WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13,1982, PAGE 7 New system ena»bles deaf to makle emergency calis Deaf persons ln Dur- ham Region Wil be able to make emergency cails to 'police starting November 8. Durham Régional Police have instailed a communication system whicli can take a type- written message over teleplione wires, from a deaf person with a Tele- phone Typewriter (TTY) in lits or lier home. The deaf person who needs hlep calis the police emergency 'hum- ber, and places the re- ceiver on a recept4ble on the TTY. Wlien he be- gins to type, the police switchboard operator hears a tone, whicl i di- cates the eaU la from a deaf person. The operator then places lits telephone on a similar receptacle above a keyboard, and Unem ployment down 590 iSeptember The number of clients unemployed and regist- ered for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Wbitby and Oshawa, for the montli of September totailed 14,3369 consist- ing of 6,632 female and 7,704 maie clients, Em- ployment Canada repor- ts. The total number of people unempioyed in September is down 590 from 14,926 in August. Placements in t, he three offices totailed 515 for the montli, which compares to a total of 357 placements during August. The majority of clients were registered i clerical, sales, 'ser- vice, machining, pro- duct fabrlcating, assem- bing and repairing, construction trades, and material handling. During September, tlie greatest empioy- ment opportunities existed in textile manu- facturing, agriculture, retail trade, accommo- dation and food ser- vices. report In September, there were seve n agreements signed under the- General ' Industrial Training Program. As a resuit, ten people will. benefit from both train-' ing and employment ini the Region of Durham. At the end of Septem- ber, there were 121 stu- dents in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 42 people receiving academic up- grading at Durhiam Col- lege. Domm ican R epublie has charm, history, beaches By ALRUSSELL Russeli Travel The Dominican -_Re- public covers two-thlrds of the island it shares with its western neigh- bor 1, Haiti. Columbus discovered the island in 1492, and is buried liere. Santo Domingo, the capital, is the oldest city in the New World, and here, too, are the oldest street, the oldest cathe- frai, the oldest house, and tlie oldest univer- sity in the Americas. Many fine examples of l6tli century Spaniali architecture remain in Old Santo Domingo, and the history of the coun- try ta fascinating. Tlie Domiican Republic is also the perfect place for a reiaxing vacation: tlie weather'is good, the country beautiful and unspoiled, ad the beaches 'stretch ,for more than 1,000 miles. U.S. and Canadian citizens need proof of citizenship (pasaport, birtli certificate) and a Tourist Card obtainable through the airline or whoiesaler' if travelling on a package. Citizens of most otlier countries, including the U.K., need passports, and visas are required of some. Tlie centerpiece of Old Santo Domningo is' the Cathedral of Santa Maria La Menor, the oldest cathedral in the Americas, founded in 1524. Part Gothic and part -Baroque, it stili holds many treasures brouglit to this part of the world bytlie early Spanish settiers - a Madonna by Murillo, a silver carillon by Cellini, the crown of Isa- bella of Spain, and numerous jewels. the remains >of Clis- toplier Columbus are also to be found liere in a marlile sarcophagus. Another great monu- ment is the Alcazar of Diego Columbus, built for Columbus's son in 1510 and recently re- stored. This castle-fort- ress lias, been beautiful- ly. furnislied and provîdes- an accurate image o0'f11e lereattlie time of Spain's gre at pow er on tlie island. Tlie two Cajuiles golf courses at La Romana are' of international renown and there is ten- nis at hotel courts. Surf- ing is becomning popular near Santo Domningo; boating and sailing are available at Santo Domningo, La Romana, and* along tlie northern shore; deep-sea fishing tliroughout the