Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1982, p. 12

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PAGE >12t WEDNFESDAY IECEMBER-22, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS PEU.. iw ii. [ Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subjeci to the f ollowing:conditions. ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER for aide alider window, 6,00 BTU'a,ý bargain at $160. Cali Oshawa 7255336. 1 AIR CONDITIONER $40. Glass covered rattan table $90. Phono 068"937. ALUMAINUM storm and acreen door wlth grill, size 33W' ï x SOI&a", $45. 14" colour TV, brand now, Sears make, $350. Phono R13-1345. BAUER Supreme 100s hockey skates, sizo 8. Retail $219. StlIIln the box, nover usod. Prîce $150. Great giftt curling shoos, Bauor Bonsplels, neyer used. Size 9 $35. Sîze 8 $25. Cal 6860683 8 to 9 a.m. or after 10 p.m. UEAUMARIC free arm portable zig zag sowlng machine In carry case. Asklng $130. Cal 666-3674. BEIGE à BROWN 4 pc. chester- field. New condition. Asklng $400. Phono 668>2605. CHESTERFIELD and rocker, wood trame, new cushions, gold, $150. Boys' biko, mini 10-spood Free Spirit, $35. Largo picturo wlndow $295. Phono 668-5060. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. wlih poles and, boots, sîzo 5, $45. Cross-country boots, sîze 7, $12. Figure skates, sîze 5, $4. Figure skates, sîze 6, $8. Boys Cougar boots, size 6, $8. Two schooi desks, blue and rod, oach $12. Hamster cage, round, sturdy, moel, lîke new, $10. Phone 668- DM 2evenlngs. DRUMS for sale - Baus, Snare, Tomn-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus emallor symbol attached. ln good condition. Asking $2W. Aiso want to oi good bod and mattress for $25. Ploaso cali 576-1911 after 5 p.m. FIVE antique oak chairs with les- ther assats $250, very good condi- tion. One pair of girls sizo 10 Karen Magdanson skates $12, ex- collent condition. Phono668.1 70. FOR SALE - Complte saw sharp- enlng oqulpmont ln 16' traiter, $5000. Phone 655-4814. FOR SALE - Spin washer, gold color, only usod two months, $200. High chair, ln excellent condition,' $25. Cali 668-1385. FOR Immediate results, use the Free Press Emporium - 686111. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy's Bauer skates, size 5 & 5%12, $10 each. Mena' Torino skia wlth poles & boots $40. Antique buffet withi mIrror $100. Bookcaae, 3 aheives wlth 2 doorsaia the bottom, $75. Atari vldeo game, 6 cartrIdges, $250. Singer treddle sewIng machine $25. Color TV set, RCA, 26" flour model, $W. Chesterfield & chair, gold, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens' 10 speed bike, lght- weight, new tires & tubas, $75. Assortment of books & recorda $10. Tyco racing car est, command control, $25. Phone 579-3353. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE - Steel box tralier <Dat- sun pick-up box), 15" whoela, $350. Phone 655-4814. FRIGIDAIRE clothes dryer $56.' 1956 EvInrude, 25 h.p., $125. 1957 Mercury, 6 h.p., $225. Webcor roel- to-roel tape- recorder $40. Phone 57609. MUSKRAT fur coat, size 12.14, good condition, $250. Cali 668& 0127 attore6p.m. ONE PHONE CALL AND YOU AWAKE A SELLING GIANT. Place your advertlsement undor the Whltby Free Press Emporium sec- tion and get Immediate rosults. For further Information or to place, your ad In'the Free Press cail 66U- LARGE train set, N-Gauge, 124 cars, 16 angines, 27 electrlc awit. ches, building and transformera. Asking $1.495. Calalter 6 p.m. 579-3408 NEW OUTBOARD MOTORS - unused. Wlth wan'anty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $895. Hawk alide-in truck camper wth stove, sink and les box, aleepa, 3, excellent condi- tion, $795. Phone 965-3486. ONE fako fur coat, sîze 44, $100. One Serta b.d chesterfield bed, nover used, $250. One browfl tweed winter coat, sîze 16, $5o. On. Weatherali rain coat, sîze 14, $10. Phone 666-1398. ONE truck cap for haIt ton truck, insulated, wlth lghts, $150 or beat offer. One 80 gallon fîsh tank, ail accessorles, $250. Chocolat& brown poodlo, 11 montha, fuiiy house tralned, not reglstered, $75 or best offer. Phone 668-1260. PIERRE CARDIN double-breastod raincoat, mon'e, size 44 regular, beige. Worn five timeal $60. Phono 571-3423 after 6 p.m. PIONEER model KE3000 AM/FM