Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1982, p. 24

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY OCTOBRR 20, 1982, WHJITBY FREE-PRESS Whltby's Most WldeIy Read CL-ASS1F1FD ADS_ I OCALL A, PIOFESSIGIAL I Clair (iPRATE~ st clairYOUR SMALL BUSINESS Th' dt qm péle .*[ $99.00 plus coilte lb. oin & iperp66IO Alo boakkeepng & Safeway Plaza Mldtawn Mail txpeatln. 1150 Slmcoe N. 20 John St. ~ RAORD .J 5769h7a56w231 CORPORATE'SERVICE 576.971 76-231 $76-0833 atter ô p.m. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFF ERENTIAL & DRIVELIN ES HOE6REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tii- ing, Drywalî, Rec. Rooms, ýCedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, oîd guns, dlocks, jewelery,,dishes, f urni- ture, crocks, oil paint- Ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 725-9783 4 LIMITED OFFER CARPET STEAM CLEANING ENTIRE HOUSE '$1 25.00O Maximum 1,500 sq. ft..................... ,L Living room, dinfing room, adjacent hall ..54.00 jBedrooms, each wth $54.00 speclal ........ $10.00 NO GUMMICKS - No EXTRAS t FULLY INSURED - SATISFACTION GUARANTEEO THE RUG BUG 831-2102 Plckerlng G SERVI CES I TOMIN PALMESTRY For Infarmatian or reading cali 666-2405 WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers & Drapos EXPERT ALTERATIONS ALSO CLEARANCE OF SUMNER FABRICS 215 Dundas St.E., Whltby 668-4821 S ESJ "GRAMMAR for peopie wha hale grammar" la the Ideal pocket reforence book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and avalabie ai Dicksan Prinling & Office Sup- pliles ln the Alax-'Plaza. Deaer an- quirles Invited 683-1968. EXPERIENCED, carlng book- keepîr wilI do your weekiy payral la rnonthly jounnals Inciuding triai balance. 1-rite or manual. Reason- able rates. Pick-upldelivery Oshawa/Whilby. Phone Giah Schroinor 655-3944. HELP la on lthi way for firms whosî prInter has receniiy gone ouI af business. Lau Dickson has the cosl cutling Ideas you need aI' a lIme like this, 683-1968. HAN DYMAN- WIIIdo any job around your home. REASONABLE. 0.11 Ray 666-1508 CONGRATULATIONS an your for- lhcaming màrriagi. Please viîw aur samples af engraved weddlng Invitations aI your lelsure in aur jax Plaza store. Dickson PrIntlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. LQST I n dawnlawn Whtby, a ~whte cookatiel, yellaw crest, oýrange cheeke, answera ta "lJady"l. Very frIendiy bIrd, famlly pet. Reward. Phease cali 668.4869. PERSONALS May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout the worîd for ever and ever. Amen. F.T. WANTED- Teacher, dungoan master or group ta help a 13.year- old boy learn the garni ai Dun- geons and Dragons. cal an 655- 4271. Y~A.SALES MOVINO SALE - Saturday, Octo- ber 23 tram 9 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. at 22 Harper Court, Whltby. We've already maved but thore's a large selectian af laya, books, clothIng lades' and baya'), hausehald and ktchen Items, al ln gaad candi- lian. Everythlng must gaI Sale MIl be Inside. Refreshments. Ses yau therel I 1 ~ TENDERS [Durham Regional Police Force TENDER DRP 1-83 POLICE FORCE UNIFORMS' Sealed Tenders wilI be received at theoffice of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, *November9th,,1982,, for the suppîy.and delivery of Police Force Uniform Cîothing. - Tender forms may be plcked up or reqluested through the' office of Sprnedn Gerald Robinson, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily ac- cepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. lDurham ,Regïinal Police Force TEND-ER DRP 2-83 -POLICE* FORC,E SHIRTS AND TIES Sealed Tenders wilI be received at the office of the' Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 10:00 a.m. (E.S.T) on Tuesday, November 9th, 1982, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Shirts and Ties. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent Geraîd Robinson, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lo west or any quotation not necessarily ac- cepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Oc- taber 23 tram 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. et 1107 Henry Street, Whtby. Featur- Ing on antique Nava Scotian rape bed. AUCTION IiUNTING? See Page 18 BUENREJ CASH« FORGOLO- AIl Gold and. Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and,-dental goid. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cli prices for Canadian an d American sIlver coins, any condition. Also buying any for- eg ivrcoins STORE.' 