Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1982, p. 24

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1,s 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS FOR SALE- AIR CONDITIONIER for aide sildor window, 6,000 BTU's, bargain et $160. Cail Oshawa 725-5336. AIR CONDITIONIER $40. Glass covered rattan table $90. Phono 6618-6937.' ALUMINUM atorm and acreen doorwlth grill, 5lzO33V4" x60½,l",. $45. Bathroom tollet tankand stool set, white, $20. 14" colour TV, brand now, Sears make, $350. Phone 683-1345. BEAUMARK free arm portable zig zag sewing machine ln carry cae.. Asking $130. Cati 666-3674. BOYS SKATES - New, nover used, C.C.M. Super Taoks, size 31, $75. Phone 655-4271 .'Usod oneo seýson, C.C.M: Su per Tacks, size 31 and 4½, $40 each. Phone 655-4271. COLOR COMPUTËER, 16K, extond- ed Basic and Joyticks. Asklng $375. Phone 668.392 eveninge., CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with poles and boots, .size 5, 345.> Cross-country boÃ"ts, size 7, $12. FigUra skates, size< 5, $4.- Figure skates, size 6, $8. Boys Cougar boots, suze 6, "$6. Two school desks, blue and red, each $12. Hamster cage, round,- sturdy, metal, Ilke new, $10. Phone 668. 9482eveninga. DRUMS for sale - Bues, Snare, Tom-Tom, Crash -Symbol, plus amnaller symbol attached. ln good condition. Aeklng $250. Alac want to oui good b.d and mattrese for $25. Ploase caul 576-1911 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Spin washer, goid color, oniy use two monthe, $200. Hlgh chair, In excellent condition, $25. Cali 668.1385. FOR SALE - 2 pair boys Bauer skates, sîze 5 & 5%, $10 each. Mens Torino skis with potes & boots $40. Antique buffet. wth mIrror $100. Bookcase, 3 shalves with 2 doors at the bottom, $75. Atar-video gamne,- 6 cartridges, $250. Singer trddle aswing machine $25. Color TV set, RCA, 26" f loor model, $50. Cheeterfield & chair, gold, $100. Pianle table $20. Mens 10 epeed bîke, iight. welght, new tiras & tubas,.$75. Assortment of books & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command controi, $25. Phono 579-335. ARTCICES ~~FORAISALE ONE fake fur coat, size 44,,$100. .On. Serta bed Chesterfield bed, neyer' used, $250.' One' brown, tweed wlrter coat, size 16, $5.1 One Weatherall raincat, sîzo 14, $10. Phonoe68.1398. ONE truck cap for haif ton truck, insulated, with llghts, $150 or b.st offer. On. 80 gallon fish tank, al accessorles, -$250. Ohocolate, brown poodle, il months, fully house tralned, not registored, $75 or best offor. Phono 66&.1260. PA. 8YSTEM wlth reverb. Two 100-watt hoade and a six-chan nol mlxing board. Two base cabinets8 and two tweeter-horn cabinets. Also has covera built for the road., Includea many axtras. Bought niew $3,500. Wlli saàcrifice $1,300. Sorlous .inquIrles only. 728-7158 anytime.' PIERRE CARDIN -double-breasted raîncoat, men's, size 44:regular, beige. -Worn f ive timeel 380. Phone 571-;3423 after 6 p.m. PIONEER model KE3000 AM/FM cassette car radio, electronic digi- tai tuning, pre-set stations, auto- ojoct. In original box. $225. Phono 66&U.985 SCHOOL dosk, souid oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7"1 Admirai, wood cabinet, flrst model Admirai T.V. manufactured In Canada, working lîko old, $425. SoÏld walnut trestie tablo $300.* Kltty b.d, solld blrch, disposable sanitary mattrese, $59. "Bicycle training roloers $50. Phono 668-4098. SKIS, boots and potes. Ski length 170 cm. Boot size 10. Prico $85. Also, otd records (78). Prias for lot $35. Phono 683-6636. SLIDING DOOR, heavy gauge &lu- minum, suitable for patio or store front. Cost new $975, wlll soit for $300 or beet 0f fer. Phone 579- 4388. SNOWBLOWER, 3 hp., good as new,' email tune-up requIred. AskIng $300. Phone 668-2368. STERLING SILVER ladies watch $75. Phono mornînga until 1 668- 3579, aftornoons 'ad eveninga 668-6424. ..rnoeus ....__. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised Item le soid, disposeci of, or unaalable for what ever reason, the Item wiIl be deemed to have beon sold and a commission wiIl b. chargod based on THE ADVERTrISEDPRICE as' Illustrated below, regardiese If prias la stated wIth '1bost offer."1 If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wlii bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ,of $6.00 will appiy payable In advance of publication of the fîrat ad. Otherwiss a $7.50 charge wlll Bp. ply If bIlled whlchmuet b. paid upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum chargesýwlIl be appltedto the final commission due but ln any case the hlg her amount wiil be charged. Minl.murrcharge.: $6.00 pre.pald; $7.50 billied. Maximum corfmlsslon: $100.00. Al advertIssments muet be placed on an ex- clusive basis with theWHITBY IFREE PRESS