PAGE 18, WEtNESDAX OPCTOBIBR 20,.1 982ý, WI"UTBY FR"E PRESS CONTINUED FROM PAGà E 16 Golng out of business. Save f rom 10% to 30% on your Chrlstmas shoppIng from our large glft Uîne. FRIEN DLV' FLEA MARKET 23 King Street West Oshawa THOMAS DELUXE European 1125 slectrlc organ wth a double key- board. Incudesbench, ight and sheet musle. Like new., Asklng $975. A nice chrlstmas glft. Ph'one 668-2725. CLEARANCE SALE 0F CERAMICS mAuI us AN OFF!! No Reasonable Offer Ref used WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY AUTMOLES FOR SALE 1978 HONDA cîvic, hatchback, automnatic, ana awner, body gaod, good running candition, neede tires ta be certif led, 57,000 ariginal miles. $1.200 ar beet af fer. Phane N68-1564. ~~OWN PICK VOUR OWN RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday through Monday 10 a.m. to. 5 p.m. (weathen permitting). Prease look for our new entrance off Durham Road 23, 1.3 kilometres north of stop lights. at Hlghway 2, half-way b.- tweon Whltby and Ajax.' Mactntosh, Russets and Spies whiie they iast. We rray. have a few Cort- lands. Haîf bushel bag $5.50. Containers provid- ed. Due to uncertainty of weather and supply, please caîl us before you comne to our farm to en- sure we have the vaniety you want. We also have a few Red DeicIous already picked n orchard bîns at $6.00 a half bushol bag. 668-3311 ARTICES FFRR RR1~ENT TYPEWFRITER RENTAL, many makes and madeis, by the week- end, week ar manth. Discaunts avalabie. Dcksan Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Gall us for business machine repairs 683-1968. FREE. Drap lmia the Dicksan Prin- tlng; & Office Supply stare ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree capy af their 1982 Meiric Calendar. Prlnted in twa calaurs. t makes for handyreferen ce. 683-1968. AUCINS ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY, OCT. 21 AT 6:30 P.M. 0f the late Mr. R.J. Porter Adams of 89 Rosemount Ave., Toronto, held at 1614 Charles St., Whitby. Household furnlshings, sofas, tables, chairs, cof- fee & end tables, bed- room suites, Including king & double size beds, drop-f ront secretary desk, grandfather dlock, tea wagon, -rockers, -plant tbeparlor tables, of- fi ce desk -& chair, stove, fridge, washer, dryer, deep f reeze, Iawnmower, wheel barrow, buffet, round table, wall unît, lamps, books, boxes of dishes,' crystal, silver, rugs, fireplace equip- ment, 'linens, glass & china, Panasonic micro- wave ove n, garden furni- ture, step ladders, partial list only. Many boxes of unknown merchandise unopened. Plan to attend. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONIEER 666-3731 AUCTION SALE CORNIEIL AUCTION BARN FR1., OCT. 22 -6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Brn- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay, on the Lindsay/ Little Brtain Rd. The pro- perty of Mrs. E. Harding of Little Brtain & Mr. Michael Hall of Toronto. Six matching pressback chairs, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, pine chest of drawers, odd pressback chairs, parlor tables', Duncan Fyfe dropleaf table, chesterfields, refri- gerators, chests of draw- ers, coffee & end tables, occasional .chairs, chrome' kitchen suite, mahogany buffet,. side- -board, Annex stove, 'qty. of picture f rames, tools, china & glass. >DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Brtaîn (705) 786-'21 83 *AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 23 - 1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 miles soùth.of Port Perry. With old block planes,' draw knives, chisels, brass f Ire extinguisher, also wheel barrow, ski111 saw, electric sander &- hedge trîmmers, heated vibrator chair, 5' portable bafr, 9x12 shag rirg, Zenith The. place t. buy or sel. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS)> -- (EVGS.)ý I I AUCIN AUCTION SALE of 10 unîits from North American Van LUnes to be held at: 1614 Charles St., Whltby SAT., OCT. 23-Il1 A.M. Properties & merchan- dise being sol.d for stor- age. Huge selectlon of dIning room suites, living r oom- suites, many bed- roomn suites, odd tables& chairs, lamps, rugs, many many boxes, of dishes,' kitchen ware, hand tools, garden tools, workshop tools, includlng air com- pressor, linens, bedding, bicycles, tricycles, toys, TV's, mirrors, books, pic- tures, pots & pans, shelv- Ing, canoe, lawn furniture, desks, chairs, fMiing cabli- nets, wall unit, stoves, dishwashérs, deep freeze, vacuum cleaners, washers, dryers, rockers, boxes & boxes not yet un- packed. Come early - lunchavailable. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 30- 9 A. M. Furniture & Antiques Auction sale of furniture & antiques for the proper- ty of Joe Ward, WhItby. Seiling at the Wilson's Sales Arena, 2 miles non- th of Uxbridge, Ont. In- cluding Electrohome color TV, chesterfield & chair, fr eezer, Viking 2-dr. refrigerator, 'Viking dryer, Thor automatic washer, antique hall rack, Boston rocker, pressback chairs, dnop-leaf table, 9-pc. din- ingý room suite, 2 4-pc. bedroom. suites, antique kitchen cabinet (excel- lent), pine chest, wash stand, antique pine cup-, board with open top, writing desk, antique dlock, kitchen suite, crocks, dishes, crystal, 12-pc. setting dishes, chest of silver, qq.Ilt box, bedding, coal 011 lamp, Filter Queen vacuum, two Buffalo robes, bottomn haîf 0f corner cuphoard - antique, tools, plus many, many other Items & coliectables. A nice auc- tion. Ciosing out this old. en home. Sale managed and sold by LLOYD WILSON AUCTIONS Uxbridge (416)852-3524 AUCTION SALES Every. week the' Whltby Free Press brlngs you up to dater on upcoming auc- tion sales ln your area. Check the ad s here - then take the whole familly to an auctlon sale for a few hours. PIck Up somne bar- gains ... and have fun tool Caîl to advertise youn next sale ln these pages. WHITBY. FREE PRESS YARD SALES GIANT YARDb SALE - Saturday, Octaber 23 and Sunday, October 24 at 307 Lupln Drive, Whltby, f rom 9 a.m. LARGE. TWO BEDROOM apart- ment ln quiet well-malntained Wh ltby building available Decem- ber 1. Fridge, stove, hydra and parking Inciuded. Heated garages; laundry faclitles and cable TV avaliable. Oniy ans black away tram GO and lacal bus staps. Cali 688-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta Friday. FRLODA W w VACATION I W RENTSALS clearw ster - Elght t hree bed- Iraamtwà abathraam hames,I Iheated poolstennis, close to Imajor attractians and beaches,I familles weicame. 