.PAGE 81 ,NSDY~I31~29, & $ f S < M rost of you are aware,téprovincofo Ontario has, for many years, been encouraging Individuals and Industriesaliketo give serious consideration to locating in the area to the eastofMtplia Report r m Toronto. I have heartily supported this "Go East" policy as I realize the advantages to living and working In an area such as OurS. Q ueen s P arl On Thursday, October 7,m' olauth Minister of Transportation and Communication By Te Ho. Gerge sheMPP made an important announcement which will have (Pc -lio.DGergAha We, t a positive, effect on the areas surroundlng Metro Ontario Minister of Revenue Trno _________________________ 1Iarn referring to the presentation of the Inter- Reglonal Rapid Transit Strategy whlch will play an important, role in faïcilitating the, growth' and ___________________________ developmnent of the municipalities'between Oshawa FORM ALDEHYDE Alan b e ransportation system makes an im- portant contribution to the economie growth and ~aaa development of a particular area, and through the FOAM efforts of the provincial government an excellent W. mîntan a ompeentsystem lsaIaready in place. Emphasis Is now placed We mantaina.cometenton the expansion and improvemnent o this system work force to deal wlth which we currently taire for granted in this area of your formaldehyde foam the province. r rrdb-le.1-ag- "complements town plans"ý A'number of proposals to Impro've the Toronto, area' transit system have been presented to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications by local municipalities and planning agencies, but these numerous individual proposais would lie costly to implement and integrate with other transit proposais. For this reason, the Inter-Regional Rapid Transit Strategy was iitiated to provide an overaîl co- Arrest An is-year-old.Whitby man has been arrested j A in connection with a break-mn at 21 Cardliff Crescent last April . jeffrey ,Stephen ïE SERVICE Rostek, of 915 Walton Blvd. in Whitby, was arrested on charges o! break and enter and theft Sunday evening. > r He is scheduled to ap- pear in court October 22 iniWhitbY. ART DEPARTMENT ON PREMISES y "even more Canadians wMI be encouraged to GO easgt" This s another indication that the impact of the demanda being placed on existing services by the increasing populationkof the Durham ares are being considéred by tis government when provincial services are being expanded. As your representative at Queen's Park, I am' anxious to take this opportunity to express my en- thusiasmn for th e Inter-Regional Transit Strategy which was outlined by the Minister of Transporta- tion and Communications. The Region o! Durham is one which is undergoing rapid expansion and through the initiatives taken by your provincial government, even greater numbers of Ontarians will lie encouraged to "go east." A place that we, who are already here, know is a great place to live, work and play. STHE CORPORATION 0F ~THETOWN-OFWHITBY PROCLAMATION, APPLE DAY TAKE NOTICE THAT Octoberi23, 1982, Is hereby proclalmed as "Apple Day" in and for the Town of Whltby. Citizens- of' Whltby are asked to support Boy Scouts by donatlng for a f resh apple on Apple Day. DATED at Whltby, Ontario, this 2thday of Oc- tober, 1982. R. A. Attersley Mayor TheHP1-2âS It typesyoretrs And does a lot more, 'Me HP 125 types,, edits and prints every- thing from memos ta reports to high quality< letters. But that's just the beginning. It can also help with financial decisions and do business graphics.- For an introduction ta every- ê thing the H P 125 can ~' do. just corne in and secus. [IHEWLETT PACKARD ADVANCED COMPUTER SYSTEMS 50 Richmond St. E., Oshawa (Mc Laughlin Square) 433-8113 ýF aise A man impersonatmng a police officer claimed to lie checking the fur- nace at a Whitby resi- 'dence. Thursday, police report. The imposter entered, the home of John Kemp, 65 Garrard Road, went down te the basement, and lef t about five min- utes later, police say. Shortly after, a second man claiming to lie inspecting the insula- tion appeared with a ladder and went up to the attic. Police say nothing was stolen in the inci- dent. Information centres ordlnated approach to transit ln the Greater Toron- to reglonal area. four major recommendations are contained in this program: e Extend rapid-transit service from Pickering to Oshawa and Oakville to Hamilton, using Advanced Liglit Rail Transit (ALRT) technology developed by the provlncels .Urban Transportation Development Corporation. a Finalize a rapid-transit plan which will include an inter-regional east-weat line north of Highway 401. across Metro Toronto serving Metro, Peel, Durham, the airport and the existing GOd line. This lime Is comipatible.with recent Metro/TTC proposaIs, and wiil integrate local and regional travel and llnk, developing city centres. 