cassette car radio, electronlc digi- tal tunlng, pre-set stations, auto- eJect.'in original box. $225. Phone 668-980. PORTABLE Singer sewlng machine $60. Gendron baby buggy $55. Double b.d, aide rails and foot board, $15. Exorcise lounger $25. Electric traîna $60. Stuffod animais $16. Phone 576-6479. SOHOOL desk, solld oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, firet model Admirai TX. manufactured ln Canada, working lîke oid, $425. Soild walnut treatie table $300. Ktty bed, solld blrch, disposabie aanltary mattreas, $59. Bicycle training roulera $50. Phone 666-4098. An ad under the Whitby Free Pres& Emporium Section willi sou almost anything fou you. Cal 668-6111. 7 PIECE Tama drum set plus Synare eiectronic drum. Ail hard- ware Included. 4 cymbae and stands. List $4,500. Sali $3,250. Cali 68-1377. At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas cornes but once a year. + - Tusser - PLEASE READ - -When the advortised Item las oîd, dIsposed of, or unavallable for whatever roason, the Item wlll be deemed 10 have beon aoid and a commission wlii be charged basod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illuatratod b.iow, regardiesa If price la atated with "lbeat of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dIsposed of, the ad wIll bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiil apply payable iln advance of publication of the tîrat ad. Otherwiae a 57.50 charge wiii ap- puy It bilued whlch muet be pald upon recelpt of bIll. The ebove minimum chargea will be applied to the final commission due but In any case the, hlgher amount wiil b. charged. Minimum charge: 56.00 pre-pald; 57.50 billed. Maximum commision: $100,00. Aladvertiaements muat be paced on anex- clusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month4f not sold. 5% of edvertled pi*uUp to $400 RATES OIf article la sold): 2% of balance over SM0.00 EXAMPLE Sold Item advertlsed for $12000. Commission due $600 (minimum charge Io $$.00). Privato advertlsing onlyl Please notlfy the Whltby ree Press Immedlatoly when Item la sold so that we may dolete l t ram the followlnig Issue. Ail ada not fittlng the Emporium guldolînes will be treated and charged per week as regular ciassifled ada on a pre-paid baste such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, real estats, and porsonal message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classlfled ada may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALI ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 208 Whltby, Li N 581 If In doubt cali: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE EADINEFOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE I FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUILDS, The newspaper, of ail media, commands the most response by the consumer. The consumer needs certain faith In its buying power and their local newspaper provides a buying guide that helps familles make Important decisions. The WhItby Free Press can motivate sales for every retailer - regard iess of size. Advertlse with us and be ln good company with successf ui retaliers of every size. WHITBY FREE PRESS......... 668-6111 ATCE'ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE ARTICSLES SHOPMATE radial arm saw, 7 Inch SLiDING DOOR, heavy gauge &lu- STERLING SILVER ladies walch blade, with stand, $225. Phono mlnum, suitable for patio or store $75. Phone mornings untîli 668w. 655-3215. front. Cost new $975, wIlI sali for 3579, aftemoons and ovenings ____________________ $300 or best offer. Phono 579- 6684424. 4388. CALL 068.611 to place your ad. ______________ SUPER 'V' Vashîca movie THOMAS DeLuxe Europoan 1125 SKIS, boots and polos. Ski longth camera, electrlc eye, zoom lana, eloctrlc organ wlth a double koy- 170 cm. Boot sîze 10. Price $85. $80. Hamnox Super 'V' projector, board., Includes bench, light and Also, old records (78). Prîce for lot zoom, variable speed, etc., $85.. sheet music. Lîko new. Asklng $35. Phone 683-638. Movie acreon $30. Phono 668-3885. $975. Phono 668-2725. FromThe - 'I. -1-~~ 1Whitby F.ree Pres-s Classif ied Department. * I ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 HORSEPOWER air compressor, 40 gallon holding tank, $750.,75 leet of 120-volt lin. $75. 