Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1982, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS HT GH SCHOOLNEWS w -~ FORMALDEHYDIE FOAM We maIntain a competent work force to deal wlth your formaidehyde foam problems. .Contact JAMIESON CARPENTRY &erving Oshawa and area for 25 years SFora comprehensive estimais cal 433-0951 1664 Slmcoe St. N. Mon.- Fr1. Oshawa9- THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTICE 0F ADVANCE POLL, REGULAR POLL AND APPOUNTMENT0F A VOTING PROXY NOTICE Is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town of Whitby that ln accordence with the provisio ns'of The Municipal Elections Act an Ad- vance Pol will be heid on'Seturday, October 3th, 1982, et the WhItby Municipal Building, 575 Ross- land Road East, Whitby, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. ln the forenoon and 8:0 0 p.m. ln the afternoon for the purpose of receiving votes of Electors who expect. to be uneble toÏ vote on November 8th, 11982; NOTICE is also given that Polling Day wiIl be held on Monday, November 8th, 1982, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. In the forenoon and 8:00 p.m. ln the af ternoon. NOTICE Is also given that applications for e Certi- f icate to Vote by Proxy are avalable et the Clerk's office. Applications for a certif icate to vote by proxy must be made on the prescribed f orms and submItted to the Office of the Cîerk between the hours of 9:00 am. ln the torenoon and 5:00 p.m. un the atternoon, Mondey through FrIday, commenc- Ing October l9th, 1982, and ending November th, 1982. An Elector 18 entitied to appoint a votIng proxy If the Elector 18: (a) A person who Is certif led by a legaily queli- f led medical practitioner, by certif icate f iled with the Clerk, to be physically Incapable of attending a polling place; (b) A person absent f rom his 'regular residence by reason of attending an educetionalinstitu- tion and Who Is entered ln the ist for the poil- ing subdivision ln which he normaîly resides and who expeots by reason of such absence to be unable to vote et the edvence. polI or on polllng day; or, (c) A person who expects to be absent f rom his polling subdivision during the electlon period including the advance poil and poilling day by reason of his being engaged for hire or re- ward In the business of transportation by rail- way, air, weter or motor vehicle. Any person who 18 entitled to vote by proxy may appoint as his voting proxy any other person who lB eligible as an elector ln the munlcipality. A per- son who has been appointed as a votingà proxy is entitled to vote ln hîs own right ln the municipeIity notwithstanding that he hes voted as e voting proxy. The lest date for f iing applications for e certifi- cate to vote by proxy is Monday, November 8th, 1982. Donald G. McKay Returnirg Of f Icer and Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Phone: 868-5803 Cup By CATHRAL FLYNN-POST' Anderson C.V.I. 0f the varlous sport- ing eventsoccurring ýat Anderson tbis year, the major event was the Mayor's Cup,, (Thurs- day, October 14). A victory in this event bas eluded the Anderson football team for the iast three yeers and on- ce again the cup slipped through our hands with the Henry Street Hawks winning for the fourth year in a row! Athough both Ander- son teains put forth 'slips supreme effort were both defeal determined Street squad. 1The, Senior Ai team was defeal 7 and their touJ was scored bý Sashko. The Anderson were aiso, defeal 6, and the onlyA touchdown was by running-beu Anderson on a, sI lar 95 yard run f own five yard lit Henry end zone. Some mentio be made of the th-rough" HR t, they son supporters who ed by a came to cheer their Henry teams, and our deepest gratitude goes to the f ew nderson who stood in the rain un- ted 24 to tii the final play. of the ichdown Junior game was com- y' Dave pieted after everyone else had gone home. Juniors Other football action ted 42 to around Anderson lately niderson was a game played. scored against Uxbridge. Here ck Bob a very powerfui Ander- pectaeu- son defensive squad romn his must.take most of the ne to the, credit. The Anderson- ian's recovered more n must than five Uxbridge fum- Ander- bles and Joe scored a ai*ders hands' touhdwn the outcome of this game was a 6 to 4 vic- tory for Anderson and when added to the loss to Henry Street evens the Anderson