PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS OCALL A PIOFE3UIMAL [ A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVE LINES ED CERANOWICZ PHONE 668-07371 I i i »3jjSEjES HELP la on the way for fîrma whaso prînter has recentiy gone out af business. Lau* DIcksan has the coat culling Ideas you neod at a time like Ihis, 683-1968. L132 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONT., L1 N4H4 J CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, CeramIc TiI- Ing, Drywaîl, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE,ÉSTIMATES *CALL 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES,1 Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jeweiery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oiî paint. ings and sealers., FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. ,W.,' OSHAWA 725ý-9783 LIMITED OFFER CARPET STEAM CLEANING' ENIEHOUSE$15" SMaimu 1,500sq. ft .....................12.0 SLiving room, dînîng room, adjacent hall.854.00 Bedrooms, each with $54.00 special ........S$10.00 F4 NO GIMMICKS - NO EXTRAS FULLT INSURID - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THERUG BUG 831-2102 Pickering $ 99.00 plus cotte 1.poinft & paper pope Als bookkeeping & Safeway Plaza Mldlown Mail l tax prparalon.I lSO 0Sim coe N. 2w0John St. AFR Oshawa CORPORATE SERVICE 576-9971 576-2431 576-0833 tflrl0 p.m. SHOUSE WARMING SPECIAL 30% DISCOUNT on ail exclusive deslgn Kirsch Custom Roîler Shades and Woven Wood BlInds and Drapes from Nov. 1 - Dec. il. Get out of the cold, corne to DESIGN DIMENSIONS, 119 GrenI St., Whltby, 666-3666 for professional assistance,J 10Oto 4 dally. EXPERIENCED, carlng book- keeper wili do your woekly payroli --TY ARO ta monthiy journais inciuding triai HTY ARC balance. 1-rte or manuai. Reasan- Custom Sheers & Drapes able rates. Plck-upldeiivery < EXPERT ALTERATIONS OshawalWhitby. Phono Glah AI.SO CLEARANCE 0F Schreiner 655-3944. SUMMER FABRIGS 215 Dundas St. E., HAN DYMAN Whitby 668-4821 WiiI do any job around CNRTLTOSo orfr your home. CNRTLTOSo orfr BEASONABLE. thcoming marriage. liasse view Caol Ray our samples of engraved wedding 666-1508 Ajax Piaza store. Dickson Printing 1 ---------- ---- 1 & Office Supplies 683-1968. TOM IN PALMISTRY. For Infor- mation or reading caii 668-2405. WHIT BY FREE PRESS 668.6111 REACH MORE POTENTUAL CUSTOM ERS ABVERTISE UNDER ""CALL A PROFESSIONAL" CALL668-61 11 FOR MORE DETAILS SERVICES "GRAMMAR for people wha hale grammar" la the ideai pookel roference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avalabie at Dickson Prlnling & Office Sup- plies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer on- quiries invited 683-1968. LOST - Siiver walch pan ln down- town Whitby. Please repiy 10 102 Brock Street North, Apartment 1, Whlby, Ask for DorolhY Brown. cOMIG FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Our representative JOHN MOULAND wili be ln the Whitby area on THURSDAY, NOVEM BER 4th, 1982 to discuss FBDB Services: 1 . Financial assistance for business. 2. Counseiling to im- prove business or solve probîemrs. 3. Management train- ing and information on government pro- g rams. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL JOHN MOULAND (416) 576-6800 Federal Business Development -Bank 22 King St. W. Oshawa ATTENTION DISPLAY &CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS ~HEL1 WANTJ ADS- REL1 FLEA MARKET - Sunday, October 31 f rom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 507 Brock Street North, WhItby. Cali 668- 1251 for more Information. LOOKING FOR AUCTIONS? This week's auction sales are on the * following page. GIGANTIC YARD SALE - Skates, skis, books, toys, clothlng and much mare. Saturday and Sunday, October 30 and 31, 10 ta 4. 2 Pilkinglon crescent, Whitby. YARD SALE - Saturday, October 30 from 10 a.m. 312 Lupin Drive, WhIlby. Ktchen table, fIrepiace accessories, curtains, misceilane- Oua. .BU/RN T ARE VOUR antiques, china, gias or aid furnituro ln the way an d coiiectlng, duat? Turn these thinga inta cash. Phone 655-3526. SERVICES NîGHT BABYSITTING ln my home, 5 p.m. ta 7:30 a.m. Phono 666-3560. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER wili babysît ln my home. Any ago woi. came. Hot lunches provIded. White Oaks Court, Whltby ares. $50 per weok. Phono 668&518. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER wiii tako ln day care, 5 days a week, any age weicome. Hot lunches, large back- yard. Gardon and Manning ares. Phono 668-1826. WWATEDTED CLIEANINO PERSON required one day per wook for Whiiby dental of- l ice. Pisas oeli Manday to Thurs- day, 8 a.m. taS5 p.m., 668-5815. WE NEED a ioving responaIbie grandmotherly-type person ta care for aur Infant son and porform iight housekoeping duties. Reforonces requIred. Fiasse phono 666-2815. AQUA MIST AQUA MIST Improves gas mile- age, Improvos horse power, cuts carbon deposîts and re- duces engins ping. Simple ln- staliatian, affordabie price. 60 day manufacturera guaranlee. Dealers wanted. Ground flbar apportunity. Phono 579-908. CLOWN needed for two-year-oid girl's birthday party, November 14. cail 668-2395, aak for Debbie. MARCO MARCO has Immediate open- Inga for pari-lime and fuii-time [sales reprsentatives. Excep. lionai incarne potentiai. Train- ing provided. Earned company car program. For appointment and Interview phone 579-8908. WANT HELP? Laid off temporariiy or unemployed for a long time? We want to help-you'Iook your best for the next Interview wlth a- potential employerilll! il! We'It g'ive you a discount If you brIng your, unem- ployment insurance card -when you vîsit. SPECIALS PIERRE PERM (bound to curi your haîr). .........20-percent off ail perms. MacEACHEN SIX-PERCENTER (but not as hard to hand le) .................. ......$6, off bieach, streaks and tints. AXWORTHY AXE (more than a million served)...... $4.50 off cut and blo w dry. Theire are no lay-offs here, but only layers off. ~ 185 Brock St. N. - 400MWhltby - 668-3892 Please check your advertIsement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiiI not be hiable for failure to pubîish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up toa maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject aIl advertise- ments. Ads rnust appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. RATES: $4.06 for 20 words if billed; 12o each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words ,111 each. You maY charge your Classifîed Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 120 each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - 58.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32e per Une. (No word ads allowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabîfi at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiii make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iability regarding ioss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number replies flot cailed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFIFD *1 Experienced ALUMINUM DOOR and WINDOW INSTALLER. 683-2691 WORKS FOR YOU E'VEN IF OIYRE NUl--' Most~ people i Ontario enjoy OHIP coverage through a company plan where they work. But if you're out of work, or unable to participate in a group plan, even temporarily, you can have continuous*coverage by contacting OHIP directly. You _simply arrange for coverage on a Pay Direct Basi. Depending upon your circumstances, you may even be eligible for help i paying the necessary premiums. To ensure your> continuous 0H11> coverage eveni if you aren'ût working, contact the OHIP District. Office nearest you. It's Iisted i the governmient blue pages of your local telephone directory. Ministry of Heaîth SOntario Larry Grossman, Minister RELP WANTED