121 Brock St. N. Whitby Exclusive Agent In Whitby for Northland GoId& Silver Inc., WANTED - Insîde starage far 20 It. cruiser on Tandem trair ln Whll. by aria. Phone 668-6645. WANTED - Twln straller. Phane 866822. FOFRSASELE IPRODUCTSI Includlng new nutrtionalf Sdiit program guaranteed ta - *lame wîlght or maney back BOYS, SKATES, silze 3,, Bauer 192'o. Sîzi 1 Junior Supremîs, Tuuk blades, usîd ane aeaaan, excellent candition. Phane 668- 8917. AQUA MIST, AQUA MIST Impravîs gas mile- agi, Improves hars power,' culs carbon depasîts and te- ducîs engins plng. Simple In- stallation, affardabie prîce. 60 day manufacturera guarantie. Phane 579-8908. COMMODORE VIC-20 computer, only two mantha nid; alan data. cassette recarder, machine cade manitor, two memary ixpandora, threî gamîs, jaystlck and manuals. cast aver $1 ,000. AskIng $750. Phoneo86688479. CURVED SPACE furnIture, thre places, Inciuding spoan chair. Ex- cellent canditian. AskIng $400. Phane 668.1564. DRY PIRE WOOD. Bee ch, mapie, white birch. 18" sticks. Dîhîver anywhere. $45 per single, card. Phone (705) 454-8260. TOP SOIL, reasanabie. Phone 666- 3471 or 578-2098. TENDERS Durham Regional Police Force e, TENDER e DRP 3-83 POLICE FORCE FOOTW EAR Seaîed Tenders wiIi be received at the office of the Chief 'of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, November 9, 1982 for the. supply and deîivery of Police Force Footwear. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent G. Robinson, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, ex- tension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessariîy ac- cepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. MARCO has Immediate apenlngs- for part-lIme and fuii.time salis ropresentatives. Exceptlanal I n- carne patîntial. Traning provided. Eamied campany car pragram. For appaînîme nt and Interview, phone 579-890. MATURE PERSON requlred ta, babysit twoa srall chIldren ln my, home accasianal ,evenlngs. Referonces riqulred. Phane 668- 4875. NEED A JOB? Yau can earn, 331h% selllng Fuller Brush haues- hald praducîs ta famlly, fiaonda' and daar-la-door. Cal 728-8168.' PLOUGHING NEEDED. About ansý acre. Phane 244-3471 or apply et Old Past Inn. WANTED - A babysîtter Un my home for lwo.school-aged child- rîn. Na hausekoeplng. 11:15 ta 5:30, Wodnîsday and Frlday att:er.,- noans off. Profîr nan-smokir and muet pravIde awn lransparlatlan.- *Area Garden St. and Bradley. $50 per week. Phono 666-2570 aller 6> p.m. WANTED - Teacher, dungean master ar graup. ta help a 13.year-, aid boy leamn the gameofa Dun-- geans and Dragons. cal Ian 655- 4271. ARTICLES- FOR SALE FIREWOOD for *Sali. Hardwaod. $35 and up pur face card. Weék-,, ends anly. Dagmar SkI 'Rosort,, Durham Raad 23, 849.2002.' 81" TABLE SAW wlh 4¾ h.p. matar. twa snowinG81mde, $10 oach. Phane 668-3796. MUSKRAT fur coat, size '12-14,, goad candition, $250. Call 668 - 0127 aftor 6 pm. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5 coiors I89 .4 styles lnstaiied includlng tax. Aiea eca- nomîcal' and energy effIcient Storm or replacement thermal windows and patio daors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham ùGlass' 666-3355, af ter hours 666-1847 VISIT aur used furnîture wane. hause, by.,appoinîment. Big savinga on-deaka, chairs, fiiing cabinets, etc. Caîl Diokeon PrInt- l.ng & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoinîment ta vlew. 683-1968. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERSI Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whtby Free Press wiII not be hiable for failure to publlsh an ad, or for typographic errors In publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. .,RATES: $4.06 for 20 words If biîîed; 12o each additional word. Pre-paid insertion of 20 words $350; additionaî words leec.You may charge your Cîassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when callIng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12ç each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32e per lune. (No word ads-allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabiq at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiII make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liabiîity regarding loss or damage aîîeged to arise through failure or delay In forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not caîled for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or canc'el Cîassified Aduo. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL, 668-6111

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