Whitby Free Press, 19 Jan 1983, p. 16

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PdAGE 16, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS i... EN , PREU..n Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the foilowing conditions.j I lIl.Q C Cà A ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER $40. GIu covered attan table $90. Phi 66"-937. BAUER Supreme 100s hock skates, size 8. Retali $219. Still the box, nover used. Price $1! Great giftl Curling ehoes, Bet Boneplels, nover used. si 9 $35. Size 83$25. Calil 686-0683 8 9 e.m. or afler 10 p.m. BEAUMARK free armn portablez zag eewing machine ln carry cas Asking $130. Caîl 666-3674. BEAUTIFUL 26" Admirai conso colour TV ln good conditiî Aeking $250. Phono (Ajax) 68 2258. BEIGE &i BROWN 4 po., cheste field. New condition. Askii $400. Phono 668-2605. CHESTERFIELD and rocker, woc, frame, now cushlons, gold, $15( Largo picturo window $295. Phoni 668-5060. CONFUSED? Ploase oeil us arq time If the Emporium guidolinei confuse you. We'Il be glad to ai swer eny questions you havi Phono 668-611il anytimo. DRUMS for sale - Base, Snae Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plue emeiler symbol ettached. ln good condition. Asking $250. Also foi sale: good bed and mattrees, 325; ktchon table and chairs, $45; afid, ivingroom drapes, $40. Please cali 576-1911 after 5 p.m. FIVE antique oak chairs with tee- ther seals $250, very good condi- lion. One pair of girls sizo 10 Karen Megdenson skates $12, ex. cellent condition. Phor)e 668-9170. FOR SALE - complote sew sharp-' ening oquipment ln 16' traiter, $5000. Phone 655-4814. FOR SALE - Steel box treler (Dat- sun pick-up box), 15" wheels, $350. Phone 655-4814. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy's Bauor skates, size 5 & 51h, $10 ech. Mens' Tonino skie with polos & boots $40. Antique buffet wilh mirror $100. Bookcase, 3 eheivee with 2 doors et the battom, $75. Atari videa game, 6 certrldgee, $250. Singer treddio sewIng machine $25. color TV set, RCA, 26" floor model, $50. Chesterfield & chair, goid, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens' 10 spoed biko, light- weight, new tires & tubes, $75. Aseortmnent of books & recorde $10. Tyco racing car set, command control, $25. Phono 579-3353. IRE UT/I I YOU CAN'T SBUT T1ATI 1668-61111 WHIOYFRE RES ) J lase one key 50. uer 'Ize B to zig Ise. oie on. 8- er- io. ne y Ir a. ti la 0 d 0 r ri ; tv * be Pt Pi tal e)E PC ma foi $18 peï 647 SCi iqt cab mi 11ke tatl dial Ont car Phc 5yr war stai Cal WlH SHO blaci 655-" ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE train set, N.Gauge,1 cars, 16 engines, 27 eiectrIc sv ches, bulding and transforme Asking $1,495. Cail after 8 p. 579-3408. MEN'S European ski boots, size excellent condition. Asking $50 best of fer. Phone 668-0495. MUSKRAT fur coat, size 12.1 good condition, $250. Cali 66 0127 after 6 p.m. NEW OUTBOARD MOTORS unused. WIth warranty. 2 h.p. $39 5 hp. $695. Hawk siide.in truc Camper with stove, sink and Ic box, sleeps, 3, excellent cond tion, $795. Phone 985-3486. 1956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $12! Webcor reei-to-reei tape record( with amplifier $40. Remingto elecirlo typewriter $50. Stander typewriter $25. Three 5x7 vin) covered room dividers with iegi $15 each. Phone 576-0769. ONE sMail advertisement 18 aill takes. Place your article for sal n the WhItby Free Press and ge mmediate resuits. The Free Presi sa read by over 70,000 potenti, buyers each'week. ThInk aboui vhat we cen do for you ... then cal us. Whltby Free Press 668-111. ONE fake fur coat, size 44, $100 One Serta bed chestorfieid be< never used, $250. One browr tweed wInter coat, size 16, $5o, One Weatherall rain coat, size 14, $10. Phone 668-1398. PIERRE CARDIN double-breasted rincoat, men's, size 44 regulai, beige. - Worn f ive timesl $60. 'hone 571-3423 after 6 p.m. )IONEER model KE300 AMIFM~ ,assette car radio, electronlo digi- i tuning, pro-set stations, auto. ect. ln original box. $225. Phone 88-9805. ORTABLE Sing or sewing, echine $60. Gendron baby buggy 5. Double bed, sida rails and )t board, $15. Stuffed animais 18. Copper kettie $70. Soiid cap- rÏ wood basket $75. Phone 576- $79. CHO0L desk, soild oak, $45. An- que T.V., 7" Admirai, wood 3binet, firat model Admirai TV. onufactured ln Canada, working (e old, $425. Solid wainut trestie ble $300. Kltty bed, solid birch sposabie sanitary mattress, $59. ne pair Bauer hockey M4ates, ze 7, $20. One Foasgate 100 watt tstereo, Power booster, $150. ione 668-4098. PIECE Tama drumn set plus inare electronlo drum. Ail hard- are inciuded. 