PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1982, WHITBY FREBL PRESS Durham Regi lice receive an of more than tN and domestic calis per year, of every tbree seen by Durbar Social Agencies tim of domeE lence. These facts p a ,year-long wbich identifi need for enr 'I Il M Hostel for abus ed wo m en, to op enhI mregio n onal Po- housing, Tbe women's, tio n to abused women able to interested obtaIn their support for and anticipate the nec- in the cor average Hostel Committee, Un- and their chlldren, In- organizations to explain "Auberge" wbllç soii- essary funds for the would like ivo thous- der the umbrella, of tbe cludlng guidance and the needs and plans of ing federal, provincial facility ýwill be raised mation ai> violence Social Planning Council . referral service. It "Project Auberge" in and municipal sources, <tbrougb various granit Auberge"q anid one of Osbawa-Whltby, asked, for'the financlal greater detail,. for funding. structures. to make women (SPCO-W) bas now set support and donations of The Women's Hostel Officiais at the plann- Marjorie. McColm, monles and n Reglon' out to fulfil the need for furniture, of those Commlttee is appealing ing council say tbey SPCO-WV president, and to contact 3ils a'vic- a specialized'fadility for organizations. to al elected, officiais bave received strong bhostel commlttee cbair- Planning sti<' vin- the reio~in RSakers are avail- throughout the region to support for tbe project, porson, invites ayoe Osbawa-Wl ,rompted survey. led the nergey The icommitteeba named the proposed' bostel "Auberge" wbich will offer botb long and sbort term aà ccommodaÃ"c-ý nmunity wbo emore infor- bout 1 Projeet or would like donations, of id furnisblngs, 't tbe social Coundil of nitby at 725- Cham ber'seeks'n.ominations,,for«awards Whitby .residents are invited, to assist, the Cbamfber of Commerce in selecting tbe winners of tbree awards, to be presented'at the Cbam- ber's annual mneeing on November 24. Nomhinations are beingý, sought for týhe Business Person of tbe Year, Good Corporate Citizen Award and Stu- dent of the Year. The Business Person of the 'Year award, started in 1979, is pre- sented'by the Chamber- to a&business person wbo ba s made outstanding contributions to his Previous winniers were ,BullBonnetta, of B&R' Transport; Bill Nurse, of Nurse,,Chevro- let-Oldsmobile Ltd. and ,Bob Attersley, of Atter- sley Tire Service Ltd. The Good Corporate Citizen Award was pre- setdfor the first time, ini 1981, to Stokely Van Camp., This award is not necessarily present- ed on an annual basis, but, oà ly wben special contributions to the cormmunity' by a- cor- poration or business are brouget to tbe Cham- ber's attention. The Student of the Year. award is a new award being offered by tbe Obamnber in 1982. To qualify, a sëtudent must bave attended a Wbitby sebool, in grades 9 to 13, during' the calen-, dar year, 1982. The stu- dent must eitber. reside or board in -Witby, during the time he or sbe is attending scbool. This award. is being offered -for commumity service to one's scbool or, tbe Town of Whitby in general. Nominations for any of tbe three awards must be made in writing to the Wbitby Chamber of Commerce, Box 268, Whitby, Ontario, LiN Managmg iin turbulent timels ONTARIO RIDING PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING- Pickering Court'House 2Sherwood Ave. 