WHITBY FREE PRESS', WEDNESDAY'DECEMBER 1, 1982, PAGE il ,HIGH 'SCHOOL ýýNEW'S> Exehan ge"studentshavmxd feelings onrtrig ho'me BLISA STEWART Upon their arrivai 'on more homework *-to Grade 12German ex-, Christine Styles),. wish- wonderful time they depart, for, Germany on AndBrso C.V.I. Sept. 4, the girls discov- allow the students to change student from a est g oe hr se haee1oe p16193nd il Apparently the Grade. ered the many adjust- learn the work on their town neari Stuttgart enjoys everyday ' life Ter Aeson- return on'July' 17, .1983. ~j9's are flot the only new ments they had to make own. (staying - with Karen ,.. much more. Stefanie "counter parts" wiîi gooýd luck, girls!1> sta*udL-nLf a nvpnr wuhn dA,,n pir',,. Ii êIuT4. ('Pl(.manors Vnpr;l on d11a L... ý a ..U0. .. a 1 921il-. were faced with the challenge of, making new friends and meet- ing new teachers in an entirely 'différent enivi- mnent. From Ger- many, , four .; spirited young girls are con- fronted by the samne con- ditions. These girls are involv- ed -in -the exchange. pro-,, gram to spenid three' mnonths- here and then the situation' reverses. Then four A nderson girls spend three mon- ths, in Germany at the home< of the -German', girls. Presenti>' there are approximately 120 G;erinan exchange stu- dents scattered across j>Ontario. aspect of oéur lifestyle that struck 'them a. s being unusual was our dependence on the, car. In German>, ev erything is extremely concen- trated and so, it. is flot necessary to use a car often. They have also found many differences in educational systemfs be- tween Ontario and-their province. In -G erman'y, they have no choice in the selection of 'their subjects., except in Grades 12 and 13 . The' also found that in'Ger- many there is more class participation, in- struction, and discus- sion whereas here, the teachers tend to assign found that they were about-two to three years ahead' of us. in our studies. They found our tests, tremenfdousi>' easy and our exams were similar to their class tests. There are approx- *imateiy four t& sixtests' throughout, their entire school year. English is a mandator>' subject in al German schools, where- *as German is an 'option- aicourse.heire. Unfortunately theý end: oftheir memorable visit has'.almost arrived as Dec. 2 draws nearer'. A' variety of responses emerged when they were asked if they were eager to return to' Ger- many. Ingrid Goltz, a feelings 1about- ,goinig back. 0f course, shie wants to see her family and -frienids, , but she likesit here. She is glad, though, that -she, will miss'"the', December exam s at A.C.V.I. Alina Lieske,' a Grade il student from Berlin,' (staying with Barb Streefe) wants to go back because she feels that -speniding 'three months in a new place aWay 'from home is a, ver>' long time. Yet she' remairked '-that 'the knowledge she gained by the eXchange is over- wheiming. Judith Skoberla, also a Grade 11 student from Berlin (staying with' Winte r m.eans isnowy trekës . at DO'C B>'COLLEEN CREIGHTON DO'C Hlgh School "What's the white stuff coming -down from the sky?" That was the, question being asked by mnan>' a DOTC student last week as Whitby ex- periéeed -its first real snoWfall of the season. And what does snow have to do with 'sehool, youask? ýHere at -DO'C, everything. Although last week'. littie white flakes .didn't stick around, -it was take n as a warming by DO'C stu- dents to get out their winter woolies in p re- paration for the cold, snowy treks between classes that are soon to come. The snow also means good things too. It is a remninder' that Christ- mas is comning, and that means Christmnas holu- days are drawing near- er. And that means. the Christmas Formai to be held at 'Heydenshore Pavilion on Dec. "16 is also drawing near. Tickets are being soid at $15' per couple and $8 for singles, and'they are apparently going, like hotcakes. Although i.t may be a' littie early'for holiday spirit, here at DO'C stu- dent council has been doing its best to boost school spirit. Last week was designated school spirit week. The week started off with "clash day " and students were decked out in the most outlandish combina-, tions.. Next came hat day, then nationality' day, then serf day. The week did a lot to kindie schooi spirit, especiali>' the tricycle races held- during the lunch hour on Friday. Thanks to stu- dent council' for a super- lative week.- A few^ littie remind- ers. There are less than 20.shopping days left un- til, Christmas,, and for those of you who may get the study bug be- tween now and then, exams are oni>' six weeks away. So put another log on the fire, grab your favouriteguy or gal,- and study the subject of your choice while listening to Bing- Crosby. sing about a white Christmas. That's sure to give you the holi- day spirit. ýy-,aiz,, aXL vraa zW.u- dent- from a town near Hleideberg (îand staying WHUTBY ALU MINU with Pam Hayden), desires to remain here, 900 Hopkins St. longer if she could.'Al (Showroom) four girls agree that ex- changes are excellent Put us on your< learning, experiences for anyonie, who does not Christmas shopping mmnd being aWay frorn IIs 't,& Save. homhe for a long period Windows, dloors, sldlng Of time. Lasti>', Ingrid;,-, & mch ore Judith. and Stefamie S would like to express 668-2252 P686.1 their gratitude to their6815, host-families, for the - Could yo use, a computer? 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