Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1983, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY APRI 21, 1983, WHITBY FR EE PRESS polrENO INEERED FOR EXCELLENCE A comfortable, reliable sedan with lots of standard features. Smooth and economnical front- wheel drive with responsive road handllng. That's Subaru engineering - test drive the GL Sedan today. C &.C MOTO RS 155 King St. W. 160 Slmcoo St. S.9 Oshawa Oshawa 5796224 728-0181 or 728-7554 (cont'd from page 6) south/north to noth/south. This way no one WOUlct have to make that so-called hazardous left-hand turri from Pearl onto the main street. The association also wondered why the main street of Whttby has been scrubbed perfectly dlean of alI winter debris and sand, even to the extent that manual labour was brought to bear in the form, of a Town of Whltby employee sweeping the sidewalks. The situation on Baldwin Street is a disgrace. On dry days it is bad enough with the dust swirls but on rainy days, everything gets a fine coat of mud. Several people have called on several occasions requesting that the street be cleaned ti a proper mannen. Last Friday we had a token pass by with the sweeper truck. This was done during business hours and most of the areas were missed due to cars being parked on the street for shopping. That one little run though I hope did not constitute the extent of cleanîng we can expect. Is Brookir not part of Whttby, paying its shayre into the tax coffers? Last but not least the question of garbage pickup stili appears to be a problem. When Whitby took over the collection of garbage, they were speciftc- ally asked to pick up garbage from the main street ftrst. They assurai us they would. They are not doing it. Sometimes the garbage lays around the sidewalks for shoppens to walk through until nearly il a.m. This is disgusting. Many mothers have complained to store owners that they do not appre- ciate have to steer carniages and children around smelling heaps of garbage. With the warmn weather comning, this will make a great tourist attraction to visitors to this town. Being a ratepayer is simple. You just have to live north of Tauniton Road and care about your commu- nity. The only way to get things done is to stick together. If you have any input, criticisms or sug- gestions please cali this year's president Mel Hun- dent at 655-4931. See you next week... Rxanne Reveler, Brooklin Bakery drop-off Frldays, before noon please 655-4951 ?FORMS REGISTER, CONTINUOUS,. CARBONIZED & MUSC. A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 Bell improves services Local expenditures by' Bell Canada to maintain and upgrade telephone services in the Whitby exchange cost Bell $882,000 in 1982, Ormtt Lyttle, local manager, said recently. Mîs. Lyttle outlined in a letter to council the scope of Bell's local in- volvement. Some of the projecis: new facilities for population growth, including subdivisions; feeder and distribution cable; relocation of facilities. - She said Bell employs 721 people in the Oshawa area, with their annual payroll exceed- ing, $17.1 million. The exchange had 10,226 customers at the end of 1982. local mil rate is set. In 1982 Bell paid $431,414.81 in taxes to the municipality, as follows: real estate, $22,182.98; business, $5,046.48; gross re- ceipts, $404,185.35. The gross receipts tax is a special tax levied againat telecofrimunica- tions companies. It is 5 per cent of ail revenue derived from Ontario customers the previous year and apportioned* to each exchange depend- ing on its number of telephones. In 1983 Bell's gross re- ceipts tax to be paid locally will amount of $458,290.45. The real estate and business taxes for 1983 will be determined once the Last year Bell invest- ed $1.4 billion lni Its net- work, two thirds of whlch went towards meeting subscribers' requirements. Another large portion of capital expencitures was used to improve the quality of service in such areas as operator services, line testing, switching and transmission and rural service. More than $200 million worth of digital switch- ing equipment, ti- cluding DM-106 and DMS-200 swltchers, was installed. In each of 1983 and 1984 Bell is ex- pected to invest more than $300 million to. ex- pand its digital switch- ing and transmission capability. Fish scalesfor Whitby? The Whitby Chambei 0f Commerce has aske the Tdwn of Whitby tc permit a weight statior to be installed at, the Port Whitby Marina for the Toronto Star Salmon Hunt. Presently there tE no such station east of Port Credit to serve the Oshawa - Whitby - Port Hope area. The Toronto Star has indicated that it is in- terested in a station at Port Whitby and will make a decision tin April. The Star will pro- vide the scales, adver- tising forms, instruction and supervision, if the town provides the loca- tion. Last year's over-all winner of the Star Sal- mon Hunt was an Oshawa resident, and one of the prize winners was a 16 -to 17 salmon caught Port