'Piickering Village' P.M.TU ES DAY OCTOBSER 19,ý1982 <To ellect delegates to attend'the National «iMeeting to be-held in Winnipeg January 26-30, 1983. CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS SWEATERS «This winter sweat- ers are a very-popular clothlng Item. The luxurlous angora, mo-. hair, cashmere and wooi sweaters are not only. warm and sof t but aiso colorf u1. ' To keep yo ur iuxur- ious sweaters beauti-. fui, K & M Cleaners and the International Fabricare Institute, the worldwide trade association for Iaund- erers and dryclean- ers, suggest you take them to professional drycleaners for hand- ling. They know how to safely cdean your sweaters. Sweaters shouid be drycieaned Instead of washed to prevent shrinkage, color Ioss, and ioss of softness. Drycleaners will, also, re-biock your sweater after cleaning. Re-blocking is the process of restoring your sweater to Its original shape and size. You can trust your prof essionai dry- cleaner, because he knows how to care f or your luxurous sweat- ers. Your sweaters wili look more beauti- fui and colorful for a l ong tUrne. "~4Ctzizn~ uic f~ £ iL rt 9a£ mdy" I112 COLBORNE ^ST. W., WHITlBY 668-2-81 the Whitby Cbamber's contribution te Small Business Week in Cana- da, October 24 to 30. Tbis luncbeon' meet- ing will be beild on Wed- nesday, October 27 at a new location, the Alil Baba Steak House, 918 Brock Street Nortb. A social half hour will be- gin at noon, . followed, by luncb at 12:30 Anyone interested 1in attending, is1 asked to cafi the Cbamber at 668- 4506 before October 25. Since the attendance is limited to 50 persons, those wbo wisb to attend are urged to caîl early, to reserve their seats. DANCERCISE DAY AND EVENINGQ CLASSES ASK ABOUT OUR WORKING GIRLS' LUNCH ,-TI ME CLASS GAIL DORFMAN SCHOOL 0F BALLET 668-1251 - WH ITBY SALE MONDAYS ½/PRICE P ERMS FOR ALLTHE FAMILY MON DAYS INTRODUCI NG SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½/2-PRICE ON EVERY. HAIR SERVICE AVAILABLE INCLUDING PER MS 119 GREEN ST., WIHITBY r 668-9262 5S1 by November 1, 1982. It is important tbat tbe nommnator provide background on tbe per- son be, is nominating and reasons why tbat person. should receive tbe award. Tbe selection of win- ners of tbe awards is made by tbe, Wbitby Chamber of Commerce. Sp eaking to You $1!:By SCOTT FENNELL, MP. (PC - Ontario), Two and a hall years afterit s election, the govern- ment bas finally condescended to, notice the economy. in 198, the bard times we are now enduring bad been predicted. Had Ottawa acted-then, there migbt be fewer unemployed today., Instead, the Liberal, goverument bad more im- portant things to do. There was a National Energy Program to implement and an energy industry to destroy., There was a constitution to be repatriated and Quebec to be antagonized. There was a budget deficit of $10 billion that bad grown up to become a budget deficit of $20 billion. So it is natural, after ail its neglect and delay, Ot- tawa can only offer drastie, emergency measures. It bas taken the form of the six and five policy. Canadian capit.alism bas been redefined. ."Less is more" is the new pbllosophy and Ottawa believes inflation can be defeated using psycbology instead of economies. It's a policy wbich offers no long-term solution to our economic woes. Some Canadians are em- bracing it anyway because they feel - quite under- standably ý- that any action is better than tbe lack of action we've put up with for two-and-a-balf years. The tragedy is the- government is not barnessing the eagerness of Canadians to build our economy up again. The six and fîve campaign bas already de- teriorated into sbriil electioneering. The goveru- ment sees mainly -a chance to improve its pol resuits. Posters and buttons and bumper, stickers and pamphlets promoting six and f ive and tbe governmnent, are most important to Ottawa than the policy's success. The first major economic initiative by this government since its election bas become notbing more than an advertising campaign. -e t* R . , tIC EN TOP.O OIL SadLmsoe TetdTme Stone Piec Pto:l "Managing in turbu- lent times" will be tbe topic at the October gen- eral m eeting' of.,the Wbhitby' Chamber of Commerce. Bob .Garrow, a management services field co-ordinator witb the Federal Business Development Bank, will be the guest speaker, as 'IMM" 4774.' ý il - 1 INIOM il - , ,