DA Y MARCH 9i 1.983, WHITBy FREE PRESS I unflight LiquidI dotergent 1IL pluti boitte I SA VE 74 Blue ÎB0onn ýet Margai-,rin<e 100% vegatable o11 3 lb.Plkg.ý SAV. 2 Unce Bn'sSA VE 2. 00 2 kg pko. a Cucumnbers Canada no. 1 grade k hothouse grown long seediess Engllsh v. wSa m FR1»E SI{ product of California Minneola Oranges ............. dozen[ SîpFnach product of U.S.A. p Washed and trimmired1 10v > ON TA HIUor product of 5.0. Canada fancy grade o b Mutsu, Spartan or Empire Applesl /kg lAt'ýIb Lucerne Deluxe asst'd. flavours SA V 6 Spin Ice Cream,....9 uet ty Crocker Snack 'n' Oaký SA VE .24 asstd. fg box r.4 e e ~