PAGE 2s WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Reynolds Street extension gets approval Whitby's operations commlttee approved the extension of Reynolds Street in College Downs subdivision Monday de- spite the fears of sonie residents that increased traffie on the street will endanger their children. About 100 residents of the subdivision attended the meeting to express their views on the proposai to provide a third access to Collège Downs by linking Rey- nolds Street to Gilbert Street and Dundas Street East. The residents wbo op- posed the extension said the curvmng street wili be a bazard to chlldren if it becomes a thorougbfare to down- town. 1There's "I have almost run oi on that corni nolds) bece can't see I coming, " Street resid YelIe said. The majort cillors, bowev witb town adi BiR Wallace traffie wil nc significantly nolds because dents of thes will use the si downtown. Wj sented a 50-pj outlining bis si tion on tral emergency '<i cess, and ace, downtown. The extens: proved by coi seen kids ver by cars er (of Rey- ause tbey the traffic Reynolds dent Jean ity of coun- ver, agreed rnimstrator Swho said ot increase on Rey- e only resi- subdivision treet to go rallace pre- age report ;taff's posi- ffic flow, reblcle ac- cess to the Ion, if ap- uneil next s week, will cost approxi- s mately $100,000 and will *be taken from, Develop- y ment reserve funds, not c froni tax revenues. 9 Included, in the pro- * posai are improvements to storni sewers and sidewalks on Gilbert 1 Street. r Fire Chief Edward 1 Croueh told the resi- dents and councilors emergency vehicles will save approximately two iminutes getting to the osubdivision if Reynolds is extended. He- said these two minutes are critical for emergency calis requiring resusci- tation and eould help prevent damage in bouse fires. At present, botb exits froni the subdivision run on to Blair Street and emergency vebicles require nearly four min- utes to get to the soutb end of the subdivision. Wallace said, tbe cost, of garbage collection and snow removal in College Downs will be reduced if Reynolds is *extended to meet Dun- das Street. He aise said there has been "an understand- ing" that the street would be extended when the subdivision is com- Living Room, Dining And Hall......... Whoie House.... ma Couch and Chair .... no better time to have pleted. "Tbere always seemed to be an under- standing that Reynolds Street would someday be connected througb to Gilbert Street and only after the subdivision was fully occupied,"1 Wallace said. However, town coun- cillors in 1982 deferred the completion of Rey- nolds by not including plans for construction in a five-year budget fore- cast. The issue was brougbt up again early tbis year by two rosi- dents wbo petitioned the town te complete Rey- nolds. In voting against the extension, Councillor Gerry Emni said ho isn't convinced rosi- dents in the south partof Coliege Downs will be well served by oxtend- ing tbe street. Emm argued that the ture taken for emer- gency vehicles to get to College Downs may change if and when tbe downtown firehali is relocated. "Until we know where that firohail is going to go, and if it is going to go, we are only looking (See page 19) SPRI'NG CLEANING SPECIALS Room .1 49,95 . 59«95 your broadloom and upholstery professionally cleaned by our experts~at these great savings. Our specialized DEEP STEAM SOIL EXTRACTION METHOD removes dirt buried deep down. We wiII dlean your upholstery to its f inest. Masterpiece Cleaning SPECIALIZES IN FABRICS OTHERS REFUSE TO CLEAN. Guaranteed workmanship. Mon.-Sat. 8 to 8 Visa Accepted Cail us today. 666-1 431 Offer Expires A pri l 30/83 STORE HOURS: Monday ta Thursday Frlday Saturday 9,30-6:00 9:30-9:00 9:30-6:00 AMPLE FREE PARKING THIRD STORE UNDER THE BREEZEWAY ROSSLAND 58 ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWA 571-0787 AmoeAw" t. ~ - NOTICE TO LOT OWN ERS Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens Those wishing f0 retain their wln fer decorations please pick Up before March 20. SA .Now isthe time to buy that suit or sport c9at 1/2 Price Sale while they lust! OTTENBRITE The Store for Men 121 Bro'ck St. S. Whitby, Ont.