WHITBY FREE PRESS,-WEDNESDAy MARCH 16,1983, PAGE 5 Bylaws lax on ehip trucks: Brunelle Existing bylaws don'l adequately regulate the nuznber and location of fish and chip trucks in Whitby, Centre Ward coiwdillor Marcel Bru- nelle says. Bruneile asked coun- cil to review its bylaws after receiving a comn- plaint from, a local rest- aurant owner who says chip trucks are taking his business away by parking right next to his sbop. "«Once 1 looked into it I found we have no real laws to regulate how close cbip trucks can park to a permanent restaurant and how many can operate in town,"' Bruneile said last week. He wants coundil to put a limit on the num- ber of trucks and how close they can park to permanent food outlets. "Let's face it, you've got local people with an overbead,- they're eni- ploying local staff and they're paying taxes," Bruneile said, adding an unlixited number of trucks won't help the chip truck operators either. -The town currently bas eight chip trucks licensed and two which come into town oc- casionally. A yearly lic- ense fee costs $50 for residents of Witby and $100 for out-of-towners. "I have nothing against the trucks," Bruneile said. 111 just tïhiunk we sbould take a look at it. Theoretically there could be 150 chip trucks because tbere's no limit." Bruneile said chip truck operators bave told hlm there is a large demýnd and business is pickig up. He thinks coundil sbould review the bylaws before pro- blenis crop Up. Bridge The following are the resuits of last week's play at the Wbitby Du- plicate Bridge Club. North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 48; Derrick Alstein and Paul B eischlag, 41%k; Dr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Ketcheil, 35; Mrs. Doug Mandreil and Mrs. Bruce McCoil, 251h. East and West: Mrs. Georgie Bovay and Mrs. George Steffler, 42; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker, 281/2; Mrs. Eleanor Sharp and Mary Taylor, 28; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vrengden- hil, 27. C entre Ward Councillor Marcel Bruneile'wants the town to doubleA. MR- check bylaws that govern the number and location-of fish and chip trucks in Whltby. *Speakin-g to-0You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. (PC - Ontario) Its proper title is the Royal Commission on Economie Union and Development Prospects for Canada. Its Chairman, Donald MacDonald, is a former Liberal Cabinet Minister. It has already, cost Canadians $990,000. Ev en Liberal backbenchers think it is atrocious. Favourite son Donald is now the highest paid royal commission chairman in history. The heir apparent is coilecting $800 a day to solve the economie problenis he helped to create as a former finance minister. Ironically, the only thing this well-oiled, weil-financed commission lacks is total commit- ment from its chairman. To date, Trudeau's participation in this affair bas not been exemplary. In the first place hie experien- ced a few unconifortable moments when it was revealed that hie either forgot or he omitted to tell his present Minister of Finance Marc Lalonde of' the creation of the commission. On another occasion his explanation that MacDonald's high salary is necessary because it is used to pay the overhead at MacDonald's law firm excited, rather than abated, criticism. As Senator Eugene Forsey writes, "There is not the slightest reason why the taxpayers should pay one copper towards the overhead of Mc- Carthy and McCarthy. (MacDonald's law firm.) And what does MacDonald think of ail this? "I'm worth more than that," hie told reporters. And in an interview with Global TV hie said, "I am sharing in the law firm's take". Now that's a good indication, if any, of how MacDonald reaily sees the merits of bis work. It's a clear admission t.hat he is holding the taxpayers for ransom. My coileague in caucus, the Honourable Ray Hatyshyn, bas calculated that the salaries of McDonald and 13 couunissioners wil add up to the euivalent of unemployment insurance benefits for 200Canadians for a month, or, to fuily-indexed family ailowance cheques for 10,000 families for a year. This lits in very poorly with the so-called restraint prograin. My only hope is that as Liberal politics unfold in the coming years no chance wil ho given to Mac- Donald to fulfill bis dream of becoming leader of the Liberal Party. No chance as leader; no chance of (God forbid) running the country. Can you even begin to imagine what that would cost you?