PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY APRI L 13, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Between You and Me By RUTH COLES The hopeful man sees succeas where others see failure, sunshine where others see shadow and storm. O.S. Marden. So much for promises even when made to oneseif. I had intended putting Elora, Niagara on the Lake and Perth on the sheif for a time but this is flot to lasti A few days in Elora and surrounding countryside durlng the past week and now my head is whirling again when I tbink of the tourist trade. The idea of tourlsm i and around our town often cornes to mind and I can see no reason for failure if we ail pull together. 1 arn not of the persuasion that the town bas the total responsibility. I just can't ses them leading the way and paying the costs; that co- operation cornes later after'others do their part, that is property owners and renters. Then the town icould corne Into the picture wltb moral support and no doubt funds tbrwn In for good measure. We -are not waglng a war, nor do we have thousands of starving people on our banda, but we do have ail the basies for a good beglnnlng. We are an old county town even thougb we are progressig i a modem manner. Our proxlmlty Wo Toronto la one of the flrst things Wo consider. How often have you traveiled and after a week of belng ln a great metropoiltan city do you long for a few days i a town witb is attractions? We bave a good beginlng; our marina wblch draws many, a few good shops and our llbrary which strange Wo say will attract tourlats. We also bave Wbltby Arts, the Marigold Dinner Theatre, Cullen Gardens and rnuch more but this la flot enougb. What la enough' Where do we fid it and wbere does the Iput corne from? Interested people of course and these are the property owners and tbe downtown people. Ail of this could be so simple, ut- terly absorbing and thought provoklng. Some of us talk about it now but we need Iput, as rnuch as possible. I don't believe in spendlng great arnounts of rnoney and going into debt but to avail yourself of good thought and creative action. We need positive not negative thoughts. If the ones wltbout hope, the ones wbo don't care and those wbo arîe satisfied with the status quo could gather together with the others, think of the results. Good things and good ideas are catching, it can wash off on you and you become part of tbe whole. Last Friday the sun'shone but it was not warmn. In fact it was rather cbilly i Elora. The cars carne and' by 9 arn. the cars were parking along residen- tial streets, even i front of driveways. The roads into the town were bumper Wo bumper and on the way Wo St. Jacobs the sarne thlng, cars, cars everywhera. When we arrived at our friends' home there wasn't a parking space Wo be bad. We bad alot of things to carry inwhichmnade it ratber awkward. However, we were lucky and after a short wait someone drove out and i we went, the last car Wo leave until after dark. A few miles up the road Wo St. Jacobs, bundreds of People bad congregated and this was on the Satur- day, a cold, raw windy day, not at ail pleasant. The parking was saved by a very large parking lot by the river; there were spaces there but not anywhere else. This la another touriat tWwn. I feit It was the shops wbich drew them from goodness knows where. During.our viait we cidn't ses any Wourist buses, just cars, vans and a few trucks.' Due Wo the terrible w;id and the raw chili we didn't linger. We went into the Apple Doil House off the parking lot and saw absolutely gorgeous apple doils, not Mny favourite at any time but these were the rnost attractive we bave ever, seen. Ail klnds of craftwork includig darllng bonnets, made I'm sure by, the Mennontites. -I- would bave loved W bhave bougbt some for rny granddaughters but knew tbey wouldn't wear them at any cost. There were other clothes, china and glass ail priced very fafrly. I bought a lovely amber plate for $4, a real steal these days and to top it off it was beautifully wrapped and boxed, quite comparable W Blrks except that the box was fiavy blue. Ail together, but not properly looked at by us due Wo the crowds were silos, how many I'rn not sure but several joined together and a part of the added ap- pIe'doil store. What a novel idea. There were al kids of boutiques, restaurantsand what bave you just filed Wo capacity wlth people. By now we were starving and a large, ean Iooking restaurant situated. across the road beckoned to us. Parking was difficuit but we found a place; iside it was hopelesa. People standing, sittig and eating, rnany waitig ail cluttered together so we left because we figured it would be a [ong tirne before we cold e ven hbave ýa drink 1Jet DOORS WITH4SEALS (PATENTED) MORE THAN 2" THICK SUNRIE SAL A LUMINUM1 1626 Charles St. (Factory) Whltby, Ontario F 668-7602 BUY DIRECTLY FROM FACTORY L( SAVE THE COST 0F MIDDLEMEN. REG.$2.0 PRICES2O 129915 ED THAN 2" DOORS MLY 3SEALS. DE VALID UNTIL IL30, 1983. - MION w RIUM $1M -WER PRICE SWITH Oh SALE PRIC APRIL WIN A3-LD1)0R FREE DRAW, FREE ADMIS OSHAWA HOME SHOI OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITOF THORNTON RD. S. APRIL 14,15,16,17. 1115.111, .$300.0 mcmmmmý à - ý - . _. _ __ __ --- ------- 0% ma IN COLOUR