Boy Scouts: Between meeting the Mayor and aelling apples next Friday, and Saturday, these scouts are going to have a busy Urne. Mark Solom omdes (left), 9, Geoff Houghton (right), 7 and Terry Djean, 11, ac- cept a donation from Mayor Atteraley to kickr off, Boy Scout Apple day in Whitby and Brooklin. -Free Press Staff Photo Pr'ogram descriminates Durham Elementary T eachers are taking a firm stand against the Ontario Government's wage- reatraint pro- gram, a recent press release states. The teachers, current- ly involved in contract taîka which stalied Sep- tember 28, believe that "the selective use of these reatraints doea nothing to alleviate 'or attack the.proïblem." The teache rs point out that wage increases in the education sector in Ontario have lagged behind private, sector increases-every quarter.ý, since 1978.. They also dlaim that wage controls proposed by the Ontario govern- ment descriminate against the public sec- tor, and against women. "Progresa la .juat beginning for women in the work force who are attempting to catch up with the salaries being paid to men for work of ,equai value," a Federa- tion of Women Teach- er's bulletin states. "Blanket wage con- trols couid bring this advancement to- an abrupt hait. Controls simply freeze the gap between -men and women." The Federation states that in 1979, the average woman in the work for- ce earned only 63 per cent of the average maIe fuil-time salary. The .,speciflc- com- is the proposed Bill. 127, which - would impose joint bargaining on teachers and achool boards in Metropolitan Toronto., The Federation clainis that BiI 127 would seriously intrude on what they say has been succesaful collect- ive bargaining between achool boards and teachers in the past. "Most achool boards and their respective teacher affiliates have demonstrated a capacity for responsi- bility to' their consti- tuents," the Durham teachers state. The Federation of Women Teachers dlaim that Bill 127 will cause a decline in the quality of educaiton in Toronto, and possibly the reat of Ontario, because al major' -education decisions'will -be madà e by trustees appointed to the Metropolitan School Board. "Right now you make decisions about, your children's education through your eiected trustees," the Feder- ation says. It dlaims the appointment of trustees wiIl compromise the achool boards' ability to meet children's needa. Durham elementary teachers are currently awaiting the report 0of a Fact Finder in their stalled talks with 'the Durham Board of E'ducation, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29- 1982, PAGE 5 Math teacher to run >A newcomer to muni- cipal politica who la an oid-tlmer in education wlll seek a position aa trustee for the Durham Board of Education November 8. Ted Shiner, a physics and mathematica, teach- er at Durham College, has been active for the past seven years on the Durham Councl of Home and School Asso- ciations. He is presently vice prea 'ident of the council. Shiner, 39, who la married with two child- ren, 'has - taught at Durham College for 14 years. 1For three years, he repreaented the Home and School Council on the Board of. Educa- tion's Family Life' committee. He bas been invoived with studies in alternate' full-day kmn- dergarten and Board of Education discipline policies. Shiner aays he be- lieves that the basica that a student receives in elementary school can have a great affect on his or her succesa in later grades. "It is very important that the basic akilis are taught well, especially reading, writing and mathematics," Shiner says. Shiner says he is con- cerned about the financ-, ing of education in the future, with, the likeli- hood of more gover- nment cutbacks. "The trustees- will have to balance ail these concerna againat the taxpayers legitimate demanda that tax in- creases be reatrained." He pointa out that Whitby- lsa agrowing IVINCE"S GROCERY community, and trustees wlll bave tô en- sure. that new- schools are, provided, lnnew subdivisions. Shiner says better organization in. hiring should make hlring of additional teachers' part way through the year the exception 'rather than the rule. SUPER SPECIALS Red Skin PeanutS ...... reg. 1.29 IL .95lb Fresh Gourmet Blond$ Coffee .....reg. 4.49 lb. 3.85 lb. Banana Chips reg. 1.49 IL. 1s2lb. Lavito Tomato Pastereg. .45 3 for $1 .00 Now Avallable FRESH PASTA WEEKLY RAVIOLI & LASAGNA 214 Dundas S't. E., Whltby 668-5112 SFRUI T BASKETS FOR ALI SOCCASIONS . PETER& JOSEPH, t HAIRSTYLUNG Would like to i ntroduce SHIONA LOGAN formerly of Scissors SPECIAL PRICES every day of the week 104 Dundas St. W Whitby 6 8%5 9 DOIS IlAGAIN STsHOSPITALITY e'I* USR ST, 0TOURISM týGREAT!/ M ION HORSE STRADING POST *Moccasins - Mukluks *Leather and sheepskin garments *Woollens and parkas *Hand knht sweaters *Eskimo carvings and souvenirs *Handcrafts, wooden toys, brassware MRON MORSE TRADING POST lDays Hwy. 12 (at the tracks) 7AWeek Myrtie, Ontario A Wek(Jst1.4 km forth of Whltby> (416)655-3758 HEATING. . Sh1~ fl~%oMORE. INSTALL A ¶ FLAIR STACK PACK FROM $295.001 INSTALLED A "Fail Safe" Motorized Stack Damper Designed toPrevent Escape of Furnace Heat Up and Out the Chimney When the "Burner" is in the "Off" Cycle. APPLIES TO HOT WATER, STEAM AND FORCED AIR SYSTEMS. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND- INDUSTRIAL. CERTFIED For more information. -J~CRTFE literature and list il- ot nstaîî ing dealers -drop in or phone '~ iii'433-5521 A ON DISPLAY AT 484 WATERLOO ST., OSHAWA III DYSON Il DISTRIBUTION LTD. SUPPLIERS'0F: ENERGY FIFICIENT HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Congratulations! W Ebba, North 111. t',66Whitby, Ont. luilmatched and won! Nikko Stereo System winner You co'uld Win tool So Corn nad SNOCO pla-y Match & Win at Sunoco., Sunocoin.. mcoman