cal 668& 1836 belween 3 and 7 p.m. CERAMICS for custom flrlng, . cost of greenware ta bisque and glus mad V4 cost for decals. Phane 6689197. FOR SALE: area street mape, Whltby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and WestHilii. Dickson Prltlng & Office Supplie$ Store, Ajax Shopping Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inqulies lnvted. FOR SALE - CatIe racks. Fit 'h or 44 -ton box. Excellent and reasonable. Phone 655-4237. FOR SALE - Shower doors $60. Vanity, tub, laps lncluded, $65. Phone 655-3773. GEOTYPE proe-on iettering now In stock i( DIcksan Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large amiection of styles and izea. Why pay more for a emnaller shoet of letterlng? 683-1968. "1HEROES of the Bible' colourîng book avallable at Dickmon Prînt- Ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquIrles ln. vlted. LAWN-BOY lawn mawere, 10% off Iimt price, stafl et $179.95. Wlde Rentai 655-8010. PICTURE wîndow for sale, com- piete with storms and soreens. Size la 102" wîde and 67" hlgh. Caii 6684180. 17 DOORS, varioum mzes, 4 kit- chen drawere, ail hardware, 1 kitchen *mlnk, set af tape, 1 spray, 13 foot Formica countertop, $200. Phone 6682780. -NEW- FROM JAPAN Violay cross stitch kits *Cushions. *Handbags. e Doiles.@ *Runners.e TYRO CRAFTS 74 King St. W., Oahuw 571-2206 SWIMMiNGI pool, 20 x 40, aver 9 feet deep. For more Information cail 723-1349. TORO lawn mowere, 10% off liait prîce. Wilde Rentai 655-8010. 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed .5 colore li 89-50.4 styles lnstaIled including tax. Aiea eco- nomîcal and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doars. FREE ESTIMATIES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 BUY DIRECT FRM TUE GROWER & SAVE CEDAR TREES 4 ft.& 6ft. taII, Makes beautiful hedging & ideai landscaplng. Dug up samne day as delivery. : Oshawa 576-5879 Scmrb. 1-261-1772 CEDAR NURSERY (Bowmanville) VISIT our used fumiture ware- house by appoinîment. Big savings on desks, chaire, Miing cabinets, etc. Cail Dlckson Print- lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appolntment ta view. 683. 1968. FOR SALE e FMOR SAELE 130AT MOTOR for sale, 7 hors. power, $100. Electria fireplace $50. Call 655.4722. CHYLR outboard motor sales, service. Parts and rentais. Wilde Rentai 655-8010. PROP and skeg repaire. Fast ser- vice. Fibergiase and aiuminum boat repaire. FIbergiase sup. Piles. Plastic sheets, tubes and rade. Oshawa Glss Fibre, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579. 1433. PR- eAO GARDEN LNT TREES FOR SALE Hobby gardener has epruce, maple, cedar, ash trees.'Dwarf appie and pear trees. Llso, forsy- thIa, Iris, peonies, rhubarb, hors.- radlsh roots. Strawberry, rasp. berry plants. Ail very reasonably 655-4525. ORD _____________- WU VACATION -I ~i ~ ENTALSLS d- AUTOMOBILES AUCTIONSI FOR SALE L R 1902 D000E OMNI, 28,000 kilo AUCTION SALE Cemrwater - Three bedroomn metera, excellent condition, THURSDAy',MAY 12 mobl oes1ol,0ens $5,500 or best affer. Phone 6M3.3PM. close ta beaches and major 5452. . attractions, chlldren wei- Brookiln Comimunity came $22500 U.S. weekly 1970 VOLARE WAGON, excellent Hall(emthnoelrm) condition, well maintalned, Antique & modemn fur-. 683-5503 $2,150 certIied. Phone 66-4104.-- nlshlngs, gîassware, 1977 MONTE CARLO, goad con- china and colectables. ditlon, red wlth red Interlor, EARL DAVIS HUE 75,000 miles. $3,000 or best of- AUCTIONEER FOR SAE fer. Phone 579253 or 576-174.. 726-4455 R F SL FREE to good home - ons year oid purebred Pomneranlan, good pet, hem had ail sots, house- broken. Phone 655-373. CLASSESI fl Basic lêwee omsm Il ouÏdoors II Il U satnMay 31. II Brooklin 655-4871 TRAILS. WFOSALE 19043 Box TRAILIER, 4 fI. x 8f1t. x 30 Inch aides, 3,500 pound caps- clty, 14 lnch tires, $575. 