Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1983, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY JANUARYý 26, 1983, WÛiT BY %FREE PRESS WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby EVERY MON. a THUR$. AT 6:30 P.M. Ail estates and consîgniments weicome. The. place. t buy orisel. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVOS.) ~~MODTION ACCOMMODATION for univarslity summer studants requirad. Please contact WeaIi & Cullan Nurseries 655-4300. Across rromin -Mart, baflnd and baiow Chackars, at ThaLRI Hldoaway. Coliectablas, crafts *u VCATIO whoisala marchandise. V n -R E AS I dor inquilea 668-2924. ETL - N FLORIDA AUTMOILEI learwatar - Three bdo -mobie homes. Pools, tennis, 'WFIRSI.ELE close to baaches and major-at- 1977 OLDS 8a, ail parts for sale. $225.00 U.S. weakly (less than Phone 668-4018 aftar 4 p.m mot airo) 683-5503 1977 VOLARE PREMIER, A-i con- dition, V8, power steering, Pci brakes, AMIFM stereo, new ti and paint. $2.500 certif led. Phc 668-4317. 1975 CAMARO, Power steeri power brakes, tilt staaring, conditioning, good conditig $2,000. Phone 668-8023. 1969 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 door,2 angine, drivan dally. $100 as -Phone 576-2638. wer ires ione ,ing, air ýion. 350 is. GERMAN SHEPHERDS for sale. il weeks old, wlth shots, erales, black and tan. Phone 6862124. FREE: Drop Into the Diokson Prînt- lng & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a f ree copy of their 1983 Metrlc Calendar. Prlntod ln two colours, lit makes for handy meference. 6W3.1968. ARTICES FFO REJ R*ENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many ,makes and modela, by the week. end, week or month. Discounts avaIlable. Dickson Printing & Of. - fICe Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaira 68.8 le jUCTONS RANDOM HOUS AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE FRI., JAN. 28 - 6:30 P.M. 628 Euclld St., Whitby lncluded ln this sale we have modemn furniture, antiques, glass, china, smaîi & large appliances, coliectabies and many other Interestîng Items. Something for everyone. Consigniments weicome for Our next sale Feb. 4. 666-2112 AUCTIONEERS Cal 668-6111 to advert Ise your next sale in the Whitby Free Press. ~~ORIEALE SOUTrH AJAX backsplit, 3 bad- rooms, 2 baths, roc room, air, walk- out from dan to large lot. $95,000. Phone 68W-9443 avanings. 71 -I~a UQaA. anau matures a Beekst H ney l 4discussion, "Correction- Beekgist onyb. '~ ai service, probation Jamison itamn ~and parole" with guest 500 mg - 100 Tablets $2Ws9Ayke wike g h.fur :: býther information, please LOCATEIF contact Arlene at 579- RUfBM N4043. HELP FIGHT OeN OpMon, Ttrs .Wed , i, Soi 9:30. 5,30. F.udys 9:30 KI8DN3E ROEAYRWE. PROPRIETORS 6662 150S DISEASE MMM ~CANERtSM SA EDAY SERVICE w ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS * .blue. Oniy royalty ce halls and adver- couid afford purpie, a tislng posters. BlackM K COLOR MY WORLD dye made f rom rare, was the only properM N Imagine aIl the Mediterranean Sea color to wear; a tradi- * things you use, and shelifish. tion that continues * everything you see ail The flrst synthetic today In the dark- * day, turning grey. dye, mauve, was dis- suited businessM - Today we take covered ln 1856. worid. color for granted, but Chemicai dyes gra- Our bright ward- N for centuries man duaily replaced the robes are really aM * lived ln a drab world. old ways because of recent phenomenon. * The few dyes he their iower cost and Dyes are the resuit ofM could make, from the greater 'variety. But much progress, but plnsand minerais in the iuxury of color did they're stili not per- hscimate, required not continue as the fect. ln the next K&M N lots of work and skiil possession of the Cieaners column,M * to produce. indigo upper classes. Just we'll tell you about * leaves, for instance, the opposite. Color the methods and pro-M had to be fermented was disreputable, biems of modern dye-M N for months to make assocîated with dan- ing. C4 ei ni c7ticf.f0% igE EnUu 9- amily" N 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 M OFFICE' OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - WHITIY - Three-room Whltby office suite wlth prîvate washroom. Has over 750 square feet of fully broadloomed and air- conditloned