683-5503 RELSTATE F~GSIOER EN' IERENT1] ONE ACRE LOTS. $8,000 up. Fuiiy appraved. Last cali at» these prices. Phane danntngtan 705- 432-2025. WANTED - Old century hame ar cattage far renavatian. 4 manths rent against labar. Praessianal carpentry, masanry, tMing.) In- crase yaur ral estate value. References availabte. Cali Jay 666- 2405. STORE FOR RENT OR LEASE. Ideai far emali business ar affice. Brand new building. Appraximate- y 700 ta 800 square feet. Cali Glabal Rebulders 668-1441. 3OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - WHITBY - Three-room Whiltby office suite with private washroom. Has over 750 square f eet of f ully broadloomed and air-conditioned spacious- ness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be divided into smaller off ices. For further Information caîl Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at: 668-6372 Speaking to -0You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. (PC - Ontario) The, economie statistics which cause me most worry are those dealing with youth unemployment. In 1968, only 7.4 per cent of people aged 15 to 24 could flot find work. Today that figure is 21 per cent. In. our own communities in Durham Region, 30 per cent of the students who found.summer jobs Iast year could flot find jobs this summer. Acr oss Canada, thousands of students will flot be returnlng to'school because they, don't have the money. Thousands are - wisely - staying in scbool longer than they would postpone entry into our harsh economic'climate. Youth don't bave to face the responsibilities of the' adult workforce so Ottawa, naturally, gives, blem less attention than our present overaîl employ-- ment rate of 12.2 per cent. But'in the long run, 1 wonder wbich is a more serious tbreat to Canadian society. It used to be a young couple could count on buying a home. In the late seventies, home ownership became merely a dream but at least the young couple could count on jobs. If economic conditions of today continue', that too wiil become a dream. Jobs could become a privilege that only a lucky few will have. It adds up not justto economic decline - but also to moral and family decline. No one feels good unless they can'stand on their own two feet, and today's young people are being denied the'opportu- nity to do that. * ANNOUNCEMENTS * RECEPTION CARDS ~M~#* INVITATIONS' * THANK YOU CARDS PRNTN AN FIESPLE RUBY'S EMPORIUM (New & Used Clathes & More)" 105-1Dundas St. W. 666-3626 From Octobor 17 ta 29 ENTER OUR SPECIAL OPENING DRAW With any purchase from Octaber 17 to' 29, yau WIi 1 le'entitled ta enter aur draw. The winner's name wiII be drawn Octo- ber 29 for a food eticate "for $50.00. 1. Tenders 'are Invlted to fabricate and instal steel stairs in varlous locations at Whitby Psy- chiatrlc Hospital, Whitby. 52-ECR (65290) SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS wil be received until 3:00 P.M., Local time on Tuesday, November2, 1982. Tender Documents may be obtalned from the On- tario Ministry of Government Servces, Reglonal Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 18B4. NOTE: For further i nformation regardlng the Ten- der, please caîl Mr. G. LePard at the above add- ress, Telephone: (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- cepted.> Ministry of Services Ontario w AucprloNs 0.. aged, to attend UIP to pick up brochures on programs offered by each university, and to ask specific questions of the representatives: "There wiIl be litera- ture available, and some scbools bring films or slide-tape presentations to give the students a visual image of the school," said Gerry LeRoy, a guid- ance consultant for the fl'uham'Board of Edu- cation. CALL 66"111H1ýTO.PLACE, YOUR ADVERTISEMENT. Closer' police contact Gloser contact be- tween police and.Whltby Psychiatrlc __Hospital (WPH) should be esta-, blished to help locate missing persons, a coro- ners juryr recommended' last week. The tbree-man, two woman jury heard evi- dence -in the drowning death of 20-year-old Margaret. Daniel, a poatient of tbe hospital whose bodywas found in Lake Ontario last spring. 1The jury recommend- ed ,that police'be cal led in early t6 help locate persons missing from the hospital after WPH, officials testified' that several searches were conducted by' hospital, staff before the police were called. Daniel was reported missing March 15, but she was not located until ber body was washed ashore near the hospital Aýpril,4. Four other recom- mendations made bY the jury were: ». A mssing person report be.sent to police along with a description and photograph of the person. - -Hospital search pro- cedures should be regularly reviewed by staff. - communication be- tween the bospital and the patient's. family sbould be iznproved. -Family physicians should be updated on a patientS' -.adnxittance and discbarge from the bospital Although the jurys recommendations were not ý'legaily binding, Coroner Michael Gabri- elle'said an effort would be made to' have the recommendations ,put into effect. The jury" concluded, the cause of, Damiel's death was, drowning, and did not list it'as a suicide despite«evidence that 'Daniel had made attempts on her life prior to her disappear- ance., Students welcome