island. Beach swimming is particularly fine on the island. This ta the year to seek your sunshine in the Dominican, Repub- lic. The wor d ta getting around about its neyer- ending tropical sun- shine, its unspoi-led beaclies, its savory creole cooking, its un- crowded golf courses and ample tennis cour- ts, its uninhabited dis- cos and -clubs and its cosmopolitan casinos. GETAWAY WEEKEND TORONTO CONSTELLATION MOTEL NOVEMBER19-21 ON LY $85,01 Includes: 2 nlght accommodation, Continental breakfast, ~dinner and show, Sunday bru nch. CALL "EVE" NOW!! 668-7955 St.N. y ç& Mary) In c. 4Z~N1l5SBrock S (Kes leys WHITBN (Corner of Broci or/ld of 'ý Travel the typewritten mes- sage is electronically reproduced on a small Approximnately 40 TTY's are now ln use in the' Durham Region, and with'the new police link, that number wil Probably Increase, says Andrea Denesham, who is teachlng police and deaf persons to use the system. "lIt's like a network," Denesliam told report- ers at a press con- ferènce. "The more peo- pie know about, it, the more it wtUl grow." cont'd fr-om. page 17 WANT TO KNOW A SECRET? A telephone call from a local resident prompted me to' spili the beans. Although there are many great municipal services in our area, one of the best kept secretsis the ".shinny hockey" at theBrookli.n Arena on Wednesday mornings. For just $2 you can enjoy a great game of hockey between 9 and il a.m. 'At today's infiated prices, $2 for two hours is an exceplional buy. You might even get hack into shape. Ail are welcome so show up one. Wednesday and meet.ail the guys. HE'S NOPOKER FACE Sam was invited to a frlend's house to play poker the other niglit and found to lits amazement that one of the players was a dog., "He's not really the Ibest of players"l confided the host. "When lie had a good liand, he wags Ms tail." See you next wéek ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklil Bakery drop off Frldays before noon please 655-4951. THE FUN BUS BRANTFORD &'PARIS Slghtseelng & Outlets Plus Penmens &Mary'Marium Saturday, October 1 6,1982 U2 GUELPH» We are visltlng Factory Outlets so plan now for Christmas shopping. Lunch Is lncluded.ý Thursday, November 11, 1982 '26' Contact Charlene Groat 576-1357 ALIVE WUTH PLEASURE at Jack Tar Village PUERTO PLATA Dom inican Republo Adventure Tours All Inclusive INCLU DES: *ai r transportation *accommodation at Jack Tar Village *aIl meals UNLIMITIED: *winfewith lunch & dinner *beer, wine & cocktails daily & nightly *cigarettes & cigars *daytime tennis & golf green fees *water sports Even Motel Tax & Gratuties & Much Much More Frm 1 039 pe eso double occupancy For more Information contact RussellITraVOI Ltd. There are about 300 deaf persoils in Durliam Reglon. A 'ITIY costs ap- proximatýly $450, and the Oshawa Jaycees have donated one machine to the Osliawa Deaf Centre. ','De af people have ai- ways had to go to a neiglibor to explain that they were in trouble,"' Denesliam explained. t'If, tliey were havlng a lieart attack, that's pretty difficuit." Durham police force is one of aboutfive for- ces ini the province to in- stail the system. SPECIAL 20% off ., SldIng 0 Soffit *é Fascia Eavestroughing, 511Continuous Length, *Roofing *Windows *Doors Also Repairs to Glass & Wlndows- AcanI j.. ~~ Metro Ll-B244 MO, Member 6Boter BuineBra QUALITY ALUMINUM MART ~~ à yrs. gasarantee on Workmanship 2Oyrs.gujarontee.onfMaterial 683-23613 -683,2453 4~ ~ITHE CORPORATION 0F STHE TOWN OFWH ITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT AN OPEN HOUSE Downtown Secondary Plan Study' The Town of Whitby PlannJn1ig D ,epartmeint wIlI hold a public Open House, for the Downtown, Secondary Plan Study on Tuesday, October 26, 1982 from 12:00 Noon to 9:00 P.M. In the'Auditor- iumn of-the Whitby Public, Llbrary, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontarlo.' ST jAREA EU~-J LJWELUL WwEW n[:iiinon __ 1 fSECT(ONJ AL Marnon Pas" port Pîr roe ComplementarI 126 Brock St. S with buiuking. Mn. -FrL.9-6 Whiby6685000 !Saturday 10-1J lU,ý-l ', ýf ý