Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1982, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS '82 IN R E VIE W - - - u - ~ - y ~ v v CORNER 'PIZZA Christmas Special ~Z~-' F EE smaîî Pizza -)~.with puro hase of every . -ý large. $1«0off any order Vou pick Up. Open 4 p.m. f0 2a&m. Tue&.-Sat. 204 Brock St. S. Whltby Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSJF.IED ADS, Contlnuedf rom Page 13 ARTICLES ORSALE 1 Gotng out of business. Save from 10% t0 30% on your Christmas shopping from our large gtft lune. FRIENDLY, FLEA MARKET 23 King Streùt West Oshawa 9 PC. DINING ROOM suite for sale. 42" dry sink wlth open hutch on top. 6'x 48" harvest table. Four ladder back uphoistered aide chairs. Two ladder back upholater- ed armohairs. Ail soiid pine. Per- fect condition. One year old. cost $2.400. Sai for $1,600. Aiso a pine- desk for $35. cal 666-2760 even- Inga. Storm Doors The Onty Door Wilth Magnetlc Seal Custom Made Direct From The <Manufacturer ALBERN ALUMINUM Mfg. Co. Mt. 291-1106 Atter Hours 683-7740 2" Storm Doors Triple Saaled 5 cloe $18 3 5004 styles lnstalied inciuding tex. Aiso eco- nomîcal and energy efficient slorm or replacement thermal wIndows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATIES Durham Glas s 66r6-3355 after hours 666-1847 TYRO CRAFTS 30% OFF Storwtd eSale Until Decembar 31 714 Kng St. W. Oshawa 571-2206.. VISIT Our used fumniture ware- hous by_ appolntmant. Big savinge on deaks, .çhalrs, fillng cabinets, etc. Cali ickson Print- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appolntment to view. 683-1968. WOOD for sale. Full cord. Cut. Dllvered. $150. Loge $65. Cali 705-3744623. FORR SAELE 1969 CHEVELLIE. 307, V8. auto- matic, as la. $35. Phone 668-7628 after 5 p.m. (2.FRR R1ENT TYPEWRITEA RENTAL, many makeà and modela, by the weak- end, waek or month. Discounts avaliable. Dickson Prlnting & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. cali us for business machine repaira 683-1968. ~~3EE FREE: Drop into the Dlckaon Print- lng & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy of their 1982 Metrlc caiendar. Prlnted ln two coloura, il makes for handy rafarence. 683-1968. AUCINS WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whttby EVERT MON. & THURS. AT 6:30 P.M.- AItl estates and consignmrrents weicome. The. place t. bey or soli. We wlit pick up. . 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) AUCTION EERS - Cal 668-61 li to advertlse your next sale.' (ARMENTS/ HUGE 3 badroom apertment ln duplex, excellent location, close to ail amenities, $490 plus utili- dies. Phone (Toronto) 757-1671 or (Whllby) 668-3898. THREE-ROOM WHITSY OFFICE SUITE with privats washroom. I-as over 750 sq. fI. of fuliy broadioom- ed and air-conditioned spaclous- nasa. Main office about 32 feet long. Could ba dlvided into amali- er offices. For further Information cail Mr. Burgesa batween 9 a.m. and 5p.m.aet 668-6372. WANTED ýTO RENT - 5-20 acres agricuitural land around Whitby. 668-5931. 668-8807 Region a ý leader hiidustrial. trainin By HARRY TRESISE Chairnan, Durham Organization for Industrial Training EDITOR'S NOTE: The Durham Orgniazation for Industrial Training. ls an organization dedi- cated to expandlng and lmprovlng Industrial tralnlng ln the reglon to meet the future require-, ments of lndustry. A review of activities conducted by the Durham Organizati'on for Industrial Training (DO-IT) during 1982 points Up several impor- tant training initiatives. These were undertaken to dev elop newqualified tradespeople and up- grade existing journey- persons. Ourp EN In March 1982, DO-LT started a program to upgrade the skills of in- dustrial maintenance Mechanics. This was of- fered on a Day-Release basis, and a future in- take of trainees will take place.in 19M3. DO-IT also took steps to provide Statistical Quality Control work- shops for employers, in the' Durham Region, with funding assistance from the Provincial Government Training in Business and Industry (TIBI) 'program. The' initial session took Place for a ten-week period starting in mid- November. Subsequent sessions are scheduled to start on Jan. 10 and Jan. 12,1983. Goodoodfast and friendly service. BREAKFAST SPECIAL bacon or ham, 3 eggs, toast, home fries $ 1.85 SUPPER SPECIAL hamburger, french fries, beverage *$1,,9 Onty Sat. thru Wed. 08 Thlckson S. & Consumer Dr. Whltby 433-0766 Thurs. 