1970 440 Magnum. Rupp $600-and trailer $75. 1975 250 c Slidoo (raclng machine) $200. Gardon tracter, 7 horsepower Viking, with mnore at- tachments, $750. 1968 Trlumph 650 cc customlzod motorcycle $600. Phono 571-3024. TH REE oak chairs $15 oach. Brasa lampa $30 pair. Large full size mîÏrror $20. Car jack with stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 683-63. WALNUT BUFFET with glass doors, excellent condition, $150. Outaide wall -chlmney unit for' wood stove, *$200 or beat offer. Dorchoster sterso with twin speakers $25. Phone 668-0495, WATER PUMP, piston type, for shaliow wolls and lakes, suction li", manufacturer "DURO"', lnclud-, ing motor, gaugea, foot valve, 30 gala. galv. tank, ail fittinga. Prîce $185. Phone 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension ladders $30. Snow akimmer, ail steel, $50. Phone 668-1967. ZERO clearance fireplace, 36" opening, $175. Approximatoly 100 smoked glass mirror tMes $50. Vanity oniy, dark wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex 12-cup coffeo makor with digital dlock, used twice oniy, $45. Phonoe663-3236. ýNÇ QES < ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scotia rope b.d. 48" wvide, asking $250. Phono 655-4271. ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorian sofa with matching chair $250. Victorian wlng back chair $150. Canadiana b.d $175. Square oak dlnlng table, 6 loes 4 beaves, $400. Two matching wlng back chairs, nenavy cotton, $900 each.- Secretary desk, dated 1879,$800.. Cali 579-0765. AUTOOBILS FOR SALE' 1976 HONDA CIVIC, hatchback, automnatic, one owner, body good, good runni <ng condition, noeds tires 10 b. certified, 57,000 original Miles. $1,200 or beat offer. Phone 668-1564. 1974 CHEVELLE, good for sparo parts, 4 door, 8 cylinder, new exhausi aystem, beat offer. Mini- mum $250. Phone 668-9944. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmission, new brakea ail the way around. Asking $500 or beat reasonablo offer, Phono 668-9840. 1967 BUICK SKYLARK SPECIAL, 420.2 engine, had ring and valve lob and rebulît transmission. Aiso new fuel pump and water pump. Rune excellent. Soli for parts. $600 or beat offer. Phono 579-4388. FIVE Uniroyal steel b.ited radiais, LR78x15, chrome caps and rings, spare brand new. $400 or boat of- fer, Phone 66&09228. CABINET cof tee table, A-i condi- tion, $125. Hi-f i. A-1 condition, $125. Dark brown velour rocking chair $200. Phono 668-2366. CURVED SPACE fumnIture, three piecea, Includlng spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. Asklng $400. Phono 668-1564. FULLY LINED antique satin gold' drapes, ln good condition, to fit a wlndow 168" wide x,92" long and also 102" wlde x 92" long, $125. Green uniinod polyester drapes, 150" x,95", $25. Phono 668-3720 alter 5 p.m. MATCHINO fridge, stovo and tan. Fridge, gold, $220. Stove $150. Fan $15. Phone 579-4212. OLD wardrob., mirrors- and draw- ers, $75. Antique table, maho- gany, $125. Phono 683-663. ONE blackbar, good condition,, $75. One black reclînor chair $40. Phono 668-4116 "ROLL TOP desk, medium oak finish, size 50" x 24" x 42" high,ýu oak veno rs with solid oaki roll-top, Custom' made <now). Asking $500. Phone 668-1385. SEARS frost-tree refrigerator freezer with Ico maker. Full size.ý Brown. Gond condition.,' nly, $150. Phone 725.7729days. SINGLE BED wllh mattresa, ln good condition, $50. Two plaes of broadloom, blue, .12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phone 668-9605. SOLID WOOD chesterfield and two mnatchlng chairs, blue strlped cushions, $150. Phone 668-6144. WRINGER WASHER, excellent condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good run- nlng shape and excellent condi- tion, needa ultile work on fibre- glass hood. Asking. $700. Phone 839-9725. PdUTRCVANS 1970 GMC 4¾ Ton Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aiuminum Intake, much more, $1,100 or b.st offer,, muet selI. 1975 Honda 500 motor- cycle, needa tune up, ln good shape, $50. Both for $1,400. Cali Wade 668-7520. 'mu. -p. * - 4, ~-We wish you muchjoy .~ for this holiday season ' and look forward to kworking and meeting with you in the 4 New Year. M a ý 1

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