WHITBY-FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER- 20o,19821, PAGE 17 'E.. 'Mpm PEU.. __ PR. w-I I Emporlum Ads wiII only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER for aide slder wlndow, 6,000 BTU's, bargain at $160. Oeil Oshawa 725-5336. *LACK AND WHITE television i$W3. Sterling silver ladies' watch $75. Counter-top dlshwaahsr, used twice, $25. Phone momîInga until 1 prn. 68&3579, aftemnoons and evenlngs 668-6424. BOYS SKATES - New, neyer used, C.C.M. Super Tacks, size 31ok, $75. Phone 855-4271. Used one season, C.C.M. Super Tacks, size 3 and 4 1h, $40 each. Phone 655-4271. CHEST 0F DRAWERS, brown, 4 drawers, good condition, $39. Boy'. junior ten-sposd, good con- dition, $60. Phions 683-663. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. wlth poies and boots, size 5, $45. Cross-country boots, size 7, $12. Figure skates, size 5, $4. Figure skates, size 6, $8. Boys Cougar boots, size 6, $8. Two achool deeke, blue and red, each $12. Hamster cage, round, sturdy, motel, like new, $10. Phone 668- M42 evenlngs. DRUMS $270. Excellent condition. Ail reasonabis offers, considered. Please cali 576-1911 after 5 p.m. il PC. PATIO DOORS $150. Piano $550. Freezer, 16 cu. ft., $200. Bed chestsrfieîd $75. Desk $60. Phone 083-7132. CALI. 6084111 to place your ad ln the Whltby Free Press. FOR SALE - Spin washer, goid color, oniy used two monihe, $200. Hlgh chair, ln excellent condition, $25. Oeil 668-1385. Soe ARTICLES FOR SALE' LARGE STJRDY WORK3ENCH $40. Portable typswrlter, Ilke new, $45. Oid wardrobe, minrora and drawers, $75. Antique table, mahogany, $125. Phone 683-6638. ONE ELECTROLUX shampooerl f loor polisher, usd oniy once, like new, three years oid, $250. One 26 Inch girl's bîke $25. Kenmore por- table sewing machine $150. Singer sswlng machine table $45. Phone 5764993. ONE PAIR Dominion men's rouler skates, size 7, '$20. Lange Ice skates, size 7, $20. Used one ses- son. Ladies' V4 iength Imitation. fui, dark color, $10. Oeil 668-2695 anytime. P.A. SY5TEM. with reverb. Two 100-watt heads and a six-channel mixing board. Two basa cabinets and two tweeter-horn cabinets. Also has covers bulIt for the road. Includes many extras. Bought new $3,500. Wii sacrifice $1,300. Serlous Inquiries oniy. 728-7158 anytime. ô H.P. MERCURY outboard motor $225 with tank. 25 h.p. Evînrude motor, $125. Reel-to-reel tape recorder $40. Phions 576-0769. TWO Wilson Jack Kramer pro, staff's tennis rackets with covers $100. Oeil after 5 p.m. 68k3447. WATER PUMP, piston type, for shaiiow welse and laktes, suction 1",, manufacturer "DURO". Includ- Ing motor, gauges, foot valve, 30 gais. gaiv. tank, ail fittinga. Price $185. Phone 655-3004. WOOD STOVEF, box type, like new, ssii for $95, Phone 655-4995. -PLEASE READ - When the advertlsed Item la soid, disposed of, or unavaliabie for, whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemed to have been eold and a commission wIlibe charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE aa Ilustrated bsiow, regardies If price lastated wlth "best offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wiil appiy payable In advance of publication of the fîrst ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will ap. ply If blleèd which must be paid upon recelpi of bill. The above minimum charges wiii be applled to the final cbmmisslon due but ln any case the higher amount wiil b. charged. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-pald; $7.50 biiisd.. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertlsernents must be placed on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITSY FREE PRESS and run aileasi one month If not aold. RATES (if article l a old): 5% of advertlsed pria. Up to 840.00 2% of balance over 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlmed for $120.00. Commission due 86.W0 (Minimum charge la 86.00). Private advertlslng onlyl Pisses notify the WhItby Free PresImmedlateiy when Item la sold go that we may delete il from the foliowing issue. Al aëda not fittIng the Emporium guidelines wiil be treated and charged per week as regular classified ada on a pre-paid bagie such as: services, heip wanted, ciothlng, rosi estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting prIce or quantity. Privais ciassified ada may appear In th~e Emporium section under appropriats headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:, FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 208 Whiby, Li N 551 If ln doubi cali: 668-6111 *OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whilby, Ont. THE'DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AUTOMOBILE CD S.IORESLI 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PACER, 80,000 miles, 2 door, blus. Asklng $3,000. Phono 855-4352. 