Ao eaProducis Includlng nownutriiional ditl progam garaneedto lose wegtor money back guaran- 7"90. Osawaphone 576- 0707 or 723-7552. Port Perry phono 985-8619. *EDROOM SUITE, 5 pieces. Stove, avocado color, 30". PMase phono after 6 p.m. 579-7706. BOYS' SKATES - Bauor size 5, Munari size 6, boih ln very good condition. Phone 655-3409. CHESTERFIELD and chair ln good condition $75. Cal aflter 8 p.m. 655-3009. DRESSER, ful size with mirror, brown, $65. Throe oak chairs $15 each. Brasa lampa $30 pair. Rocking chair $30. Large fuli-size mlrror $20. Car jack with stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 883-6638. DRY FIRE WOOD. Beach, mapie, white blrch. 16" sticks. Delîvor anywhero. $45 par singlo cord. Phono 705) 454-8260. FOR 'SALE - 2 pair boys Bauer skates, aize 5 & 51h, $10 oach. Mens TorIno skis with polos & boots $40. Antique buffet wth mirror $100. Bookcase, 3 sholvea wlth 2 doors at the bottorn, $75. Atari video gamne, 6 .cartrtdges, $200. Singer ýtreddle eewlng machine $25. Color TV set, RcA, 26" f loor modal, $50. Chesterfild &chair, gold, $100. Picnlc table $20. Mens 10 apeed biko,Ilight- weight, new tires & tubes, $75. Assortment of books & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command control, $25. Phono 579-3353. FOR SALE- Walnut buffet, ex- collent condition, asking $150. complote outaide chimney unit for wood stove, asking $250. Phono 668-0495. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, 9,PAE2 ~Whi tby's Most WideIy Read CILASSIFVEDADS fz» CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Golng out of business. Save from 10% ta 30% on your Christmas shopping from aur large glft uine. FRIEN DLV FLEA MARKET 2Kng Street West Oshawa PIANO, apartment alzod, Wlntor. Phono 655-4207. 2" Storm Doors Triple Soaied *5color$18.5 0. 4 styles lnstalled Inciuding tex. Also oco- nomical and onergy efficient aiorm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VlSlT our used furniture ae house by appointmont. Big savinga on deaka, chairs, f iling cabinets, etc. Caîl Dickson PrInt- ing & Offi ce Supplies to arrange an appointmoint to view. 683-1968. WATERBEDS Accessorles . Orloti Caps . Lampa .Shoots Oshawa Liquidations Mckaughlln Square, Oshawa 433-8172 Visa - Mastercharge CLEARANCE- SALE 0F CERAMICS Make us an offer. No reasonable offer refused. Coma to Whltby Free Prose, 131 Brock Street Nor- th, Whltby. TENDERS Durham Reglonal Police force TENDER- DRP 4183 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders wilI1 be received at the of fice of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Up until 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, November- 9th, 1982, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Vehicles. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the of fice of Superintendent G. Robinson, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, ex- tensi!on 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. ,UTGMOILES FOR SALE 1974 MERCURY COUGAR, V8, power steorIng, power bralcos, im- maculai. Iniorior, now tires, AM/FM cassette storeo, as 18 $500. Phono 571-055starS5 p.m. SUPPLIES FREE TO G000 HOME. Affection- aie fomaie cat, gray, neutored, ownors moving. Phono 579-4792. PICK YOUR OWN APPLES AI RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday through Monday 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. (weather permitting). - Please lookc for our new entrance off Durham Road 23, 1.à kîlomnetres north of stop llghts at Hlghway 2, half-way be- tween Whlt by and Ajax. Russets and Spies while they last. We may have a few Cortlands. Haîf bush- el bag $5.50. Containers provided. Due ta uncertainty of weather and supply, please cali us before you came ta aur farm 'ta en- sure we have the variety you want. We also have a few Red Deliciaus already picked ln orchard bins at $6.00 a haîf bushel bag. Please note also that this will be the last weekend for the 1982 seasan. 