Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1982, p. 18

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20,1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS, AUTO GUIDE How to Keep Your Car Looking New' Longer With the average cost of a new car somèwhere around $10,000, motor- ists are turning to prevent ive mainten- ance to keep their cars longer. One of the best ways to keep your car Iooking better for years - and get the. best return when you seli it - is to maintein its good appearance. Quiz Yourself It i. relatively easy to meintein the finish of a car, but there is more to it than meets theeye. This quiz from Du Pont, a leading, man- ufacturer of car finishes and wexeag, should help you develop the proper treatment for your car's finish et thé lowest possible cost: L. True or false: Ex- tremes of weeîher cen duli a caris finish. 2. True or feIsc: Poly- mer-type products thet dlaim 10 penetrete the car's finis h for lifetime protection actually lest no longer than a good quelity wax, 3. How often shouid you wax p'ur car? (a) once a e yar (b) twice e yeer; (ç') every two months; (d) no set intervel. 4. WheÇs the b<st wey t 10 el when votir var neceds wexingi (a) when the finish i'ooks duIlI (b) when spots cennot be' remo'.ed easily. (c) when the peint sterts 10 vhip: (d) when waîer ruins off the finish without beadinig. 5. True or false: If peint cornes off on your reg when buffing the wax, il meens the wax is 100 abrasive. 6. True or felse: Ap- plying îwo or three coats 6f wax wili in- crease 'the durebiiity of the wax job. 7. True or false: Pes;te wax gives a better or longcr-la8ting shine then e iiquid wax. Answers 1. T'rue. Sun, diast, rein and pollutants ira the air ail tend to <Juil au ca r's fi nnsh, Ilogulitr waxing works lu rcmove built-up remidue and oxidatlosit from 1 lime finis4h, lu keep youar car Iooking ils i esi dempite extremes of weather. 2. TIruce. Dui l'ont and ot hers, i ncluîd in g a lead ing ('onurner pros- duct-tesiting orgatti- zat ion, have testedl thv performave <of poor *vr-îyjw or prod ucts eon>ared with estublishvd lîre- rnitni brands of car wa sch asm'-Bain I)ne.Thv tests showed thet a good quality wax lests as long - if flot lo nger - than even dealer-ap- plied "poly" produets costing S100 or more. 3. (d). Assuming your car's finish is in good shape. there really is no set intervel. It depends on the region of the country, weatber conditions,, and the type and condition of the paint finish. A car wax van last up lou six months in a mild clii nute. If, however, you live I il esurieltmstle mvii as lo'lri<la whcre (lie car r euîoun rr severe smr e posure, thme ws xwilI deterlurate rapidly aîmd yoms may reed Io re-wax esery rton,î 4. (d), Ari#werm ((i) anrd (b) sore sigtiig thât il may soort le lime lu wax yotir c'ar, but (lime first uandl Ieut in- <icator hm the water hCudimg test. Weat er beading is also the mosn reliable way lu measure car wax durebility. I)uring a rainfeli, look ut the watvr on the hood of the ver. If the water sheets or runs off the hood. it means the wax has worn off. If smaii, round. distinct beads stand up on the finish, vou stili have a good layer of wax left on your 'ca r. 5Faise. Many peo- pie are ale'rmed if paint voior shows on t he buffing rag when wexing. This simply means that the wax is doing ils job. Waxing cleans youir ver so the volor you sec is reeliy dead" or oxidized peint heing removed from the finish. In fart, e totally dcean reg mey- meen that the wax you re usîng does flot contein an effective cleaner and that vou*re merely waxing over the oxidizéd paint. 6. Faise. By. appiying a second or third layer %,ou are actuall re- moving the wax youjust applied.- The increesed * * *0 * , ,50 '(j * s O. .IW. ~ ' e G' 'WATER BEADING TEST: A water beading test is the best way to tell whuther is turne 10 wax your car. Ouring a rainf ail, look aI the water on the ho0f the car, If the water shéets or runs off the surface, as in top photo, it meant the wax ha$ worn off. Il small, round, distinct beads stand up on the finish ftaottom photo), a good layer of wax is still lefI. t buffimg ihtakcs 10 appiy extras voats may help improve the over- ali appearance. but won t put on more wax. uo ne good voat of wax, properly applied, wii (lo the job. 7. False. Today's top, quality. waxes are form- ulated to give yo u a durable shine in either form - peste or liquid. The formulation you choose je a matter of personal preference.t CONSUMER BEAT Auto accidenits: insurance repaired CRRASHSH!!! Crunch. Twisted metal. Broken bones. Sereams. "I can't move ... oh, my God!" 1Being inijured in a car acci- dent is aiways a traumalic experience, especially if the injuries are permanent. 