1* Develop, with CN, a short-term plan for Improv- ing existing service. *Study the feasibility of an exclusive right-of-way adjacent to the exlsting GO Lakeshore rail Uine. The province's Inter-Regional Rapid Transitstra- tegy,, developed foHIowngý numerous discussions witb municipal officiais representlng the intereats o! -Durham,- Peel, and Metro Toronto residents, compléments municipal plans and will provide a strong basis for these municipalities toplan and in- tegrate their local transit systems. Another important consideration is the imple- mentation of, the program. I amn pleased to draw to your attention that the ministry's first priority is the implementation of the Pickering to Oshawa sec- tion 0f the transit system, a project which has an estimat.ed cost of $162 million. Contact JAMIESON CARPENTRY &rving Oarhawa and aua for 25 year Fora comprohensive estimate cali 433«0951 1664 Slmcoe St. N. Mon.-Fri. Oshawa - Whitby Chamber of Commfercé seeks VOLU NTEERS FOR PETER PERRY AWARD COMMITTEES Peter Perry Award ' night will be held in late February, 1983. People are needed* to serve on the selection and planning committees. If yuare interested, contact, Brian Winter at the Chamrber of Commerce, 668-4506 before Oct. 25, 1982. WHAT TO DO WH EN A DEATI- OCCURS O UT.O F.TOW N If you're ever involved in arranglng a funeralý for someone who dies out of town, you should contact a local funeral director who will make the arrange- ments with a funeral director in the city where the death occurred. Our membe- rship in professional organizations gives us contact with many highly quali- filed f uneral service people across North America. We'll take the neaessary steps to have the deceased brought home. We will confer with you at long distance or with other family members locally to plan.the funeral. It is Import- ant to remember to caîl your home town funeral director FIRST. This will avoid duplications of effort and tees. If you wish further details on out-of- town arra ngements, please contact us. HOBB ersTi ifulral ý4à Me & QJ9ippei ROBET -JCARSO..N. -F IJNERAL.. DIRECTOR 79 13ALbVWIN sTr.. BROOKLIN. ONTr. TELEPHONE 655-3662 Durham -,Regional Coundil plans to, give pepewho live on reinlroads a chance to consider proposed road construction and air their concerns,,be- fore the projets begin, the works- commlttee reported Wednesday.. The commlttee.lbas prp= e that public in- fraincentres out- lining construction pro- posais be opened before the plans, have .been finalized by regional council. Information 'centres are,,an alternative to, public hearings, wbich often occur ai ter, the project bas begun, worlçs chairman Gerry Emm said. "1Any concerns abou the construction would be looked at and hope-- fully resolved.- Then council' wiil know, they have agreliglit." Factors sucli as drain- age, ditching and- tree removal that -might be affected by road con- struction would be con- sidered by the residents. City planners, ,engin-, eers and counilors would be on hand te, an- swer questions at the in- formation centres, which would'be located near the 'Construction area and be open after- noons and evenings, Emm said. Bridge The following are the results of last week' play at, the Whitby Duplicate Bridgeý Club asreported .by fMrs. Harvey Winter. North and South, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vrengden- hl, 111; Mr. and Mrs. Hughi Baker, .103; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Davies, 102½; and, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ketcheil, 90½. East and. West: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, 102½;' Mrs. Pen Spratt and Mrs. Donald Wil- son, 100; Mr. and Mrs. Jim WMarrie, 97½/2; and, Mrs. Douglas Maundrell and Mrs. Bruce McColl, 96%. The resuits o! each week's play will be reported in the following issue of *the Whitby Free Press.