Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1982, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 8,,1982e WHITBY FREE PRESS 'mmm -Ps M ~rnoeus i w Mi Emporluni Ads*wiII only be.accepted subjeci to the followlng condltions. I il U~~~~~I ~01 flEM AIRI __________I ________ ARRTicutE 1 FOR SALE- AIR CONDTONER for aide elider wlndow, 6,000 BTU'B, bargain et $160. Ciii Oshawa 725-533. AIR 'CONDITIONER $40.' Glass covered rattan table $90. Phono ALUMINUM etorm ad ecreen door with.griii, size 33V4" x 80'h", $45. 14"1 coicur TV, brand'new, Sears make, $350. Phono 683-1345.- BEAUMARKf rea arm portable zig, zig sewing machina ln carry case. ,Asklng $130. CiI 666-3674. BEIGE à BROWN ý4 pc. chester- field. New condition. Asking $400. Phono 668-2605. BOYS SKATES - New, nover ueed, c. C.M. Super Tacks, size 31h, $75. Phono 655-4271. Usod one soason, C.C.M. Super Tecks, sîze 3 end 4V2, $40 oach. Phono 655-4271.- AN ad underthe Whitby Frai prose Emporium Section wlil Oeil aimoat anythîng for you - qiuickiy and conveniantiy. Caii 668-111. CROS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with polos and boots, site 5, $45. Cross-country boots, site 7, $12. Figure as>kat es, site 5, $4. .FIgure s&kates, siza 6, $8.' Boys Cougar boots, ite 6, $6. Two achool deeks, blue and rd, each $12. Hamster cage, round, eturdy, matai, liko new, $10. Phono 668. 9482 ovaninge. DRUMS for sale - Base, Snaro, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus smiller symbol ittached. In good condition. AskIng $250. Aiso want to sali good b.d and mttres» for $25. Pleasaocmli 576-1911 affar 5 FOR SALE - Spin. waaher, goid color, only- used two monthe,'$20. High chair, In excellent condition, $25. Caii 668-1385. FOR SALE- 2 pair boys Bauer skates, size 5 &- 5W, $10 aach. Mens' Torino skis with, polos & bots $40. Antique buffet wlth_ mirror $100. Bookcase, 3 eheivas wit h 2 doors et >the bottom, 3$75. AtarI vidoo game, 6 cartridgos, - $250. Singer treddie seWing miachine $25. Color TV set, RCA, 26" floor modal, $50. Chesterfield &'chair, goid, $100. Picnic table $20. Men' 10 spead. bike, ight-- woight, now tires & tubas, $75. Assortment of books & reco rds $10. Tyco racing cargut, cormmnd control, $25. Phono 579-3353. -LARGE train set, N-Gauge, 124 cars, 16 ongines, 27 eIectric ewit- ches, building and transformera. Aaklng $1,495. Cmal ftOler6p.M. 579-3406. MUSKRAT fur coat,alo1-4 good condition, $25. Cmii 66&- 0127 aflerô6p.m. ONE fako fur coat, site 44, $100. One Serti b.d clwsterfieid bed, neyer used, $250r Ono brown tweed winter conat, se<e 16, $6. On. Wethensiiq r.co'tste14 $10. phone 668-1UL ONE truck cap for hit ton truck, insuiatad, with Ilghte, $150 or bast offer. One 80 galion flih tank, al accossortes, $250. , Chocolate brown poodie, il monthe, fuily house trained, not registered, $75 or beet offer. Phono 6681260. P.A SYSTEM wlth reverb. Two 100-watt headesand a six-channel Ml"xing board. Two bases cabin ets and two tweeter-horn cabinets. Aiso hie covers bulit for the road. Includes many oxtras. Bought new $3,500. WiII sacrifice $1,300. Serlous inquires only. 728-7158 anytime. PIERRE CARDIN doubie-breaed Iraincoat, man's, sîze 44 regular, *beige. Wom f live timeel $60. Phone 571-3423 after 6 p.m. PIONEER model KE3000 AM/FM cassette car radio, lectronlc digi- tai tunlng, pr-set stations, auto- ejeot. in original box. $225. Phono 668-wS0. PORTABLE Singer eewlng machine ,$60. Gendron baby buggy $55. Double bad. ai de rails and foot board, $15. Exrcise lounger, $25. Eiactric trains $60. Stuffod animale $18. Phone 576-679. j,SCHOOL deek, eolld oak, t45. An- tiq ue T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, tinst modal Admirai T.V. manufmctured In Canada, working lik oid, $425. Solld walnut trestie table $300. Ktty bad, eoiid bii'ch, dispoombie sanltary mattreise,$59. Bicycle tralnling rollera $50. Phono 668-4098. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski iength 170 cm. Boot size 10. Price $85. Also, old recorde (78). PrIce for lot $35. Phono 683-6638. SLIDING DOOR, heavy gauge alu- minum, suitablo for patio or store, front. Coat new $975, wiil soil for $300 or beat offer. Phono 579- 4388. STEREO, B&O Beomastarý 1000, SM receiver-amplifler, .wlth a Bac- gram 1000 manuel turntable, two Beovox 3700 speakers and two Nordmande speakers. Alil finlshed ln teak and ln excellent working order. An ideai apartme9nt sizad stereo. $300 or beet offor. Phone John et 668-3448. STERLING SILVER ladies watch $75., Phone morninge until 1 668- 3579, attomoons and eveninge 668-6424. THOMAS DELUXE European 1125 .lectric organ with a double koy- board. Includes banch, light and shoet music. ,Like niew. Asklng $975. A nice Christmas gift. Phono 668-2725. TH REE oak chairs $15 och. rise lampa $30 pair. Largo ful site mirror $20. Car jack wth stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 683-663. WALNUT BUFFET wlth glss doors, excellent condition, $150. Outeido wali chimney unif for wood stove, $200 or beet offor. Dorchester tereo with bawin speakers $25. Phono 666-0495. When the advertised item le sold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason,-the Item wIlli be deemed to have bain soIdand a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, regardloss If price la stated wlth "boat offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD. or disposed of, the id willi b. runfor 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wlii appiy payable In advance of publication.' f the fi ret id. Otherwise a $750 charge will ap- piy If bIlled whlch must be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges will be appllêd to the final commission due but ln anycase the higher ampunit will be charged. Min imum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission* 3100. 00. Ail advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive bas wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and rn atiost one montb If not soid. 5% of advertlsed price Up f0 $40,00 RATES (if article laIold): 2% of balance over $M400 EXAMPLE: Solld Item sdvsrtlsed for $120.00. Commission due $600 (minimum charge la$6.00). Privato Adverting onlyl Pleaso notify tho Whitby Free Prose lmmediatoly whon Item le sold so that vie may delete it from the following Issue. Ail ada not ftting the Emporium guidolinea wlilib. treated and charged par weok as regular ciasified ada on a pre-paid bais such as: services, hoip wantod, ciothIng, rosi ostete, and personai message type ada, or adia not quoting prie or quantity. Privato, ciaslfied edsmay appear intho Emporium section underappropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.ý MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 551< 668-6111 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRI DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION'AT NOON. 131 Brock St. N. .Whltbi, Ont. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Use this form to mait In your Emoorllum Ad i have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the foiiowing advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press, - ______________________(cion't forget to n i enclose1 $6.OO to coverthe minimum charge n Charge $6.00 to my Visa account 1: Bill me $7.50 after f lrst publication of my ad Cord.No. Exp. Dite Nome (ploase print - f iret and liet name) Street Addrosa City Postal Code Inclucie your phone number) MAIL, ~ TO: WHITBY .FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St., N. Whiiby LIN 5S1 Save your feet for Christmas- entertaining - let your f ingers do the wal king when you're Christmas shopping! Check the bargains you'II f ind In, the Free Press Emporium. These are only a.few exam pies of the Christmas gifts you can dlaim with just a phon.,e cail. ARTICLES, FOR SALE' WATER PUMP, piston type, for shaiiow "Ils and lakes, sucion 1 ",'manufacturer 'DUR0", Includ.