Whitby. OmputrnLond Corne over and hit a the local Pro. If you've neyer even tried a personal computer, this is your chance. Because the computer professionals at Com- p'uterLan'd'wil'l show you just -how easy it is to use one. You11 quickly see that the computers at, ComputerLand are flot only easy to r I ) pound near There I frip~)THE CORPORATION OF Y~"dTHE TOWN OF WH ITBY IN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THIE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWINQ MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENTION' TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to designate the property, IncludIng lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as property of archi- tecturai value or Interest under Part IV of The On- tario Heritage-Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337. The McKay House 401 Centre Street South Whltby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION MCKAY HOUSE (a) Architecturai This red brick with yeîlow brick trIlm house displays many decorative elements 0f, Goth- Ic Revival origin Including the Intricate bargeboards and the wood trim 0f the veran- dahs. The windows are of particular. inter- est featurlng'arches, voussoirs and finiais of yeilow brick and iouvered wooden shut- ters and Iugsllls supported.by corbeis 0f yellow brick. A second storey wilndow dis- plays a decorative wilndow box while a f irst storey, stain-glassed window feature s a pseudo balcony., (b) Historîcal The house was bulît by William Dunkley a local contractor, as his private home ln 1874. The house was also the home of Donald McKay, Ontario County Treasurer from 1890 to 1914 and hîs daughter Emily McKay who succeeded hlm as T reasurer. of Ontarlo County from, 1914 until her re- tirement In 1947. Any person may, before May 13, 1983, send by Registered Mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice 0f his or her objection to the pro- posed designation together wlth a statement of reasoris for the objection and ail relevant facts. If such a notice of objection Is recelved, the Councli of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the TOWN 0F WHITBY this l3th day of April, 1983. DONALD G. MCKAY, Cîerk The Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario, LiN 2M8 111 N. SIMCOE (The Old Firehali) OSHAWA 4330800 red fisherinen from Port Hope to. Scar- borough using the weigh-in station if it is approved. The Star Salmon Hunt for 1983 is tentatively scheduled for August 13 çptember 25. Port town. Whitby could become a focal point for fisher- men if a weigh station is installed here. A Cham- ber of Commerce com- mîttee is currently negotiating to bring this new attraction to oui Anderson news By LISA STEWART Anderson C.V. Spring is just around the corner and so is the band trip for the 75 Aniderson Concert Band and Stage Band members. The band members have been preparng, for this event since September and are now in the process of smoothing out the rough edges of their music. They will be departing for Kings- ville,, Ontario on Monday, May 2 and returning to Whitby on Thursday, May 5. Due to unfortunate circumstances, they had to cancel their proposed, trip to Calgary. Yet 1 arn positive that the exchange with Kingsvillewill be justas successful., Whlle in Kingsville, the band' will visit 'Windsor and Point Pelee. According to the band's president, Julie Emm, the young musicians will, also be kept fairly busy at many concerts scheduled for them. The band from Kingsville will be visiting Ander- son from Thursday, May 12 to Saturday, May 14. The Kingsville band, consisting of a Concert Band, Stage Band, and Choir, has 122 members alto- gether. Their agenda also appears to be quite full. They begin their stay by performing at a concert, on Thursday afternoon at Aniderson for the students, followed by another concertI on Thursday'evenrng which is open to the public. They also plan on going to Toronto for a day and possibly to Cullen Gardens. This promises to be an extremely educational and entertaining band e«change. After the band concert, the A.C.V.I. music studen- ts will continue with their preparation for Music Night' which is to be held in our auditorium on May 25 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will soon be available from the music students outside of school and at the school. We would like to wish the members of the Concert -and Stage Band the best of luck and a safe, pleasant trip. We know that they will do a wonderful job'in' representing our school. Want a thick, healthy, beautiful lawn? Cail now for a FREE lawn analysis. And let us tell you about our $39.95 GET ACQUAINTED OFFER. TAREE CONSULTING AVAILABLE Cail 723-2621 35 Division St, Oshawa -~ -- -."-~-~ allora anci operate. downright friendly £ 5o corne on into ComputerLand. Where personal service is par for the course. a 1 m m W. haow smaiI computers. Lt m roduc. y«. They're also

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