Whitby Free Press, 26 Jan 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'E. PR... Sotol'. ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER $40. Glass covered rattan table $90. Phane 686937. BAUER Supremo 100's hockey skates, sîze 8. Retaîl $219. StîlI ln the box, neyer used. Prîce $150. Great gîftt Curlng shaes, Bauer Boneplels, nover ueed. Sîze 9 $35. Siz. 8 $25. Cal6860683 8 ta 9 a.m. or after 10 p.m. BEAUMARK Ires atm portable zig zag sewlng machine ln carry case. Askîng $130. Caîl 666-3674. BEAUTIFIJL 26" Admirai coneole colaur TV ln good condition. Askîng $250. Phone (Ajax) 686- 2258. BEIGE à BROWN 4 pc. cheser- field. New condition. Asklng $400. Phono 6682605. BONTEMPI argon for sale. Two keyboarde, f lye vaice trebie, threo valce base, twIn speakers, rhythm section, auto chard, asklng $695. 35 mm S.L.R. camnera, 2.8 tens, $75. Bath Items In excellent can- dition. Two 30" headboards $5 each. Phone 668-8943. CHESTERFIELD and rocker, wood f rame, new cushions, gaid, $150. Large picture wlndaw $295. Phono 668-5060. DRUMS for sale - Base, Snaro, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbai, plusý emalier symbol attached. ln good condition. Aeking $250. Aiea for sale good bed and mattrese $25. Kitchen table and chairs $45. Living roam drapes $40 Truck mirrare $35. Please cail 576-1911 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Complte eaw sharp. ening equipment In 16' trouler, $5,000. Phone 6554814. FOR SALE - Steel box troloer (Dat- sun pick-up box); 15" wheoe, $350. Phono 655-4814. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy'e Bouer skates, sizo 5 & 51h, $10 oach. Mens' Tornna skis with pales & boots $40. Antique buffet wîth mirrar $100. Boakcoee, 3 sehes with 2 doars et the battom, $75. Atari -videa game, 6 cortidges, $250. Singer treddie sewing machine $25. Color TV set, RCA, 26" flbar model, $50. Cheterfield & choir, gold, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens' 10 epeed bîke, light- woight, now tires & tubes, $75. Aeeartment of books & recorde $10. Tyco rocing cor-set, command contrai, $25. Phone 579-3353. FOR Immodiate resuits, odvertlse in the Free Pross Emporium. Check your closets, ottlc ond baement - stort the now ysar wlth cash In hand and your spring cioaning dans. Colt 66861 il now. LARGE train sot, N-Gouge, 124 cars, 16 ongines, 27 oloctrIc swit- chos, building and transformers. Asklng $1,495. Coil alter 6 p.m. 579-3408. ADVERTISERS *HAVING PROBLEMS GETTNG VOUR BUSI- NESS STARTED OR KEEP- INO YOUR BUSINESS GOINO? The Whtby Free Prose le read by mare than 22,000 af yaur potential cuetamere every week - and aur circulation area In- cludes Whltby, Ajax, Brooklln..atId the way up ta Part Perry. * BUT YOU DON'T HAVE A LOT 0F MONEY TO SPEND? We affer many ex. tra services and yet aur ratesare very reasanable. Cali now - we're sure we can help you plan an ef fec- tîve advertlslng campaign wlthout galng aver your budget. EUo Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. ARTICLES IRSALE LADIES 14 kt. dlamond cluster ring (9 stones). Total weîght 1/4 carat. Asking $350. Phono 668- 5214. MEN'S European ski boots, size 8, excellent condition. Asklng $50 or beet offer. Phono 668-0495. NEW OUTBOARD MOTORS - unused. Wlth warranty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $695. Hawk ilide-in truck camper wth stave, elnk and e box, eleepe, 3, excellent condi- tion, $795. Phono 985-3486. 1958 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typowrltor $25. Three 5x7 vinyl covered room dividore wlth legs, $15 each. Phone 576-0769. ONE fako fur coat, sîzo 44, $100. One Serta bed chostorfîeid bed, nover used, $250. One brown tweed wintor caat, size 16, $50. One Weatheraîî rain coat, size 14, $10. Phone 8668l398. PIERRE CARDIN doubie-breasted raincoat, mon's, sîze 44 regular, beige. Worn f Ive tîmesi $60. Phone 571-3423 after 6 p.m. PIONEER model KE3000 AM/FM cassette car radio, oîectronlc digi- tai tuning, pro-set stations, auto- eject. In original box. $225. Phone 868-9m0. PORTABLE Slng or seowing machine $60. Gendron baby buggy $55. Double bed, aide rails and foot board, $15. Stuffed animale $18. copper kettie $70. SoIld cap. per wood basket $75. Phono 576- 6479. SCHOOL deek, salid oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, f iret model Admirai T.V. manufactured ln Canada, warklng lîke aid, $425. Slild wainut trestie table $30. Kitty bed, solid blrch dîsposabie sanltary mattrose, $59. One pair Bauor hockey skates, size 7, $20. ano Fosgate 100 watt car sterso, power booster, $150. Phone 668-4098. 7 PIECE Toma drum sot plus Synoro elsctronîc drum. Ail hard- ware inciuded. 