4 cymbale and arnde. Liet $4.500. Seill$2,500. al l668-1377. HITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 3PMATE radial erm sew, 7 Inch le, with stand, $225. Phono 3215. I 124 iwlt- lere. .m. » 8, I or .14, 68- 0ck Ice idl- 25. er on rd yl It le es al ut d, on 4, 1d Give to the Kidney Foundation of Canada Me - 1-ILIMML mcàgJ - When the edvertieed Item le soid, dispoeed of, or unavailable for whetever reason, the Item will be doemed 10 have been eold end a commission wiii b. chergod baeed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrated below, regardiese If prIce le stated with 'best offer'". If the Item le NOT SOLD, or dispoeed of, the ad wiiI be ruri for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 36.00 wiii appiy payable In advance of publication of the first ad. Olherwise e 37.50 charge will ep- piy If biIled whlch muet be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum.charges will be epplied 10o the final commission due but In eny case the higher amount wili be cherged. Minimum charge: 36.00 pre-pald; $7,50'blIIed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis wibh the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run elleast one month If not sold. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of adverlleed pnîce up 10 $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advetlsed for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 <minimum charge Ia 36.00). Pivate advertising onlyl Please nobify the Whitby Free Prose Immodiateiywhen Item sa soid so thal we may delete il fram Ithe toiiowing issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelinos will be Ieted and chargod per week as regular ciassified ade on a pne-paid basie such as: services, hoip wanled, ciolhIng, reel estate, and pensanal meseage type ads, or ada not quoling price an quantity. Pivate ciassified ads may eppear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN cLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 5S1 If ln doubt Oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO:- 131 Braclo St. N. Whltby, Ont. ARTICLES FOR SALE] SILVER CROSS folding sînoller, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carniage $50. Swing-O-Mollo, rocking horse. on spring, tricycle, pull toye, Fleher PrIce activity cen- tres, aesorted ciothos, $60. Phone 416)8649-3064 efler 6 p.m. AN ad ln the Whitby Free Press lassified Section wili se11 aimost ýnything. Colu1668-6111. àKlS, boots and poles. Ski lenglh 170 cm. Boot size 10. Price $85. Aleo, oid recorde (78). Price for lot 35. Phono 683-6638. ARTICLES FOR SALE SLIDING DOOR, hoavy gauge alu- minum, sultable for patio or store front. coat new $975, wili seli for $300 or besl offer. Phono 579- 4388. STEREO, JVC noceiven and cas- sette deck wlth duel 508 turntabie, 3-way speakers and stand. Asking $800. Phono 668-4546. SELL your unwanted articles quickly and eesiiy with an ad ln your local nowspaper - the Whitby Free Prosse.Cali 668-6111. ARICLES FRSALE SUPER "8" Vashica movi camnera, eloclnlc eye, zoom leni $80. Heminex Super '8" projectoi zoom, variablo sped, etc., $8! Movie ecreen $30. Phono 668-388! THOMAS DeLuxe Eurapean 112 electric angan with a double key board. Includes bench, light an( shoot music. Liko new. Askini $975. Phono 668-2725. THREE oak chairs $15 each. Brasý lampe $30 pair. Large full siz. minror $20. Car jack wilh stands heavy duty, $60. Phone 683-6638. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO -- CASH- Use this form ta mail in your Emporium Ad I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish ta have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. ------(don't forget ta n I enclose $6.00 ta caver the minimum charge D Charge $600 ta my Visa account Il Bill me $7.50 after f Irst publication of my ad Cord No. Exp. Date Nome please print - irsI and last name) Street Addrese CIty Postal Code include your phone number) ~ MAIL TO: WHITBY FREIE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 HELP FIGHT ARTICLES FOCR SLE 1 le 18, )r, id ig :e t A bi 61 AI Sc du Tm Se aul goi tire mil 107 Asi 196 420 job nem Rui or t KIDNEY DISEASE, 3 HORSEPOWER air compreseor, 40 gallon holding tank, $750. 