and run atîeat one month Il not sold. 5% of advertlsed prIce up to $«0.00 "RATES (if article la sold): 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertleed for $120.00. CommIssIon due $6.00 (Minimum charge le 36.00). Private advortlslng onlyl Please not.lfy the Whltby Free Prose lmmediately when Item je sotd Bo that we may dolete It from the followlng Isse. Ail ads not fittlng the Emporium guidelines wili be treated and charged par Week as regular ciaeelfled ade on a pre-paid baste such as: services, help wanted, clothlng, rei estate, and personal, message type ade, or ade not-quotlng pria. or quantity. Priv ate classilid ade may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEO SECTION UNLESS OTHER WISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRES8 EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LI N 551 If In doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER Tro: 131 Brock St. N. Whithy, Ont. THE DEADLîNE FOREMPORIUM ADS IS iHE* FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. TURN UNWANTED'ARTICLES INTO CASH FOR CH 'RISTMAS SHOPPING, Use this f orm to mail ln your Emporlum Ad i have read the Emporiumn guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whltby Free Press. (don't forget to Include your phone numbçr) El i enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge 13 Charge $6.00 to my Visa account OBilI me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad Card No. Exp. DMt Nome (please print - first and las t name) Stret Addrest *City Postal CO"e MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 FORORASAELE WATER PULMP, piston type, for shailow wells and lakosâ, sucion lit', manufacturer "DURO"1, Inciud- ing motor, gauges, foot valve, 30 gais. gaiv. tank, ailfttinge. Pric&- 3185. Phono 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension ladders 330. Snow ekîmmer, ail steel, $50. Phono 668-1987. ANTIQUS ANTIQUEPINE - Nova Scotia rope b.d, 48" wide, asking $250. Phono M-54271. A~BLUOOIES FORRS ' SALE 197i AMERICAN MOTORS PACEA, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue.ý 'Asklng 33,000. Phono 655-M32. 1976 HONDA- CIVIC. hatchback, automatia, one owner, body good, good runnlng condit Ion, naïade tires to b. certified, 57,000 original miles. $1,200 or.beet offer. Phono 668.1564. THEY'RE -ON THE LOOKOUT for second cars. Wlnter's coming -' good cars are bding stored - and wlnter cars ar e needed. Soi yours quickiy. Phono 6686111. 194CHEVELLE, 4 door, 8 cylin- der, beet of fer. Minimum $50. Phono "668.994 1974 MINI, running order or for parts. $150firm. Phono 68569 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSICI 400 motor and transmission, new brakes ail the way around. Asklng $50 or bost reasonable cffer. Phono 66&9840. 1971 CHEVELLE, completoly re- stored and certif led. Asklng $1.800. Phono 655-4517 or 655- 1N87,5BUICK SKYLARK SPECIAL,. 420.2 engins, had ring.and valve job and rebuilt transmission. Aiso new fuel pump and, water pump. Runs excellent. Sell for parts. $60 or beet offer. Phono 579-4388. CABINET STEREO, excellent con- dition, $350. Antique wood bum- lng cook stove $175. Wall painting, $10. 9-piece mahogany. dlning room suite $1,200. Smïall baby crlb $40. Will take beet offer on ail ar- ticles. Phone 571.0271 anytime. CURVED SPACE furnituro, threo pleces, lncludlng spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. Asklng $400. Phone 668.1564. WHITBY.FRéEPRESS661111 FULLY LINED antique satin gold drapes, ln good condition, to f It a wlndow 16B" wide x 92" long and aise 102" wide x 92" long, $125. Green unllned polyester drapes, 150"v x 9511, $25. Phoneo 68.720 alter 5 p.m. MATCHINO frldge, stove and fan., Fridge, gold, $220. Stove $150. Fan $15. Phone 579-4212. OLD wardrobo, mirrora and draw. ers, $75. Antique 'table, maho- gany, $125. Phono 663-6638. SEARS frost-free< refrlgerator/ froezer with ie maker. Pull size. Brown. Good condition. Only $150. Phone 725-7729 days. SINGLE lED with mattres,.In good condition, $50. Two pleces- of broadioom, blue, 12' x 1a, $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phono 668-960. SOLID WOOD chestertleld and two matchlng chairs, biuo strIped cushions, $150.,Phone 668-6144. WAÃŽHÏR and dryer for sale# good working order, $225 for pair. BuIlt-- In ishwasher $225. Phone 839- 3213 allor 5 p.m. WRINGER WASHER, excellent condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. 14-FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, Sham. rock,' blue aànd white, sleeps 4, slnk, ,ite box, 3-stove bumer, toilet. Asklng $3,000. Phone 655-ï 4352. 'E.. Emporlum Ads wiII ,only be.accepted subjecito the. fol lowingconrditions,

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