PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20,1982, WHfITBY-FEPESF r Pat del, for aro,,apizzeria Whether it's wine and pasta you adore, or beer and deli sandwiches,. Whtby's newest restau- rant cani satisfy -ýthe Irish or the Italian in you. Pat and Marlo's is a new concept that com- binesý the popularity of pizza and pasta with the nfew trendtuward sand- wiches, and "finger foods" A division of Casey's Restaurants, Pat and Mario's held its grand opening Tueadayý with Mayor. Atteraley and Eddie Shack offlcially opening the restaurant. "We're geared to satisfy people who are dlasatiafied with, the way chain-restaurants are being run,"1 says restaurant supervisor John Morissey. - Besides making ail pasta on the premises and usinig only fresh pli- za toppings, Pat and BREAKFAST SPECIAL bacon or ham, 3 eggs, toast, home fries $1.85 SUPPER SPECIAL, hamburger, frenchifries,ý beverage OnIy Set. thru Wed. <308 Thlckson S Consiumer Dr. Whltby OPEN 433-0766 Mon.-Thurs. -6 a.m.- 2 p.m. Sat. - 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Fr1. -6a.M*.-2a.m. Sun.-8a.m.-9p.m. Hofanfomrl insMpo vidig e cellnt inig ina w r.r an Mredyatopee Mariols le using a ser- vice technique. that' promises to be faster and more efficient than conventional table wait- ing. When a customer en- tera the restaurant, he places his food and drink order at the count- er and is seated. From then on, he is waited on in the usual fashion. "Sometiines people's drinks get to the table before they do," says Bermie Platt, manager of the new restaurant who has 16 years exper-, lence in the business, The service style le a cross between cafeteria style, where food is ac- tually picked up by the customer, and full table service. Morrissey and Platt expecustomers wilJ beïmure than satis- fied with faster service, while stiil enjoylng table service. The idea for Pat and Mariols was conceived by Morissey, Platt and Gary Ceppatelli, presi- dent of the Casey chain. They hit on the name Pat and, Mariols to TRAVE LLI N Goutside Ontariô this winter? YO-U NEED Hospital.and Medical Insurance to supplement yourOHlP. CALL US IMMEDIATELY at 668*8867. We wli issue L loyd' s London Insurance for you! DONALD TRAVEL' 102 Brook Street Sou'th Whitby, OntariouI A member of I.TaP. Independent Travel Profossionals. ASK. US ABOUTI sus$ Canadian dollars at par!!! for, meals & drinks. Vegas, Caribbean 4 Mexico &more4 Russeli Travel 4 "Your travel Is our business" COMVETO HAWAII WITH ROGER'S TRAVEL Special Holiday ForOver 50's- Island of Oahu - Honoulu Centrally Iocated hotel, superlor rooms with kit- chenette facilities. THESE SPECIALS INCLUDE: Complementary trans. to alrport f rom Oshawa and return, transfer to and f rom hotel, personal ser- vices of representative ln Honolu lu, morning brief- ing, hotel taxes, porterage, baggage handling, fllght, lei greeting and surprise dinner with Roger. 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 11199 $1369 One departure Jan. 25183. Also available: 3 Island Tour Personally escorted by Roger. 1 departure Feb. 8-22183. Above Wardalr Direct Fllghts OTHER PACKAGES TO HAWAII 2 wks. 2 Islands - 2 wks. one Island Also avallable are packages to Jamalca. For more information cal Roger's World Travel 1615 Dundas St. W. Whltby Mail, Whltby 571-2221 signlfy the Irlsh-Itallafl nienu -mix. A family restaurant, Pat and Mario's sports bright green Irish colora and booth-style tables. Pat's Favourites in- clude New York Style Wings, chieken fingers, burgers and frankfurt- ers. For Mario, there' fettucini, lasagna, spaghetti, cannelloni (Italian cabbage roils) and ravioli. . 1A breakfast menu and take-out servie wiil be added to the operation in the near future. Short jaunts By JOAN WESLEY Wesley's World> of Travel InRe.I The ultimate! .A couple of lazy weeks soaking up- that glorious sunahine on some exotdc island I.. or ... sampling the delights of Europe!1 Hold on a minute, you say, my appolntment book is full ...uor... this is the year to pay off the mortgage., There are those times inthe hectic pace of life when we feel the need to get away from it al andfor une reasun or another it's impossible. That's when the mini vacatiun cornes into the picture. How far do you have to travel to get away. from it ail? Not. far at all. Twenty-five miles west ofý us lies 'a throbbing, .exciting metropolis with excel- lent restaurants, con- certs, dinner theatres, art gaileries, museums,"- iavish. hotels where you'll'.feel as 'though you've been. transplant- ed into another world.. To the east of us lie, Montreal, Quebec- City and Ottawa onlya few orsaway witVI Rail 'or by car. Take a, weekend to. visit the, "old. world" , Quebec City, see the'Plaina 0f Abraham, the Citadel, the Ancient Place Roy-. ale ... strol around'the winding streets and pro-ý, menades. In Ottawa,- the nation's capital, you can skate on the Rideau Canal, ski on the nearby hilas, sigbtsee or shop in the excellent boutiques. Detroit's Rennais- sance' Centre, with -the hotel in the centre of, the complex of retail shops, theatres, exhibitions, dining and cocktail ,areas, revolving rest-' aurants, is an excellent "«getaway" destination and also just a few hours away. Treat yourself ... go for a value packed get- away! Dining Guide THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021.. A favourite eating spot for Chinese food lovera. A large selec- ion