4 cymbels and stands. List $4,500. Soul $2,500. Coul 668-1377. SHOPMATE radial arm eoaw, 7 Inch blae, wlth stand, $225. Phono 6553215. SILVER CROSS faldlng stroller, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carniage $50. Swlng-O-Motlc, rocking horse on epring, tricycle, pull toye, Fleher Price ectlvity con- tree, essortod ciathes, $60. Phono (416) 649-3064 aftor 6 p.m. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski longth 170 cm. Boot size 10. Price $85. Aiea, aid recarde 78). Prîce for lot $35. Phono 683-6638. STEREO, JVC recoiver and cas- sette dock wlth duel 508 turntabie, 3way speakers and stand. Aeking $800. Phono 668.4546. i i When the advertlsed Item le sald, dlepased af, ar unavaîlable for whatever reasan, the Item wIlI be deemed ta have been eoîd and a cammission wliI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE ae lliuetrated beiow, regardiese If prîco le etated wlth "beet affer". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dlepaeed of, the ad wIll be run.for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $600 wilI appîy payable In advance of publication af the f iret ad. Otherwlse a $7.50 charge wilII p- ply If billed whlch muet be pald upan recelpt af bill. The above minimum charges wil be applled ta the final commission due but In any case the hlgher amaunt wilI be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-pald; $7.50 bIlled. Maximum cammission: $100.00. Ail advertleemente muet be placed an an ex- clusive basîs wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atlest ane mantb.if not sald. RATES (If article le eold): 5% of advertiied price UP to $40000 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $12000. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge le $8.00>. Private advertising onlyl Please notify the Whltby Froe Prose Immediatoiy when Item le soîd go that we may deloto it fram tho foiiawing Issue. Ail odie not fitiing the Emporium guidolines wiil be troatod and chorgod per weok as reguior ciossifiod ode an a pro-paid basis such os: sorvices, hoip wantod, ciothing, reai ostaie, and porsonal message type ode, ar ode not quatlng price or quantlty. Privaie ciassifled ode may appeor In the Emporium section underappropriato hoodinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 581 If ln doubt coul: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES FO0R SALE SLIDING DOOR, hoavy gouge alu- mInum, suitablo for patio or store front. Cost new $975, wil sou for $30 or bast aller. Phone 579- 4388. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 SUPER "8" Vashica mavie camera, electrIc oye, zoom lens, $80. Hominox Super "8" projector, zoom, variable epeed, etc., $85. Movie ecreen $30. Phono 668-3885. ço~~ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 HORSEPOWER air comprossor, 40 gallon holding tank, $750. 75 foot af 120-voit lins $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $600. Gardon trac- tor, 7 horsopower Viking, with mors attachments, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc cuetomized mator- cycle $600. Phone 571«-3024. THREE 90k chairs $15 each. Brase lampea$30 pair. Largo full size mirrar $20. Car jack wIth stands, hoavy duty, $60. Phono 683-6638. WALL.TO-WALL carpot, 9x06,, beige tone, short shag, $50. Two Iight green single bedeproade, nylon, with motching drapes, $30 each. One red single bedsproodi, heavy backod moteriai, withmot- chIng drapos, $30. Two-cushlaned day bed, 2 yoare aid, beige tons, neyer ueed as o bed, $200. Aport- ment-sized freezer, white, 2 yoare aid, A-1 shape, $185. Set of 59 ioather-bound Books af Know- iedge, mini condition, $150. Coi tallot $10. Phono 668-2649. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO -CASH- Use this form to mail in your Emporium Ad 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wlsh to have the faliawing advertise- ment placed under this section af the Whitby Free Press. dan't forget ta DI I enclose $6.00 ta caver the minimum charge D Charge $6.00 ta my Visa accaunt E] Bill me $7.50 after f irst publilcatian af my ad Card No. Exp. Date Nerme (pleaso print - f Irst and Iast namne) Street Addres iCity Postal code include yaur phane number) ~ MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 FOR SALE1 WALNUT BUFFET wlth- glass doors, excellent condition, $156. Outelde Wall chlmney unîf for Wood stove, $200 or beet aller. Dorchoster stereo with twln speakers $25. Phono 668-0495. WOOD 24' extension iadders $30. Snow ekîmmer, ai steel, $50. Phono 668-1987. ZEROý clearance fireplaco, 36", oponlng, $175. AppraxlmateIy 100 smokod glass mirror tiios $50. Vanlty anly, dark Wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex 12-cup cof fos maker with digital dlock, used twlco onîy, $45. Phono 683-3236. CONFUSED? Ploaso cali us any tîme If the Emporium guidolînes confuse you. Wo'll be glad ta an- swer eny questions you have. Phono 66841 il anytîme. ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scolia ropo bed, 48" wvide, asking $250. Phono 655-4271. ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorian sala with motching choir $250. Victorian wing bock choir $150.' Canadions bed $175. Square oak dlning table, 6 loge, 4 beaves, $40. Twa matchlng wIng bock chaire, new, navy cotton, $200 eoch. Socrotary deek, dotod 1879, $800. Coli 579-0765.' WFOR RAIS.E L ES 1975 HORNET, AMC, 6 cylinder. Asklng $900. Phono 66888. 1967 BUîCK SKYLARK SPECIAL, 420.2 engins, had ring and valve job and rebuilt transmission. Aiea new fuel pump and waior pump. Aune excellent. Soul for ports. $600 or bost oaller. Phono 579-4388. 140ISEHOiL CABINET caffes table, A-1 candi. tion, $125. Hi-fi, A-1 conidition, $125. Dark brown velour rocklng chair $200. Phono 668-2368. CH-ESTERFIELD suite, very good condition, green floral prînt, $200. Phono 655-4267. COLONIAL sofa and choir. Belge, brown and lvory plaid. On.e ya nsw. Paid $1,250. Asking $850. Must sei. Phono 728-7744. 5-PC. BEDROOM outfit for sais, includes mirror, box spring and mattrese. in good condition, $1,000. Aiea, ans German crib in excellent shape for soie, cames with very good mattrees, $100. Phono 668-9042. i SQ YOU THOUGHT WE WERE "J UST" YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER..U MMIn*M M mm mm mm mm mmm p mmmmm me *.......................... Bring your films ln for , . We Provide QUALITY PHOTOFINISHING INTATnvOOOevwYING You can count on us We're open to serve you ifor ail your photofinishing needs. when you need us . à ..*..~~..................... ............... .%% %% %............ hu muuumuuummuuuumu uummummuuuuuuuuuuummmu u m uuMummIMMM ~'P M.B.M. PUBLISHINO/WHITBY FREE PNEUiF w OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. FIVE antique oak chairs with leà- ther seats $250, vory good candi. tion. Phono 668-9170. KIJ'CHEN countortop, 146"1 long, beige, with moidod backepiash from left, 86" ta double sink cen- tre, $60. Ktchen cauntertap, 18" long, with two finished onde, $25. chopping board for diehwasher, good condition, $50. Phono 576- 3925 ovonînge. MATCHING frldge, etave and fan. Fridge, gaid, $220. Stove $150. Fan $15. Phono 579-4212. ONE black bar, good condition, $75. One black roclinor chair $40. Phono 68-.4116. ROLL TOP desk, modium oak finish, sîze 50" x 24" x 42" high, oak voners with solid 00k roll-top, custom made (now). AskIng $500.' Phono 668-1385. ROUND mapie table and 4 choira, Colonial stylo, asking $300. Seare 1967 trouler, eleepe 4, permanent liconce plates, two thick foam mattreeses inciudod, $300. Double bed bedspread, two piiiow shamne and curtaIns and two table caver- Ings suitabie for hldoaway tables), India weavo, beige ln color, $275 completo. Sot af bunk bode, complote, iight wood, $100. Dock wîth throe drawors, iight woad, $200. Four-drawer cheet, 1Iight wood, $150. Phono 668-8684 SEARS frost-free rofrIgerator/ freezor with Ico makor. Full size.- Brown. Good condit Ion. Oniy $150. Phono 725-7729 daye. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 WRINGER WASHER, excellent condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good ruri- ning shape and excellent condi- tion, neede littie work on flibro- glass hood. AskIng $700. Phono 839-9725. 1971 OLYMPIC SkIdoo with eiec. trIc start, ans ownor, low haurs af use, $400. Dauble ekidoo trouler $200. Phono (416) 649-3064 ai ter 6 P.m. 1970 GMC Y4 Ton Truck, long box, 10-1 pietons, elumlnum Intake, much more, $1,100 or beet aller, muet ssii. 1975 Honda 500 motor- cycle, neode tune up, ln gooci shape, $500. Bath for $1,400. Coul Wado 668-7520. TRUCK and trouter. 22-foot Master. coach fuliy equlppod. 1974 3A ton Ford pick-up. Aeking $10,500. Cen be seen ot 148 Brock Street North, Whltby or phone 668-4111. ADVERTISERS CAN'T DECIDE HOW TO WORD YOUR AD OR JUST WHAT INFORMATION YOU SHOULD INCLUDE? Taik ta ans of our protos- sianal advertleing cansut- ants. They're here ta help you. We can also, help yau put an eye-catchlng ad ta- gether. aur paste-up department consistsa o experlenced people wha will design a tasteful, ef- fective ad geared specific- atIy tawards yaur service and the message yau want ta put acras. aSOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? Cali the Whitby Free Pres nw and got ail the particulars. 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