6 a.m. toi 1 lýp.m. 8 a.m. 09 p.m Frl.- 6 a.m. toi a.m. Ved. 6 a.mn. to 9 p.m. Sat. ' 7 a.m. f0ý9 p.m. A* Precision Metal Fabricator Apprentice- shlp program. was designed by a group of 12 metal fabricating companies under the aegis of DO-lT. An 8,000 hour . apprenticeship program was designed to provide the skills needed to work to the high tolerancesand with new materials and Numerical Control ma- <chinery used for custom an production work for the comput er, aero- space, aircraft, hospital and restaurant indus- tries. The program is the only one of its kind in Ontario, and DO-IT is scheduling a special eveming meeting in Toronto during January at which the program will be 'explained by Federal, Provincial and DO-IT representatives. Training would take place at Durham Col- lege. Aniother'DO-IT'initia.- tive is a Motor Vehicle Mechanic Apprentice- ship program for- the Durham Region. It has a Day-Release concept which is unique for the MVM trade. DO-ff has completed a' survey comprised -of personal interviews witb 210 local employers who have identified a total need 0f about 72 new MVM ap- prentices. Requests for approval bave been sent to Federal and Provin- cial officiaIs. Durham College can begin 'in- school training by Feb. 28,1983, if approvals are received shortly. Under the new direc- - tives from the Provin- cial and Federal governments, . steps were taken during late 1982 to' initiate programs to help train apprentices who are currently laid-off from industry in the Durham Region. This training would consist partly of the continuation of the apprentices', regular in- .school day-release training, whicb wi.llbe' extended to, include simulated on-the-job -training. Also during tbe past year DO-LT conducted a major survey with the 1,800 employers in the Durham Region includ- ing 500 personal inter- Spice up your life with GOLDEN RICE BOWL CHINESE CUISINEw Party Pack Special Includes eggroll, chioken balis, sweet & Sour chips, sauce aside. ilnam 187 2am 11 iii 111closlng okne2&m 438 King W Oshawa I 728-4180 i 728-5555 -OMR1 W,11 p 0 I FOI op 1uu r-ruun.rr r5yT"1 NEW YEAR'S E 120 per couple vlews. The survey. ob- jective was to deter- mine ýthe occupational shortages over the next three years. Preimi- nary resuits show a net requirement of 2,489 workers by 19Ms The results, will pY.ovide a direction for planning to meet the training needs for the future. Planning during 1982 included future consi- deration of a trades training centre which would'provide shop re- lated assignments, un- der typical industry work schedules and con- ditions for trainees. This would involve a trades testing and evaluation component to assiat em- ployers who wish to evaluate the practical or theoretical skills of current or potential em- ployees. Over the past 12 mon- ths. DO-IT bas continued to work with the Durham Board of Edu- cation concerning the secondary school link- age 'program. Lt bas empbasized the impor- tance of baving school shop programs provide topical basic skill train- ing, and that employers provide graduates witb credits towards appren- ticeships. Any employer in- terested in DO-IT activi- ties sbould write the DO- IT Committee office c/o the Industrial Liaison Department at Durham College, Box 385, Oshawa L1H 7L7, or cail 571-3897. GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whltby 66-8321. This popular, Chinese restaurant has been in Whitby for 30Oyears. The specialty of the bouse is, bar-be-qued spare-ribs. A new dish is being in- troduced. It's a spçcial combination of llgbt, hors d'oeuvres called Bp Bo platter. Eat in, the delightfully decorated Bamboo Room at one of their cir- cular booths. open Mbnday to Thursday from il ar. to 2 a.m.; Friday and Saturday from il a.m. to 3 a.m; and Saturday till il p.m. FuIly licens- EVE 9 Ineludes: Buffet Dinner Hats, bairoons, and horns Entertainment by our D.J. Dinner f rom 6:30-8:30 173 Brock Whitby Eniertalnmentj St.N. -668*88Â at at 9:00 âeffl m M--- -a- -1b-xeààtam dik ffl--- WM) M __ . fý ý fý rý ý KAAý,4ji, L% 1,Lý L 1 L% 'l 218 HARVI.IOOD AVE. S_ AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA TELÈPHONE 683 1968 98 IN R VI

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