spaclouaness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be dlvlded Int smaller offices. For further Information cal Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at: 668-6372 QFORENT COMMERCIAL store for rent. Park- Ing avallabie. For further Informa- tion please cal 668-4278. AM THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGIIT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the WeI. coma Wagon hoateas is the right person bo help you find a place in your new community. Cali 668-8943 Whltby's Most WldeIy Read CLASSIFIED ADS Contlnued f rom Page 17 1 -. ~OR SALE 2" Storm Doors Triple Sealed 5 colors5 89-.e4 styles lnstelled including tex. Also eco- nomicai and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durhiam Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847 VISIT our used furnlture ware- hous by appointment. Sig savinge on deska, chairs, fMing cabinets, etc. caîl Dlckson Print. lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appolntment to view. 683.968. WHITBY FLEA PMARKET Sundays 9 am. 10 4 pm ALZHEIMER MEETING The Durham Region Alzheimer Society wiII be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 27 in the Oshawa General Hospital. Guest speaker for this meeting will be Neil Kis- bee of the law firmn of McKay, Mack & Kisbee in Oshawa. Topies in- cluded will be wills, the Public Trustee and mental incompetency. Members and publie are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Mrs. Mack at 725-8085 or Mr. Fry at 725-1562. 1979Lbaon 4 door, air 1978 Lebaron 4 door, air 1979 Firebird small 8, 4 speed 1981 Malibu beige 1979 E 150 Ford Ciub Wagon Large sellection of used Volvos & Mercedles Benz's. Piease ask for Steve or Don. Phone 668-8200 668-8209 ONE PARENT MEETING One Parent Families Association 0f Canada, Oshawa Chapter, meet at the Lake Vista Club House at Cedar Street on Emerald Avenue every Tuesday at 8 p.m. The next meeting is to he ch he er For tt its es er i- it if n REtep ort fro m Q neen 9's.Park By The Hon. Ge orge Ashe, MPP (PC - Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue To many of us, the month of January is a timne recouperate from the excitement and activity offt holiday season while the next month is one whi gives way to the February "blahs". For this reason, a number of Ontarians plan vac tions to warmer climates during February in t) hopes they can change their perspective on wint in Ontario. But, for those who are remaining at home, fi whatever reasons, this may very well be the be time to discover winter ini Ontario ... where the ho pitality is warmer than ever. The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation presen the "Winter Book" to promote winter activitio such as skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling and wintg resorts. "Winter Book" outlines the variety of aci vities and facilities which are available throughoî the province.« This week, I would like to highlight some of thes activities and I would encourage you to contact nm Riding Office located at 37 Station Plaza in AjaxJ you would like a copy of the "Winter Book" to pla other activities. Ontario's winter activity calendar is a busy on which provides a variety of attractions to su: everyone's tastes.0 For those individuals or families who prefer ir door activities, a number of tours are available Sonne are located right here in the Durham Regioi and would require only a short drive. Why not taki a day to visit: e Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village (Whitby) This miniature village consists of over 100 historic. aI southern Ontario buildings in a garden setting. e The Canadian Automotive Museum (Oshawa) Discover Canada's contribution to the developmenl of the automobile (open daily except Christmas Da3 and New Year's Day). e The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (Oshawa). WorLç of a variety of Canadian artists are on dispiay daily. Outdoor activities abound in the province and ex- cellent facilities are provided for Alpine and Nordic skiing, snowrnobiling and ice fishing. The IlWinter Book" provides detailed information regarding these sports activities. In addition to the established recreational facili- ties, many Ontarians have their favourite spot for tobagganning, skating and otherwise enjoying the invigorating