'At least a generous court settie- ment is a comforting compen- sation. Or is il? Wbat if the driver at fauit cames only. the minimum 8 100,000 third party iability - the part of the car insurance thet cuvera such accidents? What if the judge bais awarded you 8400,000), but the other motorise's insurance will oniy pay you $ 100,000? What if that motorist then bas 10 seil his mortgeged bouse in order luo psy you another $40,000? That still leaves you $260,000 short, possibiy without any hope of ever coliecting anotb- er penny. Witb dramstically rising medicai, auto repair, auto re- placement and ioss of income costs, courts are- awarding ever higherésettiementâ. But nul b eing able 1<> colleci such judgments only adds insuit 1<> the accident victim*s injuries., One solution Finally. however, there is a solution. lt*s caie d lte Underîa.ur-ed Motorist Endorsemenl, and Ontario is the first province in Canada lu implement il. For a emali extra premium, your own insurance company wili pay you the différence between your judgment and the iiabiiity insurance* limit carried by the motorist at feuit, up to-our own iiability insurance limit. To use the previous exam- pie: If you bad a iability insurance limit of S500,bt00, your own insurance company wouil pay you the missing 8300, 000 - the difference between lte other motorist7s imit of 8100,000 and the judgment of $400,000. If your own liability insurance limit îis 8200,000, however, then your own insurance company would pay you only 8100,000. In other wsrds. the higher your liability inour- ance limit, the better your chance of obtaining a com- plete getîlement. Family protected In most instances, your automobile insurance poicy covers you, your spouse and - your dependents if i njured in' a car accident - whether you are injured while in-your own car, in another car or as a pedestrian. The Underinsured Motorist Endorsement wil apply in similar circumstances. This endorsement does col apply. however, if. *you or your family are in- jured in a car whicb, ai- tbough owned by you, does not bave the Underinsured MotoristEndorsement; or *your spou se or dependents are injured in their own cars for which they did flot purchase this endorsement. Other occupants of your car who become injured while riding in your car wili only gel the left-o ver amount of the set lement once you and/or your family members have received your seutlement. In other. words, you and yo ur famiiy members wili always have priority of paymenl over other occupants of your car in case of an accident. If every regislered car owner in Ontario carried the Underinsured Motorisl En- dorsement for each car, and'if all car owners carried a bigher-than-minimum third party liability insurance, most of the financial burden result- ing from car accidents could be eliminated. Ask your insurance agent about the rates for the Under- insured Motorist Endorse- ment and higher minimum third party iabiiity coverage. Protect yourself lu the same extent tbat you have chosen lu pr otect otIhers. Just.a few extra dollars per year wil assure peace of mind and fi- nanciai security in case of an accident. Any complamuts or questions about insurance may be refer- red lu: Information Claims and Poiicy lnquiry, Financial Institutions Division, Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, 555 Yonge SL, Toronto, ont. M7A 2H6; telephone (416) 963-0471.. ERNIE YOUNG AJAX ESSO "lWhen It cornes to service - Corne 10 us". Repairs to al makes of rade X-Rad >month extonded warranty " tune-ups *llcensed mechanlcs " brakes* truck rentais " majorilnor repairse complets rad service 27 Station St. 1550 DundaésSt. Ajax 683-2211 Whitby 725-7622

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