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-1 shape, 81,500 or bosi offer, as le. Phone 655-3027. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 8 cylin- der, boat offer. Minimum $500. Phono 6888-9944. 1973 ASTRA for parts. $100. Phions 688-573. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmission, new brakes ail the way around. Asking $500 or beet reasonabie offer. Phone 688-9840. 1971 CHEVELLE, compioteiy re- stored and certif led. Aeklng $1,800. Phone 655-4517 or 655- 4989. IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherovsr you move the Welcoms Wagon hosteau la the right person to hslp you tlnd a place ln your new com. muniiy. Caeil 668-8943 ~VOOTIVE R~EAIR/PTAIR/PARTS FIVE Uniroyal steel beited radiais, LR'78x15, chrome caps and rings, spare brand new. $400 or bout of- fer. Phonoe888-9228. ONE SPARE TIRE, H78114, white waii on rim, $10. Four hub cape,' Plymouth, 81.50 each. Phono 668- 5227. RADIAL TIRES wlth rime (white waiie). Two HR78-15 steel bsited $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear cus- tom polysteel (ons rim oniy) $100. Phone 688-9855. BAjYjEEDS BABY CARRIAGE, ln good condi- tion, new mattrese, $25. Phono 655-4858, ask for Maureen. DARK BROWN wooden crib, aek- Ing $75. Phone 668-5016. jHOiSEHOLWJ BEAUTIFUL custom bulit bar, ,bar frldge and two nsw aoils, $450. Antique wïood bumning cookatove $250. Wall painting $20. 9-pc. mahogan'y dInIng room suite $1,400. Smaii baby crib $45. WIiI te beat offer on ail articles. Phone 571-0271 anytime. COUCH, pull-oui, Sealy Posture- pedlc mattresa with rattan frame, $485. Freezer, 22 cu. fit., white,- $250. Refrigerator, white, 21" wids x 22" deep x 5' hlgh, $80. Stove, 24" wids, white, $100. Bar, wainut wood grain and black f in- ah, 5' wide, $50. Two waii units, walnut melamIne finish, 30" wide' x 6' high, $150 for both. Coffee & two end tables, French Provincial, dark.wood finish, $100. Oelilaven- ings 728-1746 or daye 384-<3234, ask for Ken Hilder. FULLY LINED antique satin gold drapes, ln good condition, to fit a window 168" wide x 92" long and also 102" wids x 92" long, $125. Grsen unlinsd polyester drapes, 150" x 95", $25. Phone 688-3720 afler 5p.m. ONE PHONE CALL AND YOU AWAKE A SELLING GIANT. Place your advertissment- under the Whitby Free Press Emporium sec- tion and gsi iImmediate resulta. For furthsr Information or to, place your ad In the Frais Press cali 888& 8111. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, 22 feet upper cupboards, 9 ft. iower, In- cludlng countertop, double. aink and tape, ln good condition, $400. Aiso 2 bar aois, $25 each, ln new condition. One 8' electric base- board heater 'with bulit-in thermo- stat, $40. Varlety of uaed iouversd and blfoid ciossi doors, varlous sizss, $10-825. Phone 688-4888. RAYWALL kîtchen cabinets $0 or boat offer., Onesacreen door', brown, $25. Five acreens, $5 each, wiiI f it Most homes ln West Lynde. Arles rug, 62" x 107", rose coiored, $20. Phone 668-2301.- SINGLE SED wih mattresa, ln good condition, $50. Two pleces of broadloom, blue, 12',x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phone 668.9lx0e. TIMELINESS la Important whsn you are buying or seilng. And a ciassifled ad la the iow-cost tlmeiy way to a 9uick solution. Cail Whlt- by Free Press668-81 11. SOLID WOOD chesterfieid and two matching chairs, blue stripsd cushiona, $150. Phone 668.6144. WASHER and dryer for sale, good working order, $225 for pair. Bulit- In dishwasher $225. Phono 839- 3213 after 5 p.m. 14-FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, Sham- rock, blue and white, sees 4, sink, ICe box, 3-stove burner, toilet. Abklng $3000. Phono 655- 4352. 1973 FORD WINDOW VAN, power steering, power brakea, 302, V8, standard, needa some body work. $800 or best offer as le. Plhonse68. 8227. I I i I EAY The easy way to flnd a buyer for Items you want to seil is a Classif led Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS............... 668-61.11 SIMPLE lu The simple solution to cleaning storage problems ln the attlc and garage lsa Ciasslfiled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS...............68-61 11