PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982, WHITIBY FREE PRESS SORTSWEEK.'.. The following, are Brooklln-Whitby Minor Hockey Association rep- resentative team results from- play November 15 to 21,,~ Cheekers Variety Mior Atom: Oshawa 5 at Whitby 3 (exhibition). Goals, for- Whltby by Derek Ellis (2) and Matt C(eiéiorough. 3 at Whltby 6. Scores for Witby by Derek Effs 9;,' Brandon Siith, Alaki Frank and Jason Curran. Whitby 2 at Ajax 3. Whltby goals b>ý Bill Robinson and Jason Curran., Bowmanville i at Whitby B. Whitby goal by Bill Robinson (2), Jason Curran (2), Greg Fawcett,, Derek Ells, David Wood and Jeff Turnham. Wbitby 5 at Peter- borough 6. Whitby goals by ,Bill ,Robinson <2),$ Jeff Turnham,, Derek Ells and Rob Martin. Peacock Sports Major Atom. Witby 3 vs. Oshawa- LNHL Hawks 3 (exhibition). Whltby goals, by'Cralg Cyr and Jamie Smith. whltby 2 vs. Uxbridge 1 (exhibition). WhitbY goals by Adrian Deveau and Paul HaMilton. vs. Whitby 1. Whitby goal by Paul Hamilton. Peterboýrough 6 vs. Whitby 1. Whitby goal by Bilan Cole. SAjax 2 at.Whitby 1. Whltby. goal by Adrian Deveau., Algoma AppleMarket Atom 2" Whitby 4 vs. *Newmarket .i (exhibi- tion). Whltby goals by Davld Weir (2), Justin Cardweil and Jason Bradimore. Whitby ,ovs. Mark- ham 3., BWMHA Novice War- rdors. Peterborough O at Whltby 9. Whtby goals by Kelly Vipond; (3), Brent Cafod(2), Conal<!TackneY,, Clayton Stillar, Mike Brillenger, Mike Galbraith. Shut- out by, Garrett' Hans- ford/J.onas Derks. Scott's Chicken Villa Minor Peewee. Whitby 5 at ý Etobicoke Reps O (exhibition). Whitby goals -by Derek Jones, Chris Page, David Grant, Bian Mueggler, and Keith- Primeau. Shut-out' b y Jeremy Stella/DavidMitchell. BWMHA Peewee 2. Whitby I vs. Oshawa LNHL Hawks 2 (exhibi- tion). Whltby goals by Bian MacDonneli and, BradMoore (2). Whltby 4 vs. Oshawa LNHL Hawks 5 (exhibi- tion). Whitby goalà by' .Mike Williams, Brian MacDonneli, Sean, Whitehead and Joeh. Foster. .Whitby 4 vs. Picker- ing 4. Whltby goals by Brian MacDonnel (3) and Elliot Quelch. BWMHA Major Peewee. Sponsor Pat & Marils. Whitby, 2 at Ajax 1. Whltby goals by Derek Dalby and Steve Everail. Whltby 3 vs. Mea- dowvale Terriers (exhi- bition). Whitby goals by Steve Everali, Troy MacKay and Danny Pratt. Wally Beavis Tourna- ment, Peterborough. Whitby 3 vs. Hamilton 5. Whltby goals by Danny cont'd on Page 17 MIN OR HOCKEY RESULTS ~ THE,,'CORPORATIONQF THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY ~ LOTS 34 3 0 9 72 32 Cu e we Of Mond ,Novembel 29,1982, the g o ge lie areas be chan .Pieuse %.onsp~It the anp to see whic day your go ogeI wiIi- be p d ued'up. F rý further, i ýforatonor ciéa ic on pi, ose c Ilitown Whitby raonsC fr P orveNo.668 3437 CON. VI KXI cul End-~~e .. .... . .. .. . . .» " " ", . UI - CM. V - '--re%%, I --aM W QIMR.