- lng motor, gauges, foot valve, 30 gais. gaiv. tank, ail fttlngs. Price $185. Phone 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension ladders $30. Snow akîmmer, aii steel, $50. Phone 86681987. ONE PHONE CALL 'AND YOU AWAICE A SELLINO GIANT. Place your advertisement under the Whltby Free Press Emporium sec- tion and gel immediate resuits. For further Information or to place your ad ln thé.Frea Pressocii 66&- ANTIQES ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scotia rope bad, 4B" wlde, asking $250. Phone 655-4271. ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorlan sofa with mîtchlng chair $250. Victorien wing back chair $150. canadiana bed $175. Square oak dinlng table, 6 legs, 4 leaves, $400. Two matchlng wing back chairs, new, nivy cotton, $200 each.< Sacretary desk, dated 1879, $60. Ciii 579-0765. WHITBY FREE PRESS, ;6"S6111 AUTOMOBIES «FOR SALE 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PACER, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue. Asklng $3,000. Phone 655-4352. 1976 HONDA CIVIC, hatchback, automatIc, one owner, body good, good running condition, needs tires to be certif led, 57,000 original miles. $1,200 or best offer. Phone 668-1564. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 8 cylin- der, best of fer. Minimum $500. Phone 668-9944. 1974 MINI, runnlng order or for parts. $150 filrm. Phono 668-5629. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmission, new brakes ail the way around. AskIng $500 or best reasonable offer. Phono 668&9840. 1967 BUICK SIkYLARK SPECIAL, 420.2 engins, had ring and valve job and rebulIt transmission. Aiso new fuel pump and water pump. Runs-excellent. Sali for parts. $600 or beet offer. Phono 579-4388. FIVE Uniroyal steel b.ited radiais, LR78x1S, chrome caps and rings, spare brand new. $400Or beat Of- fer. Phono 66&-922. CABINET STEREO, excellent con-' dition, $350. Antique wood bumn- lng cook etove $1757 Waii painting $10i. 9-place ýmahogany dlning room suite 31,200. Smaii baby crlb $40.> WIiltake best offer onaîl ar- ticles. Phono 571-027,1 inytImne. CURVED SPACE fumniture,. threa pleces', lnciuding spoon chair. Ex- cillant condition. Asklng $400. Phono 681564.' FULLY..L1NED antique satin goid drapes, ln good condition,' to f it i window 168' wide x .92" long and also 102" wide x 92" long, $125. Green unlined polyester drapes, 150" x 95", $25. Phonoe6683720 îfter 5 p.m. 'MATrCHI NG f ridge, etovo and fan. Fridge, gold, $22. Stova $150. Fan $15. Phono 579-4212. OLD wardroba, mirrors and draw- ors,- $75. Antique tabla, mahu- gany, $125. Phono 663-663. SEARS frost-frea refrigerator! freezer with ie maker. Full siza. Brown. Good condition. Only $150. Phone 725-7729 daye. SINGLE'BED with. mattrss, ln good condition, $50. Two places 'of broadioomn, blue, 12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phono 668-9605. SOLID WOOD, chesterfieid and two matching chaire, blue striped cuehions, $150. Phono 668-644.- WASHER and dry er for sale, good workIng order, $225 forpaîir. Built- In dishwaeher $225. Phone 839- 3213 after 5 p.m. WRINGER WASHER, excellent, condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. WHITBY FREE PRESS 666-111 ý 1FOR SALE 14-FOOTr HOUSE TRAItER, Sham- rock, blue and white, eleipe 4, elnk, Ice box, 3-etove burner, toilet. Asking $3,000. Phono 655- 4352. SMO WMOBILES FOR SALE-'- 1975 TNT SKIDO00, 340, good run- ning shape and excellent condi- tion, neide littIe work on fibre- glass hood. Asking '$700. Phonoe 839-9725. 1970 OMC ;4 Ton Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, aiuminum Intake, much more, $1,100 or best offer, muet seli. 1975 Honda 500 motor- cycle, neede tune up, in goodý shape, $50. Both for $1.400. Cai Wade 66&-7520. TRM'N SET - VAOC .......... #d abe~ STERLING SîLVER WATCH ONLY $75 ORGAN ONLY $975 9e'r,4 pm'yez4~ SOLID BIRCH, KITTY BED ONLY $59 SEWING MACHINE ONLY $130 S e daabmi SEIL YOlUR UNWANTED ARTICLES IN THE FREE PRESS EMPORIUM WHITBY FREE PRESS .......6686111 M-M

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