record. -- For, the past two weeks there bas been a Penny Drive taking place in the school which bhas included a great variety of fund raising events from Soc- Hops to video games. The latter ailowed the Data students to put their newly acquired knowledge to use, pro- grammillg various games- in the com- puters. Many of -the classes heid their own littie events from a slob day to dress Up day. Coming Up around Anderson this year are 'a number of events. These events range- from. Report Card day on Oc- tober 29 to a school, Rug- by trip to Engiand, 'Wales, and France in March. Other events in- clude a schooi dance on October 29, parent inter- views on November 4, and a number of sports activities. Study bug bites'students at DO'C By COLLEEN CREIGHTON DO'C High School Report cards will soon be here! How cen I teil, you ask?. Alweys around this time of year' you find students com- ing to school with bags under- their eyes and piiiows in hend in case they decide to grab a few Z's in class! Yes, the study bu~g bas once again bitten DO'C students. Mid-term tests, in almost every subject have hit us ail at once.. You cen aiways tell - the symptom- studying at lunch hour!1 The tests must aiso be getting to DO'C's sports teains. Most of the gaines in the past week were rained out; how- ever, the Junior Boys' Soccer Team managed Unfortunateiy, they lost their first gaine of the season. Drama auditions have begun agein'. Unfor- tunately, last year's planned '--production "Man of La Manche" had to be cancelled due to lack of participation, but Mr. Stafford hopes to see meny actors and ectresses, new or oid. Mid-term blues at By COLLEEN WOOLSEY H.S.H.S. If the students of Henry Hligh seem a.little quiet this month, there's e, good reason for it. The arrivai of progress re- ports and the approach- ing mid-term exains and papers have caused most students to worry. Exam week is Novein- ber 1 to 5; the tests wiii der of your* timetabie. For exemple, the period 1 test, wili be heid on Monday, the period-two test on Tuesday, the period three test on Wednesday, etc. Every- one shouid study bard for these tests, 'but seniors shouid be extra- conscientious because your first terin marks are the ones that wiil be sient to the universities out for this year's try- outs. On the more serious side, the Grade 10'Re- treat took place, on Thursday, October 21 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Theý location is a plea- -sant change since Iast year this event was heid in, our own school gym. We hope that the Grade 10's had a productive, relaxing day., Henry and coileges you apply to. Speaking of universi- ties and colleges, it's -time- to start seriousiy thinking of applications. Right now you can probably think of a million other better things to do. But, when Christmnas roils around and you're fighting your way through the line- ups you'il wish you had corne in a littie earlier, Go now and avoid the Christmnas rush!' Commencement is also quickiy approach-, ing. On November 12 the school wili be f illed with Grade 12 graduates and alumni students and their friends and paren- -ts ceiebrating their gra- duation fromn high school. We at Henry truly miss iast yeer's Grade 13 grads and wish themn success in what they are doing now. Between mid-terms, applications and Com- mencement the ýmonth of November seems fairly hectie. But, if you think this is- bad, wait until Decembèr! ART DEPARTMENT ON PREMUSES H THE CORPORATION 0F (Iý> )THETOWNOFWHITBY PROCLAMATION International Toastimistress Day Take notice that October 27, 1982, 18 hereby pro- claimed as "International Toastmlstress Day" in and for the Town of Whitby ln recognition of -the achievements of the International Toastmistress Club. Citlzens of Whltby are urged to aveul themselves of this opportunity to become acqualnted wlth the f ine programmes cerried on by these clubs. Dated et Whitby," Ontario, this twenty-seventh day of October, 1982. R.A. Atte >rsley, Mayor, Town of Whitby ARE YOU SAVING ENOUGH 0F YOUR HEATUNG DOLLARS? Insulating just your attic may not be suf ficient. Get the MAXIMUM return on your energy. investmelt. Considering your WIN 1DOWSis a MUST! We now have a full une of wlndowstéoaid ln reducing those costs. Choose from eitherour add on unîts or total replacement. DURHAM COM FORT' INSU LATION 579-4328

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