PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS HIGH SCHOOLNEW m5tu-dé -t,sett1dowf as mess began to, By SANDY KOFALVI Anderson .L Like manyh schbols in' the Durham Region, Anderson la feeling deeply the absence of îOur custoclda$s. F P e first few days,, of. the strike, a few students' were carried away -in tlieii- efforts tQ create -a mess. Noôw that they realize tbat any mess tbey icreate, they have tolive with, they seem Wo' haà ve dià èontiniuêa ,their activities. : - -Due to the co- I~~~~ i$*5ý 4tq4U oppretion, of our staff, the s.tuits 'haefot suffered a loss'0f extra- curricular activities. The ,,most important gyvenf, "our graduation exer'cises. were held as plnned, Saturday, Oc- tober 23. As in the past this was a very special event. OnOctober 21 anu- ber of corgeu n- derson students braved the cold and ran in the L.O.S.S.A. cross- country meet. The mid- get- team, attained an overaîl fourth place standing and will therç- DO' By COLLEEN CREIGHTON DO'C High School Another . week bas passed us by here at DO'C, and it bas been one of the slowest so far. Drama tryouts con- tinue, but the'names of the plays are still a mys- tery to most of us. Tbe fore -proceed -to We* had only one junior runner, Stuart Hamilton;: Although he ran endless miles -in preparation for: this meet, he, missed. bis chance at-C.O.S.SiA. by one place.- Our junior boys volleyball team fared a littie bit botter, how- ever. They captured the L.O.S.S.A. west champ- ionship, also on October 21.. Our senior girls basketball team is working very bard this season._ On .Thursday, Oçtober,21 .their effgrts paid off when they beat Ajax 35 to 34. The junior girls, alsogained a, vie- tory when they played Ajax. UnfortMà ately al of the midget- games bave been postponed for the duration .0f-- the custodians'*strike. . In' badminton action, our team put .up a very good show'on. October 16 in à tournament in King- ston. MillieMinas cam~e in second in. the A-flight, Soragia Stasinakis came in first'in the B- flight, Anna Cook came and GeoffWilliamý Dave Visser can first in the u doubles. With.,a, like this, our badir club promises to hu very good season. Another event 0fi importance is-our nual Ander-thon. .11 an eight kilometr< for the boys and kilometre for the1 It is held at Heber:I Conservation. Following the rel cross-country run, participants rewarded with a g pileup light,..' ing obstac1e course, and m'and, tfinally,.a.,bot barbecue. ne in Fortunately , 1co- rnen's operated,- providing the start runnemswith ideal con- minton ditions.. ave a An upcQming event Is the Outers! Club-annual great bike rally, to be held Oc- [r anl '- tober, ,31. The --partici- 'bis is pants will also, be ,e- run rewarde4,with a barb 'e- l five, cue afterthfeirlong ride. girls. The next fewweeks Down promise to be extremely -Area. act 'ion-packed at Ander- ,gular son, including Career 1the Week, but we love it. are Extra activities prevent rueil- boredom 1 Cjuniors win ffrst play-off soloists continue to report tbat a cheque te"rgar eso" ctbr 2 practice and a list is from Do'C lis now a per- lae maMg taIl ea "pumpkin da2 now up for the extra cir- centage of the United py m - tal h 1umkn d, ricular choir. Hopefully, Way's total.> way to the finals against DO'C. Ail th( we will bave more news In sports, the junior Blue House. But, Blue sported paper pu on both these items in boys' soccer team bave put forth a strong per- and the girls trie the ' not-too-distant completed their regular formance and won botb them by coerci future. season play and bave games of the finals, boys to talk. T Our United Way Cam- been victorious in tbe Hopefully, Green will ner, the girl wh paign was. a tremendous first game of the play- continue the good play rnulated the success. I am bappy to offs. They won 8 to 0 tbey showed in volley- 1"pumpkins"- waç against Donovan. Con- gratulations!1 In intro mural co-ed volleyball action, under- dog Green House won SUPER 13-118 MORT- GAGE UNTIL 1985 - Custom built back- split on large lot, 75' x 230', featurlng FR. wlth' floor to celllng fireplace, 4 bed- rooms', double car garage, plus much more. Cali today. Only f ive minutes from Bowmanvllle. Cali Janîce Rogers, R e . 86-1035. - ,JaA anLa g >un Lu wAin other intramual acti- vitdes. (I guess you know who is in Green House!) tec tree LU our a October 29. All i was a funi-filed contrary to its bf 4"slowest" 80 far1 was ly" at te boys umpkins ed to, win ing the rie win- ho accu- Most is admit- Jance on in ail, it 1week - )eing the COLONIAL HOMES, hitby 668-6171 PICKERING (Coho Sales Ltd.) Gin 1235 Bayly St., Pickering Effective eJge ns for0' 831 2022 SCHOOL $87,900 - ungalow, living and * kîtchen, upgraded ttached garage- on a oe It wlth Merv Pmrch- $68,900 - 3 bedroomn'a s, prlced to seil. Cmli LIST YOUR DROPERTY WITH Acadian (as featured ln Chatelaino magazine) E WORKERS The objective of Colonial Homnes is to create quality ON TE, ý1 ilstructures of ait types to meet specific market deman- ACETEAMds within wide market areas. We welcome. enquiries IN FANKwith regard to our company and our products, and take COUNTRYpride ln serving both the Canadian Market and others abroad. LISTNGS 3½/2% Real Estate Fee. 2 or 3 bedroom older homes in Whitby, Brooklln or Ashburn. Price' Range - $49,000.-$64,000.00. Cmli Now 668-0515 Aston Brumnley Real Estate Ltd. 576-8281 1800 iJundas St. E., Witby PONTYPOOL - 1 acre with one room sohool house. Must be sold. Only $1 1,500. Cali Jlm. NORTH OSHAWA - 3 bedroom home only 6 years old. Attached garage. Large deck. Try $10,000 down. 141/ % f irst mtge. Only $69,900. Cali Jlm. STOCO LAKE - 3 bedroom, winterized home. San- dy beach, fîreplace, open road. Vendor hold open mtge. att 14%. Asking $33,900. Cmll i m. TWEED ONTARIO - 65 acre farm, house and barn. Asklng $44,900. Cali Jlm. NORTH WEST OSHAWA - 3 bed roomn ranch bun- galow wlth attached garage. Good sized lot. ' Most of the floors ceramlc tile. Close to Rossland Plaza. Cali Jo. 725-0243 or 576-8281. TURN ON YOUR FIREPLACEACE 101"0LiL THE Keep your heat in your home with ELMIRA a beautiful efficient airtight fire- INSERT place insert front Elmira. " Airtight design uses 2/3 Iess wood than '*open" ri replace " Automnatic qn/oflr blower system " Over 52,500 BTU's of heat per heur " Large cooking surface " IIigh temperature Corning vlewing window aiways r.:ays clear "IZ& Au-TH<RIZ1.I) DEALER The 900 Hopkins Street at Burns Whitby - 668-3192 Tues., Wed. 9-6, Thurs., Fr1. 9-9, Sat. 9-5' Closed Monciay