WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20e 1982, PAGE 9 HIGH. SCHOOL NEWSý' Anderson fund-raising-sock-hops and movies ýy CARYN HANLON even, shorts days. In the Saturday, October 2. 0f ed. be regarded with mixed> Also, on Saturday, they attended a bai ,Uderson Colleglate latter event, Mr. Mc- the 71 members parti- On October 23 at 2 feelings by the Ander- October 9, the- seniors ton spimýn%%r at Har Wonday morning Connell and Mr. Nawrot cipating, 66 finlshed. p.m. the A.C.V.I. gra- son students - it: 1s boys' volleyball team High Sehool. The rked the beginning of took an active part. The Unfortunately, owing to duation ceremonies will report card day! played in two tourna- joyed themselves flomeroom raising the most money was award- ed a pizza party. Ander- son's school spirit made this event a tremendous success. Along the lines of sehool spirit and .fund- raising, we would like to cong ratulate the band members for their fine effort'in the completion of a 50 kilonietre route undertaken during their bike-a-thon held' on we were ready to go home. The three-hour bus ride home (holiday weekend traffic can be thanked for the extra hour1), saw card games in the dark (a very in- terestmng sight), sing- alongs (almost no-one did!1) and naps!1 'Ail who participated would like to thank Ms. Lebrun and Sister Mary Carmel for a very enjoy- able day. We look for- ward to the same trip again next year. Wednesday, October 13, was designated "United Way Day" at the school. Students were, if they wished, able to pay 50 cents and wear,"normal ýclothes" to sehool.* Always will- ing to do anything to get out of wearing their uni- bicycle malfunctions, five people could not fin- ish. Congratulations to Mike Pfeiffer and Scott Kubota who came in fir- st, and to one late start- er, Mr. Wortman, who -finished the course in good time. The band members would like to thank the Stokely Van Camp Company who provided thé Gatorade;- it was highly appreciat- form, students support- ed this day whole heart- edly! Sports News: Last week DO'C's junior boys soccer team, coached by Mr. Boyd, beat Ajax High School by a score of 4 to 0 to hang on to their winning streak. The junior and senior girls' basketball teanis be helci in the school auditorium. Music will be provided by the A.C.V.I. concert band. Familles and friends are invited to attend and honor Anderson's gra-' duates. Upcoming events in- clude gradé 13 trips to the Universities of Waterloo and Trent on October 22. A truly auspicious day will be October 29, which will Sports at Anderson are moving in full force as -the seniors girls' basketball teani defeat- ed Pickering 39 to 37. Although- the junior team lost against Pickering, it, made up for it in the victories against Paul Dwyer and Henry Street High Schools. Stratfo rd played Henry; the junior girls winning an exciting game by a score of 38 to 36, with the senior girls losing a dis- appointing game by a score I'd rather not dis- cuss at the moment!1 The grade il first semester religion class- es went on their retreat, an innercity walk, on October 12. The day, de- signed to make students more aware of the po- verty andsuffering 50, close. to home, really "opened their eyes", according to one stu- dent. Thanks to Mr. Modeste for supervising the day. mnents, one at Donevan Collegiate and the other at Durham College. The football teais are not the only ones working hard this year. The bad- minton teani members are doing their share of training. Last weekend a new' ana promising month as well as the fir- st day of Anderson's Charity Week. Fund-raising ideas In- cluded sock-hops at lun-, ch hour, movies, sale of popcorn and bake sales. Tickets were sold in or- der to raffle off an A.M. radio, records, tapes and two tickets to see The Who. Homerooms also had color days, hat days'and By COLLEEN CREIGHTONý DO'C High School Well, another week has passed us by. The main event of this week was the trip to Stratford on October 8. A group of DO'C students, myself included, loaded the bus at 9 a.m. Friday morn- ing, unprepared for the two-hour bus ride ahead of us. Upon arrival, we were free to do as we wished for two hours - eat, walk around (it is really beautiful up there this time of year) and fin- ally, return to the festi- val theatre in time for the matinee showing of "Julius Caesar." Everyone enjoy'd the' play, and' we were exhausted by the time idmin- ,wood :y en- 9and returned ready tw put in- to practise. the skills they had learned.' Coming Up 18 Ander- son's annual- turkey shoot which will, no doubt, round off the Thanksgiving , week rather successfully. helIpus. IO MRIIL M ..1TI1 Needed more... than ever before. OSHAWA WHITBY NEWCASTLE Unibedl 'Waii' 52 SUMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA- 728-0203 B ma DO'C students- head for c6 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE HALLOWEEN CI 'tizens of the Town of Whltby are encouraged to celebrate Halloween on Saturday, October 3th, 1982, ratherthan on Sunday, October 3lst, 1982. The co-operation of. ail citizens ln this regard will be most appreclated. DATED at Whltby, Ontarlo, this 2th day of Octo- ber, 1982. R.A. Attersley Mayor Town of -WhItby LA CONTESSA .SALON SALE MON DAYS ½/2PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAMILY MON DAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½/2PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAl LABLE INCLUDING PERMS 119 GREEN ST., WH ITBY 668-9262 218 HAýRW0OD AVE. S., AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA TELEPHONE 683 1968 -r*e-n