winter weather. When outdoor activities are over for the day and it's timne to corne in out of the cold, winter accommo- dations In Ontario range from snug log cabins to posh northern resorts to the finest first class hotels anywhere. Some of Ontario's resorts and motels are located adjacent to winter recreation facilities and special winter packages may be offered which include the use of these facilities. This February, instead of wishing you could escape to a warmer climate, discover winter in On- tario - it may change your views on a winter vaca- tion forever. Ontario's winter wonderland ... yours to ciscover. The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Lt By THE REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD it Rector St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby Once a year the churches of Whitby join forces in an expression of solidarity. We are in the midst o0'f nsuch a time. This evening at the Romnan Catholic eChurch of St. John the Evangelist a Christian Re- formed iayman will bring the word of reconciliation to fellow Christians of many denominations and no denomination. The word will centre on Jesus Christ, the Life of the World, for it is in him that al our hopes for reconciliation and unity are found. It Once when talking to bis followers Jesus said, Y' "By this shal al men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another. " For cen- s turies these words have cast a shadow over the life of the Church. But in this respect, at least, times are changing. More now than ever Christians are joining together in love and unity. And on this week in particular, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we join hands as "brothers of the faith ". Fortunately, this once a year occurrance is the- outward sign of an ongoing fellowship among most 0f the clergy of Whitby. Though the members of, their churches may have very littie in the way of ecumenical encounter the clergy meet monthly to worship and study together, to plan co-operative projects, to share information, and to enjoy fellow- ship. In addition to the Week of Prayer services they co-ordinate weekly services at Fairview Lodge and Sunnycrest Nursing Home. There is a committee concerned with ministry at the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital. Christian books have been donated to the Whitby and Brooklin libraries. Perhaps the most important thing which the Whitby Ministerial Association does by bringing the denominational leaders into close contact with each other is to increase our mutual respect, and love. It makes it difficuit for us to be rivais. On this week especially, from the minister of one, small Anglican Church in Whîtby, cornes a greeting to ail my fellow believers: "The Lord reigns above, may he reign in our hearts; may they know we are Christians by our love! " HOCJCKE'cY RESULTS Everali, Justin Moore, (from Page 13) Jaan Luik, Mike Wat- Atom. Pickering 1 at ters, Danny Pratt and Whitby. 3 (exhibition). Mike Reier. Whîtby goals by Craig Whitby 8 at ThW~i Cyr, Grayson Hefford 4. Whitby goals by Mike and Adrian Deveau. Reier (3), Mike Wat- Nash Alumlnum Pee- ters, Steve Everail, wee 2. Whitby 3 at Ajax Troy McKay, Jaan Luik 5. Whitby goals by Brian and Justin Moore. Munro (2) and Rick Peterborough 5 at Ulrich. Whitby 4. Whitby goals Bowmanville 0 at by Troy McKay (4). Whitby 4. Whitby goals Richmond Hill Tour- by Brad Moore, Joshua nament. York Toros 3 at Foster, Frank Corrick Whitby 6. Whitby goals and Brian Munro. by Jaan Luik (2), Mike Whitby 3 at Cobourg 2. Reler (2), Danny Pratt Whitby goals by Brian and Steve Everail. Munro, Joshua Foster Whitby 6 at Thornhill and Brad Moore. 2. Whitby goals by Troy Sharon 4 at Whitby 2. McKay (3), Scott Luik Whitby goals by Joshua and Mike Watters (2). Foster and Frank Cor- Whitby 4 at Richmond rick. Hill 1. Whitby goals by Brooklin Concrete Danny Pratt, Justin Bantam 2. Pickering 2 Moore, Mike Watters at Whitby il (playoff and Scott Luik. game). Whitby goals by, Whitby 3 at Royal AI Curtis (4), Wayne York 2. Whitby goals by Corrish, Jason Dear, Mike Watters, Scott Brad Horner, Dale Rob- Luik and Troy McKay. erts, Rod Moriarity andi Peacock Sports Major Bobby Chow. SPECIALSI I I M M l I - 1

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