Whitby Free Press, 16 Mar 1983, p. 23

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Im "E.. ( PEU. Emporium.AUs wIli only be accepted subject to the followlnaci ondIiins- u I lIE -P - ------p..ç. fAQUARIUM, 50 galin,w wooden cabinet and ccnopy, fil eysem, pump ad coreoxcelle condition, $150. Twin mttrai jbox sprIng and freine, extraelirî 80", excellent condition,, 81( Zenith aet eicord'player witl speakeresad stad, excelle condition, $75. Woodsn deki drawer, wrlting top 22"1 x 39"9, Phone 570,.334 ATARI vidmo gaine systern Inilu Ing joysticks, paddis and sevi garni cartridg.. - inciudlng Pa Man, Space Inveders, Video Pli bwa, ight Drivers, Starmasti Only $275. CeMii 068.0 &fier DRUMS for sale - Base, Snaui Tom.Torn, Creel. Symbol, plui sinalier Bymbol atteched. In gooi condition. Asklng $SM. Ato fo aie good bodad mattrise SU2 Kitchîn table ad chairse$4a iLiving rooin drapas $40 Truci mirrore 8M. Pise caîl 576-191, afsi5 p.m. EVERYBODYVrnds the Cleesi fiedal Ssii e household of fumi, turi...MIeaiaboat, or àcar'... o eovnthing -Minail as e bird. NM Miltier what you arieslilng, thora se a custorner out theoamong out 70,000roncders who le your poton. tiai 'buysr. Phone todai, wo'rq watlng to holp you wrte a classi- fled ad. Whltby'Fno Pries Oô&. 64TRINQ BANJO with cee, used 3 months, $175 or boat offor. Phone 668-4300. FOR BALE.* BMX Raleigh framne, Viscount ameossat, ailoy eat pont, clamp nock, 1 pace 7" crank, 40-18 gering, Ralsigh tage forke. Aeking $100. Cali Rob 579@0878 aftîr 4p.m. FOR SALE - 19" Color TV, Magna. vox, Instant on, ln good worling order, $125 or boat of fer. Phono 6068-5934. FOR SALE - Zenith 19" black and white TV, $60. Wringor washer, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phone M66663. GUNS FOR SALE - 20 gauge $60. .22 cal. $50. Caii 728.4849i and tek for Ken. LADIES 14 kt. diamond cluster ring (Il stone). Total weight V4 carat. Aeklng $M5. Phono 6691- 5214. MAN'3Seheepelcin coat, slie 40, brand new, wom only twice. Bought for $40. Asking $200. Muet soul. Phone 66&.2119. îth tir ont 00. ent ,4 30. id- on ao- n- je ix 5. ,k t 89 1 3 st e, Aa 36 hi 31 40 fil Ma toi mc Trli cyl 3 1 hou neç VAl tect ARTCLES QJFOR rSALE MEN'S Europoan ski boote, size excellent condition. Asklng $W4 boat offer. Phonoe068-0495. IPOl CHEVELLE, 4 dr., good n ning condition, neede minor wc for certification, $M00wasle. il Honde 400 twin, mint condîtic boer box, highweybie and m whels, muet be sen, $1,200. Ty burgendy bsd chaire, liko ni, 880pair. On@ York exorcise benc with log exercieer $60. Cail M 2912. PLUMUINO fîttinge, W' ad u copper and geivenized, $M< Sminl dnette table lad four chal M3. BW.d 3.PhoneOUS.M20. Y Pl ECE Terne drum est plu Synari oectronlo drum. Ali hart ware inciudsd. 4 cymbale an, etende. Uet $4,500. SiI $2,0M oi 668-1377. SILVER CROSS foling etroili excellent condition, $30. Podigre baby cardage 850. Swlng-0.Matic rocking horse on sprIng, tricycle pull toye,"Fiaer Prico actlvity cin tris, assorted clothes, $60. Mont (416)>64943064affer6ôp.m. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski lengti 170 cm. Boot sîzo 10. PnIco lOt Ueoo, ofld records (78). Price for li $35. Phono 683.66e STEREO, JVC ricîlver and oas sotte dock wlth duai 508 tumtabli, *wey speakers and stand. Asklnç M00 PhonieB684546. &UEDE, jacket, rabbit fur coller, «celant condition. Wom twicî, ycieaned, aimost new. Sîze le. îklng 8100 or boet offer. Contact liki or Annette eti6880.f 6 UN S.LR. camera, à.8 Ions, ln xccolent condition, $75. Two 30"1 iadboard $5 esch. Phone 668& 143. HORSEPOWER air compressor, Dgalion holding tank, $750. 75 mt of 120-volt uino $75. 1970 440 mgnum Rupp 8600. Garden trac- o7 horsepower Viking, with sre attachmente, $750. 1968 umph 650 cc customized motor- reie $600. Phone 571-3024. H.P. SEARS compressor, 30 wrs use, 25 galion tank, $950 lotiable. Phonoe6553503. CUUM - Filtîr Quien with et- ,hmonts. Excellent condition. 