75 feet of 120-volt fine $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $60. Garden trac- tor, 7 horsepower Viking, with more attachmonîs, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc customlzed motor- cycle $600. Phone 571-3024. TRBAIN SET, herdiy used, Includes two ongines, 25 test of train track, Power Peck and seven cars. Asking $42. Phono 668-4495. WALL-TO-WALL carpel, 9x16, beige tons, short shag, $50. Two Iight green single bedepreade, nylon, wilh matching drapes, $30 each. One red single bedepread, heavy backed materlai, wilh met- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushioned day bed, 2 years old, beige tons, neyer used as e bed, $200. Apart- menl-sized freezer, white, 2 yers aid, A-i shape, $185. Sel of 59 ieather-bound Books 0f Know- iedge, minI condition, $150. Cet bibIe $10. Phono 668-2649. WALNUT BUFFET with glass doone, excellent condition, $150. Outeido weii chlmney unit for wood stove, $200 or beet offor. Dorchester etereo with bwin speakers $25. Phone 668-0495. WOOD 24' extension ladders $30. Snow skimmer, aill tel.l $50. Phone 668-1987. ZERO clearance firepiace, 36' opening, $175. Approximetey 100 smoked glass mirror tules $50. lanity only, dark wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex,12-cup coffee meker with digital dlock, used twice oniy, $45. Phone 683-3236. ANTIQUE PINE - Nove Scolie nope bed, 48" wlde, asking $250. Phono 355-4271. kNTIOUES FOR SALE - Victorien Mfa with matching chair $250. dicorien wing back chair $150. ,anadiana bed $175. Square oak ning table, 6 legs, 4 leavee, $400. M o matching wing back chairs, iw, navy cotton, $200 each. écnotery desk, dated 1879, $600. :aIl 579-0765. AUTMILES FOR SALE j 976 HONDA CIVIC, hatchback, tamatic, one awnor, body goad, Dod runnlng condition, needa sto b. cortifioed, 57,000 original Iles. $1,200 or beet offer. Phone 5-1564. )5 HORNET, AMC, 6 cylinder. sking $900. Phono 668-8684. 67 BUICK SI<YLARK SPECIAL, 0.2 engins, had ring and valve band rebulilt transmission. Also M fuel pump and weter pump. is excellent. Seil for parts. $600 Give to the Kidney Foundationi of Canada Ap, HOS~EHOLO CABINET coffoe table, A-i condi- tion, $125. HI-fi, A- condition, $125. Dark brown velour rocklng chair $200. Phonoe668-2368. CHESTERFIELD suite, very good condition, green floral print, $200. Phone 655-4267. COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, bnown and lvory plaid. One yer new. Paid 31,250. Asking $850. MlusI sou. Phone 728-7744. CURVED SPACE furniture, three pleces, Inciuding spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. Asking $400. Phono 668-1564. MATCHING frldge, slave and fan. Fridge, gold, $220. Stove $150. Fan $15. Phone 579-4212. ONE black ber, good condition, $75. One black recliner chair $40. Phono 668-4116. ROLL TOP desk, medium oak finish, sizo 50" x 24" x 42" high, aak veners wlth solid aak rail-top, custom made (now). Asking $500. Phone 668-1385. ROUND maple table and 4 chaire, Colonial style, asklng $300. Sears 1987 traiter, sleepe 4, permanent licence plates, two thick foam maîtresses inciuded, $300. Double bed bedspread, two piilow shame and curbains and two table caver- Inge (suiteble for hideewey tables), Indie weeve, beige ln colon, $275 complet.. Set of bunk bede, complote, iighl wood, $100. Deck, wilh lhree drawers, iight woad, $200. Four-drawer cheet, ight wood, $150. Phone 668-8684. SEARS f raet-free refrigeraton/ freezer with ice maker. Full size. Brown. Gaod condition. OnIy $150. Phono 725-7729 deays. WRINGER WASHER, excellent condition, $235. Phone 623-7522. SNOWMILES FORSAL 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good run- ning shape and excellent condi- tion, neede 1Mille work on fibre- glass hood. Asking $700. Phone 839-9725. 1971 OLYMPIC Skidoo with elso- trio slart, one owner, low houre of, use, $400. Double ekidoo reller $200. Phono (416) 649-3064 after 6 p.m. TRUKS/VAN FR SALE 1970 GMVC -V4Tan Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aluminum, Intako, much more, 31,100 or beet affer, muet se11. 1975 Honda 500 mator- cycle, neede tune up, ln good shape, $500. Bath for 31,400. Caîl Wade 668-7520. TRUCÇ and brelier. 22-foot Master- coach fuliy oquipped. 1974 -V4 ton Ford pick-up. Asking $10,500. Cen be seen et 148 Brook Street North, M THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. r- 2% of balance over $400.00 (!il m m A

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