668-3311 ~C RECRETONA BLACK CA travai traller, aleepa 4, two-way rfrIgerator, fliush toilai, sink, gos stove, spare tire, $1,800. Phono 579-4883. THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU kNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE.... Wherever you move the Woi- corne Wagon hostess la 1h. rlghi person 10 help you find a place ln your now cornmunity. Cal 668-8943 TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makos and modela, by the weok- end, wook or month. Discounts avallabie. Dickson Printlng & Of- fice Supplies In 1h. Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine, repaira 683-1968, FREE: Drop Into1h. Dickaon Print- Ing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a froé copy of thoir 1982 MotrIc calondar. PrIntod ln two colours, Il makes for handy roferonce. 683-1968. LIQUIDATION SALE FURNITURE FROM BAN KRUPTCY SAVE 40 TO 60% This Weekend THURS., FR1., SAT. & SUN.- 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. at McLAUGHLIN SQUARE (Corner of Mary & Richmond St.) Chesterfield sets, bedroomn sets, bed chester- fields, microwave ovens, dmning roomn sets, mat- tresses, filing cabinets. For information eall: McLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATORS I I I *ARTICLES .,ARTICLES FOR SALE_ FOR SALE AUCTINSI CORNEIL AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE TUES., NOV-. 2 - 6:30 P.M. 3,miles east -of Little Bn-* tain, or 7 miles west of Lindsay, on the Lindsay/ Littie Britain Road. Race.. horse equipmnent.- The property .0f Michael Fraser of Sunderland plus other consignments. A Tandem axle single horse trailer, 2 complete sets of race harness, Jogging cart, race bike, Sunbeam electric clippers, knee boots & hobbies, an ar)vil, qty. of blacksmith tools, coolers, winter stable sheet, head pole, galting strap, Quebec heater, chests of drawers, chest- erfilelds, color TV, electric stoves, air compressor, antique dressers, oak buf- fet, qty. of hand tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RAR 1, Lttle Britain (705>)786-2183 UCTIOS WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby EV!RT MON. & THURS. AT 6:30 P.M. »AIl estates and consIgnments welcome. The place t, buy e«- sii. We will1 pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) (EVOS.) AUCTION SALES EVERY WEEK Each and every week the Whitby Free Press brings you Up to date on up- coming auction sales' n your area. Check the-ads here - then take the whole family to an auc- tion sale for a few hours. .Pick Up somne bargains.. and have fun tool Caîl to advertise your next'sale ln these pages. WHITBY FREE PRESS qLUfINS AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT.,30-il1 A.M. The pnoperty of Pine Paint Stables. Selling at WIndcrest Farm Market- place, Manchester, 2 miles west 0f Port Penny at the canner of Hwy. 12 and 7A. Sale featunes 2 horse trailer, gang sleighs, jumper slelgh, haynide wagon, pony cant, Western & Engllsh sad- dies, brass belîs, pony harness, blacksmith tools, sets of horseshoes, hunter jumps, laiâo, qty. of tack, wagonload selI- Ing f Inst. Power tools, bat- tery charger, hand tools, Olymplc ski doa with new track & seat, skidoo sied, couch, chairs, oak dIning table, oak sideboard with mîrrar, walnut vanity, TV, rocklng chair & much" more tao numerous ta list. Lunch available. Sale indoons. Everything selîs with no reserve. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Robert 655-4878 Murray 985-2459 AUCTION SALE TUES., NOV. 2-il1 A.M. Hopkins Auto Service 107 Warren St., Whitby (South off Hwy. 2, at Hop- kins. Watch fan signs.) GARAGE EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, CARS, TRUCKS, OFFICE EOUIPMENT. 