50. Phone 743-092. PLACE your ad ln the Whtby Fre Prise now - asfast as a phono cail, euits heppenl Cal 068. 0111. - r-u m I gmu 5f Whîn tho advertised item'le sold, dieposed cf, or unavaliable for whatever reason, tho Item willlb. deomed to havi been soid and a commission wIii be charged baeed on THE ADVEATISED PRICE as Ilutrated below, regardiesa If price le etated with "boat offîr"l. If the Item le NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiil b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00,wiii spply payable In advance of publication of the firet ad. Otherwse a $7.50 charge wili Bp. ply If bliled whlch muet be psld upon ricelpt of blil. The ebove minimum charges wiil be applied to the final commiseion due but ln any case the higheramount wili be charged. Min imum charge: $6.00 Pro.paid; 87.50biliad. Maximum commiesion: 8100.00. Ail advertlsemente muet b. plsced on an ox- cluive basts with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ateet one mont* If not sold. 6% o ed«Is prce u tosff.ooRATES OIf erticle le sold>: EXAMPLE: SoId Item nletie for $190.00. Commissilon dues 86.00(mInimurn charge 1.86.00> Privete advirtislng onlyl PMasi notlfy the Whitby Free Prose immediatiiy whgn item la eoid 50 that we may doioeoIt from the foiiowlng Issue. Ali ode not ftting the emporium guidelines wiii bu treated and chargsd por woek as reguier claseiflid ado on a pre-paid bais such as: services, heip wantod, clothlng, roi astete, and personei messege type ada, or ads not quoting prici or quantlty. Private ciessiflod &de may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headînge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CI.ASSIFIED SECTION UMLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 208 Whtby, Li N 581 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111 te8, I or run. Oorlc 978 Ion, rwo ew, ch 16& Sp, 00. are )0. ur, 019 IN th~ n) teh ne le li toi WALL.TO-WALL carpit, 9x16, bige tono, short Bhag, $50. Two ight groin single bedsprede, nylon, wlth matchîng drapies,830 ach. On. rid single bodsproad, IevY becked matinal, wlth met- ,hing drapies, $0. Two-cushioned JaY bod, 2 yearioid, beige tone, lven usod as a bid, $M0. Apert. nint-Bized freezer, white, 2 year ld, A-1 shape, $185. Set of 59 ather-bound Booke of Know.. Bdge, mînt condition, $150. Cet Dlut 810. Phoni 6082649. ZERO clearance fireplace, 30" opening, $175. Approxlmeteiy 100 smoked glass mirror tle850.- Vanlty only, dcslc wood, U25. Proc. tir SIiex 12.cup colfle makîr with digital dlock, ueed twicî only, 84. Phono 683.36 CONFUSED? Pleasiccili us any tImeIli the Emporium guldelines confuse you. We'li b. gied to an- swer eny questions you havi. Phonei66".111 anytImi. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. ARTICLES FOR SALE INFLATE your rnoney suppiy. ln these Inflationary deys, rnoney Io preclous. Everybody yeams to find that pot of gold, but Booms to overlook a source of money moat famlles have. Yes, look ln your et- tic, coller or gara gead you are surs to find rimnants osf chiId. hood, thInga of yesterday not being used today. Theso Items cen be your pot of gold by advertising In the Classiid columna. Cali today and »e'IlIhelp you write a eure-flre solllng ciassifisd ad. Whitby Free Pres 6"111. met InteIp u 196 IT 1 T P BICKUPGAT NTHEMOUMSTON at$1rY400$275 $150 * I mmmmmmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm There Is no reason to keep things you don't need or enjoy anymore just because they're valuable. There are customers willling to pay good money for thlngs you've tlred of. . Contact the "Recycler of Unwan- > ts", the classlfled department of the Whltby Free Press. You wlll be pleased wlth the quick resuits. As fast as a phone cail, resuits hap- pen!1 .....s86111«a ROUND mapie table and 4 chaire, Colonial style, asking 830. Double b.d bedspreed, two piilow shamns and curteins and two table covînings (sutabli for hideeway tables), Indie weave, beige ln colon, 8275 complets . Desk wlth three drewers, iight wood, $20. Four-drawer cheet, iight wood, $150. Phonoe68684f. c bi ni FI Pl ln ex wl P Fl In Ch bit CIO cl bel f roi tre, Ion Ch g04 1900 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, door, standard transmission, go condition, 35 M.P.G. Askli $6,450. Phono 728.7158 anytime. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, aui matlce, power brakie, pov eteering, heevy duty, runs goc niede soin body work. SM5 as or trado for air compneseor, sM bleetlng equlpment or peint equl ment. Ceii 008.8785. NOTHINO beatslan ad lntil Whitby Fras Prise Emnporium Si tion whin It comie to esling yol car. Caefi 11now. FOUR Michelin tir"e, 5,000 Mlit Ilke now w,30. Days oeil 66849 EveniIhgsoeileB»40«e. COLONIAL sofa land chair. Beigeý brown and ivory plaid. On. yeu lew. Pald $1,250. Asklng 885. iuet ssii. Phone 728-7744. FIRE ENOINE bunk bids, com. )lets. Boye drieml AskIng $20. 1hone 668.4447. PC. BEDROOM outflt for sae, îciudes mirror, box spring and nattrese, ln good condition, '1,000. Aiso, one Girman -crib ln wcelînt shape for scie, comas ith vory good mattris, 100. ione 8.9042. 'R immodiete resuits, advortlsi ithe Free Prise Emporium. îoeck your cloets, attic and aiement - start summîr with esh ln hand and your spring lanlng dons. Ciii 668-61 11 now. ITHEN counteriop, 146" long, i1ge, wlth moldod backapiash Dmn let, 86" to double sink cen- 3,60. Kitchen countîrtop, 18", ng, with two finishod ends, $25. iopping board for dlshwashîr, >d condition, $50. Phone 576. OUEEN-SIZE bed Chesterfield, red velour, Ilke now, $400. Cali 666. 2702. -PC. Denieh olive Cheerfild set. Suitable for famliy room. AskIng $125. Phone 683.389. ,2 Ing Ito. mer od, lis nd Ilp. ýhi uir s8, r. 1974 CHEV %~ TON with cap, 64,000 original miles, viry gond running condition - body nede work. 81,000 firin. Phone 068.4630 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. TRUCK ad trailer. 22-foot Master. qcach fuliy equlppid. 1974 44 ton Ford pick-up. Asking $10,500. Can b. seen et 148 Brock Stret North, M - 1982 %< ton Chîv, 350, V8, 4 rel, Super Van conversion, 9dd with extras. Asking 5,500. For IiBt of options, piics I688178. VA bl $1 cel ari Md 6e' I have read the Emporium guldelines and wîSh to have the followlng advertise- ment placed under thîs section of the Whitby Free Press. (do0n't forget to include your phone.numberi, O3 1 enclose $6;00 to cover the minimum charge. O3 Charge $600 to my Visa accoijnt. O3 811 me $7.W0 after f irat publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nome (please prînt - f lrst and Iast namne) Street Addr.s .[Cîty Postal Code Whîtby LIN 551 MAIL TO: WH ITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. E THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Mss! (ho "Recycler 01 Unwanls" The EmOOsrlum Ssclsoe tIb hlohy Fr00 Prossi Cai us Nowa WHITBY FREE PRESS'WEDNESDAY MARCH 161 19830 PAGE 1 1M00MONDA 400 oe AWIC, bought On eprlng 1981, good condi. tion, heliesAnd a rein suit On. cudd, 170S0 km.. Wil maintain. @C, muet sIl, $1,200 or but offer, wili ltfy. Ernnnt organ, Solina A315, two full kyboad, five pre. set Percussions, OrbItone and Ar. piggio.matic Ritmix box, foot Pédala, 81,550 Or but offir. Phone 8834w7. 1M0 YAMWAHA' Enduro 175, low mleagle, vMy good condition, $1000 firm. Phono 61141194. 1978 MOKZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kîloreter, good shap, muet si. 41,0certifed. Ptions 06&85155. YAMAHA trait bke, X 80, bought new eurmffey of 1982, nover ridden ln winter, mint condition. Perfect beilnn'or' motor bike, $69.Caei 655-4267 &air 4 p.m. 1971-OLYMPIC Skdoo wth elc. trio sied, one owner, low houri of ueo, $400. Double skldoo traiter $200. Phone (416) 6«-»U aftcer 6 p.m. 1 1 2% of balance owor $M.00 Postal Code à &&là àafflw%%,j ý--- ---- - - - - - 15 m a ma&

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