WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983, PAGE3 Region willi lose $h440,OOO if sewers aren't bujit this year A $40OOo federî grant wilI be ilost foi ever" unleas the regio goesl ahead with sewe construct ion in Poi Whltby by july 1M8 reglonal works chair man Gerry Emm says. Emm learned las week the Port Whitbj project qualifies for tIt grant, but since th( grant program ends thik year, the region musI have tenders out by thE summer or lose thE money forever. The $3 million port Whitby sewer projeci was eut from the region's 1983 budget two weeks ago, but Emm and -regional councillor Tom Edwards hope council will reconsider in light of the grant situation. "This is no smail amount," Emm said. "lWe should take, the opoprtunity to use these grants because if we lose the money we lose, ail around." The problem lies with the region's attempts to eut deficit spending this year by deferring ail projeets which require borrowing. The finance committee wants to pro- ceed only with main- tenance programs in 1983 to get control of the water and sewer debt. "The debt payment is $7.5 million this year and' we. can't continue to add to. it,"I regional finance chairman Jim Witty- told a joint meeting of the works and finance committees last week. "IWe're head- ing into severe pro- blems if we continue to add toit." STom\ Edwards, how- ever, told the commit- tees the Port Whitby projects can't wait another year because of sewer backups in the port. "If we don't stop those back-ups we are as gufity as the federal government which allows dioxin to get into the lakes,"' Edwards said. Whitby bas been try- ing to construct a diver- sion sewer Une from IVINCE'S Deveiopment ln Port Whltby has been put 'on hoid by the Region of Durham until proper sewage facililties are bulit. The town of Whitby hopes to convince councLl to.go ahead* with sewer construction this year because the projeot wiil be eligibie for neariy haif a million dollars in federal government grant money. I Free Press Staff Photo Corbett Creek to Port Whitby since the early 1970's, before regional government exi1sted. "The most annoying aspect of this is- that Whltby had intended to complete the pipe by 1976, " Edwards said. But the Port Whitby pro- ject bas been put on the back burner by regional government for three years in a row. Emm says sewers are a basic necessity, and taxpayers are willing to put up with rate increas- es to ensure they bave basic water-and sewer facilities. 'Emm says residents of Front Street in Whitby bave base- ment flooding because of inadequate sewage facilities. ".It's the finance com- mittee's responsibility to keep-the rates down, but it's the works com- SUPER SPE*ÇIALS mittee's responsibility finance comxrnittee, says rate," Aker said. to correct sewer pro- Durham bas the higiiest d"It's 'the debt blems, " Emm said. water and sewer rates payment which causes ."People say to me, II in Ontario and rate-, the high rates.", know it's going to cost payers are tired of in- . Aker says the region us but we've got a pro- creases. must get control 0f the blem and we're willing "We've got 60,006 debt and then work on to pay'."Y water and sewer users a "4pay as you go" basis But Osbawa's John in Durham and their instead of borrowing Aker, a member of the main concern is the high money. "It's like 'the person who's buying a car. Does he wait until he can pay for it or finance it with a loan?, " Aker said. He believes the re- gion mnust start approv- ing only those projeets it can afford to complete. Edwards plans to ap- peal to a full meeting of council on March 16 to include the Port Whitby project in the 1983 bud- get because the region wiIl lose nearly haif a million dollars in grant money if the projet is A march on City Hall shouldn't be the'. Se) only time -you get PR TI ÀIÀPVrT 717F YOU CAN BE A« PROFESSIONAL -~ ~ HAIRSTYLUST ART & TECHNIQUE - wtymSc"~ ENROLI NOW FOR NEXT MONTH'S CLASSES 7 Government Licensed Instructors 2,7 uuCcsful yvs of h.lrotylbg .xp.rI.no 14 Ontario St. 221 Pitt St. Oshawa Cornwall 578-0479 938-9313 Thank you for helirig our students today to he prýofessional hairstylists tomorrow. e Wholesalo and Retaîl. e, Classes In hobby ceramlcs. 4 Lambard Crescent *Hours.: 10:00 &.M.-4:00 p.m. mnçi 7:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Mon.-FtI. 10la.m.-2 p.m. Saturday 10:00 am..4:OO P.m. Sunday Excelsior Expresso COf ee ...........reg. 2.591 .99 Primo Vegetable0OIl 3 litres . reg. 3.69299 Viva Handtowels ....... reg. 1.91.19 SIIced 1Blanched Almonds ...... reg. 3.63 per lb. 3.17 j Cigarettes I i 69 pr carton1 214 Dundas St. E., Whltby 668-51 12 FUT BASKETS FOR AU. OCCAINS 683MO369