1979 Suzuki GS 1000 L, 25,000 kilo- metere, mural on tank, new Good. year HST front tires, new battery colis, eprocket crash guards and hlghway bars, $2,200. Phone 655. 4223. 1970 STEURY HARDTOP, etove, icO box, sieeps 8. needasnome repair. $80. Phona 63.5452. ARTICLE TYPEWRITER rentai, manymnakes and Modela, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avaîl- able. Dickson Prlntîng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax pla&za.Cii us for business machine repaIra AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 21 6:00 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry. With a plant, furnl- ture, antiques, gardn tractor & tools and usual surprise Items. JOHN & TOM PEARCE AUCTIONEERS 985-7492 CODSFOR RIENT APARTMENT RENTAL - Picker-. ing village, large 1 bedroamn, bal- cony, offers tennis, sauna, indoar pool. roc centre, June lat. 831. 2162, 839-28o3. PIONEER R.E. LTD. RLTR. LARGE 2 bedroomn apartmnents in mmmali Port Whltby building. Adulte only. Avaliable June 1iand July 1. $350 per month Includes frldge, setove, hydro and parking. Cible TV and laundry facilîties avallable. Phone 6684372 bet' ween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, power teering, power brakes, air, A-i condition, certif led, $1,650. Caii 666-1069. 1970 LTD, needm lune up and paint, 59,000 miles, $800 or beet offer as le. Phone 668-4. SPEND A AY R"kV-ÏflTMD&ff OR ANIGHMON'iBE TOWfN. SER VICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert serviclng experience. DURHAM CYCLEiLTD. Taunton Rd. E. & Townline, Oshawa 576-3150 OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 am.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7; Fr1. 9-9; Sat. 9-5 %%-.M5U 7333 1 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 13 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east 0f Little Bnl- tain or 7 miles west 0f Lndsay on the Lndsay/ Little Britain Rd. Pine corner cupboard (repro- duction), parlour stovo, mahogany buffet, apart- ment sîze uprlght piano, spool bed, Colonial bed, chesterfieîd and chair, 2 cu. ft.* deep-f reezers, wooden rocking chairs, and portable colour TV's, chest of drawers, chrome kitchen suite, fIat-top farm scaies, 8 h.p. riding lawn mower, 3 h.p. gardon tiller, parlour tables, wlCker fern stand, 1/ ton truck cap, 1969 Oids Toronado (certl. f led), plus qty. of tools, crocks, pîcture f rames, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 4 BEDROOM RAVINE -$53600. near Sherdan Mmili, full bas. ment, eparate dlnfing, beautiful townhouee. 831-2162, 839-2803. PIONEER R.E. LTD. RLTR. 2 ACRES AJAX -3Z bedraom bungalow plus 60' block building, double garage, Juel north of 401, $109,900. 831-2162, 839-2803. PIONEER R.E. LTD. RLTR. ~7FOR R NT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT -wHITBy- Three-room Whitby office suite with pri. vate washroomn. Has over 750 square feet 0)f fully broadloomed and air-condltloned spaciousness. Main office about :J2 foot long. Could be dlvld- ed into smaller offic- os. For further infor- mation caîl Catherine Moffat, Century 21 Goid Jacket Realty Mt., 668"221 or resi- dence 571-3727. [SPAEAN BE YOURS FOR ONLY I IPENINIES PER I ICUSTOMER.I LjL 66111.j I S HELP WAITED Expansion in the Pickering,,Wity Ajax area, has created openings In our Sales -Division for success-oriented indivIduaIs. We are offerIng an out- standing- opportunlty: comprehensive training, an ongoing career develop- ment program with uniimited income potentiai. For InterView . Cali Inge Mutsaors 831-3600 I1 c life

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