2 HP air compressor, 2 H.D. bay lifts, Merlin brake lathe, Mi cro wheel balancer, Kal-Equip diag- nostic. tune up centre, battery charger, 13 H.P. bench gninden, drill press, 3 H.D. vices, balîjoint m/c, pressure tester, lube m/c, Mark VII tire changer, 112 & 2 ton f bon jacks, flbar stands, circulating fans, battery tester, parts cabi- nets, Impact guns, fan belts, small arc welder, 2 spray guns, ail furnace, sand blaster, welding ton- ches, new batteries, new tires,, used tires, snow radial, etc. wheel dIsc, customn parts, f Ilters, nut & boîts, new muf fIers, brake parts, brake drums, Nipers, etc. used parts, coffee & soup vending rn/c, stacking chairs, 30x60 desk 2 & 4 dr. filing cabinets, cash registen, bond photocopier, calcu- ators. VEHICLES: 1959 T 3ird Calîfornia car, excel- ent condition; 1975 Chrysler Cordoba; 1975 3uick estate wagon; 1977 )odge cube van; 1975 Chev delivery van; 1973 1 N s UC3INS CORNEIL AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FRI., OCT. 29 -6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Brn- tain, or 7 miles west of Lindsay, on the Lindsay/ Lttie Britain Road. The property of Mrs. Diane MacLeod of Woodville (moving out of province). A National queen-size waterbed with pine head- board, chesterfileld & matching chairs, glass- top coffee & end tables, chrome ktchen suites, single 4-poster bed, dressers, bunk beds,-fern stand, gold Kenmore 30" stove, gold Calvinator 2- dr. refrigerator, parlor set-! tee, occasional chairs, 24" Admirai colon TV, platfonm rockers, Beaver table saw, Ing lis washer & dryer, Lawnboy iawn mower, Viking colon port- able TV, hanging lamp, Pone With The Wind lamp, pressback chairs, a wooden barrel churn, qty. of tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Lttle Brîtain (705>786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 30 -9 A.M. Furnîture & Antiques Auction sale of furniture & antiques for the propen- ty of Joe Ward, Whitby. Selling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles nor- th of Uxbnldge, Ont. In- cluding Electrohome color TV, chesterfield & chair, freezer, Viking .2-dr. refrigerator, Viking dryer, Thor automatic washer, antique hall rack, Boston rocker, pressback chairs, drop-leaf table, 9-pc. din- ing roomn suite, 2 4-pc. bedroom suites, antique kitchen 'cabinet (excel- lent), pine chest, wash stand, antique pine cup- board with open top, writing desk, antique dlock, kitchen suite, cracks, dishes, crystal, 12-pc. setting dishes, chest o! silver, quilt box, bedding, coal 011 iamp, Filter Queen vacuum, two Buffalo robes, bottom haîf 0f corner cupboard - antique, tools, plus many, many other Items & collectables. A nice auc- tion. Closing out this aid- er home. Sale managed and sold by LLOY-P WILSON AUOTIONS Uxbridge (416) 852-35249 F~LORDA W.VACATIONI Wj RENTSALS CI.arwater - Elghi three b.d- rmtobathroom homes, 'hae oltennis, close 10 major attractions and beachea, familles wolcome. 683-5503 M7FR RIT j ROOMS FOR RENT. Centrai Whit- by. Full use of houso. Ktchen and laundry facilities. Working gentle. mon or studonia only. Phono 866- 3566 or 725-4004. A clasaif lad Ad la the 10w-cost timnelY way 10 a quick solution. Cali Whliby Proe Press 668-111. FOR RENT 576-7550 OHW Fitnessis a national issue.' 'We «eall it Body Politicis -- Te Canadian movement for personai fines ICLASSIFIED REAL ESTATEI OTTER CREEK Store for rent in new neighborhood plaza in prime Whitby subdivision. -Air conditioned - Cali Mr. Searue (416) 223-6550 OSHAWA cm sfRENT LARGE TWO BEDROOM apart- mont ln quiet woll-maintained Whitby building availabie Decom- parking lncluded. Heated garages, iaundry facilitios and cablo TV availabie. Oniy one block away from GO and local bus stops. Cait 668-6372 betwoen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 Friday. THREE-ROOM WHITBY OFFICE SUITE w1lh private washroom. Has over 750 sq. fI. 0f fully broadloom- ed and air-condiiioned spaclous- nasa. Main office about 32 foot long. Couid be divided lnb smai- or offices. For furiher information cati Mr. Burgess betweon 9 ar. and 5 p.m. ai 668-6372. STORES FOR RENI 1