WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15, 1982, PAGE l Optmitshelping.more youth grus th-an evèr before The Optimist' Club of Whltby le helplng more youtb groupe to cont inue their physical and, edu- cational actîvities than j ever before. The «Whltby Opti- miste, who became a chartered service club, in 1975, have recently' added the Whitby Iro-, Puois Swim Club to their hist of youth groups needing Optimist assist- ThceOtmsshv Trghied a imsmae't foraFie.13and 14, 1983 and ebers a planto983 adnae tmberan moe to make the meet a suc- cess. Several Optimists will attend an officiais clinic to learn the ekilis neces-' sary to help run a meet. Club members wilI be on hand to help organîze 300-400swimmers 'and officiate at the races. Another upcoming project sponsored by the Optimists is a public speaking contest to be held next spring. The club plans to donate $1,000-scholarships ,«.for, the wînming boy and girl, and trained Opti- mists wiil be available to provide help' in pre- Pa ring speeches. SOptimiste cal them- selves the "Friend. of Youth", and are dedic- ated: to aiding and en- icouraging the -develop- ment of youth. - The Whitby Optimists are involved in promot- ing boy scouts, volley- bail, soccer, hockey, basebail, ringette, the Iréquois swim club,; and thbe cu dônates scholarships -and 'bur- s aries to many worth- while groupe. The Opti- mfists also donate time and finan cial assistance for activities aât Fair- view Lodge and the Dur- ham. Centre for the Developmentally Han- dicapped. Besides helping youth gopthe purpose of an Optimist club le to develop optimism as ýa philosophy of. 111e and promote an active in- tereet in good'govemn- ment. Optimiste believe community service should meet the neede of each community and re- flect the interest of the club members.. Optimiste ,across Canada are involved in projects in the areas of community im- education, gomerment-, al affaire, health and welfare, sports and re- creation, safety and ini- ternational relation- shipe. The Whitby Optimiste recently wrddan honourary plaque to teenage volunteers who have donated more than 100 hours of service to J.O. Ruddy Hospital. Other projecte comlng Up include a New Year'e dance, a volleyball tournament at Whitby Senior Public School and the February swim meet. The club's 21' mem- bers welcome any per- sons who are interested in becomlng Optimiste. fi ,~, Give. to the Kidney Foundationi of Canada $ SHORTS PHARMACY COURTICE ALLIN PHÀRMACY 65 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN 655-35501 117 Brock St. N. WHITBY 668»#2594