Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1982, p. 3

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WH1TBY FREE PJRESSe, WeDNESIOAYSEIPTEM1WýR,,2.9, 1l98ý21, PAGE 3ý WE'RBUIYING!' CÃ"INS, GOI.D & .SILVER, ESTATE JEWELLERY, STAMPS , WATCHES,'FIGURINES 8& MILITARIA, COIN BUYERS* WH ITBY'MALL 161 5 DU NDAS ST. E, WH ITBY SP.310, OCT. 01,902 10 .M.to :30P.M. SCRAP GOLD We buy s crap goid In any form, condition or quantlty, broken or out-of-styie jeweIiery, dental goid, watch cases, Jeweiiers findings, nuggets, etc. PiatinUM: We buy ail piatinum Ieweiiery & industriai scrap items (any quantiy). Estate & Antique Jewellery che t., eva etare Interested In-purchaslng ail fine que- yestete & antique jeweliery. Gold, sliver & atinumn rings, bracelets, iocketa, brooch- ,lavaliera, cameos, necklacea, earrIngs & îer Items are ail wanted. There la no srge or obligation t0 have your ]eweilery aluated forea cash purchase of fer. Dlamonds: Cash offera made on ail diamonda, mounted or booss, ln- cluding old European cuts, rose cuts & mine cuts. Dlamond jewellery places that are 0f menit for re-sale, ln our'opinion, wIll be priced according to their estate value. Loose atones, or atones ln bediy demeged or out-of - style settinga, wili be purchased for their individuel e-sale velue (ses chart below). Prices et right are for brIllient cut, commercial grade atones. Chipped, badiy inciuded & oid'cut tones wIli be. priced iower. ,Vçryihigh quai' ity atones wIli be pric- ed higher. Carats Price per Caret .05 ... 14 .15..24 .25..49 .50 ... 99 1.00 carat & up 200.00 ... 400.00 300.00 ... 600.00 400.00... 1000.00 750.00 &up 1500.00 &uP v We are aiso interested ln jewellery set with other preclous & semni-preclous atones. Silver We buy ail Sterling, European, Cori- tinental & Amerîcan sllverware, jewellery, Industriel silver, Franklin& other prîvate mint, silver, jeweiiers - findings, etc. regerdless of condition or quanity. Prîces based on current buliion market bld prices. Antique Silver: We psy Premium Prices for Georgian, Victorien, Ed. werdian, Eariy Canadien & Eariy American sterling. Tee services, serving trays, sauce boats, candelabra, ladies & servIng spoons are of particuier ln- terest to us. Whether e large accumulation ors single Item, we wili be pleas. ed to IdentIfy and date your oid silver and meke a cash purchase of fer. Pocket Watches We buy ail types of pocket watches, whether running or noti Beiow la a partial liat of the prIces we psy for ver. loua American made wetches. We aiso pay high prices .i for quality foreign pocket and wrist watches <Vacheron f and Constantin, Patek Philippe, Ulysse Nardin, Schaff- heusen, etc.); repeatIng or chiming watches, enameiled face watches, hunter cesed wtches, goid and silver- wetches. These watches will be priced IndivIduaiiy. bail 2500 Commercial Std. 17.1 25.00 Ofici Standard 21J 30.00 Officiai Standard 23J 30.00 Officiai Standard 25.00 No.996823.J 40.00 175.00 45.00 B WRaymond 21.1 75.00 89W Raymond 23.1 50.00 Fth@rTime2lJ 35.00 vertla21J 60.00 veasa 23.1 175.00 Lord Eln23J1 Neamlhoat 55.00 7 Jewei 55.00 modal 94021.1 110.00 Mod$iOU 21J 45.00 Modal 94623.1 125.00 Model 960 23.1 Model 961021.1 Model 9M2214i Columbus 25.00 Tîme Kng 21J1 60.00 Tîmo Kng 23.J W.00 Rsillroad ' Kng 17J1 Railroad King 21J3 140.W0 25.W01 65.001 25.001 30.W0 1 55.001 175.001 150.W01 25.W01 165.W00 130.W01 3&W0 Haompden Railway 19.1 Raitway 21. Roilwey 23.1 ROoSIod Winnebogo 19.1 Wtnnebago 21. Modal 90024J3 Modal O0 25J1 Modal 800 2SJ SethThom"a Common 717J1 Maidas Lone 21J1 Maidon Lofe 23.1 30.00 30.00 50.00 100.00 65.00 300.00 400.00 600.00 15.00 5500 80.00 Ail of the above prices ara for working watches ln good condition. PrIces wili ba adJusted for watches that ara not working and for wat- chas with chIppad, cracked or jewelers' dIais or badly worn, dented or monogramed cases. Common 717J Americen watches wiii ba pur- chased for 33.00 and Up If not working, $8.00 and Up If working. M M COLLECTOR'S COINS We psy Premium Prices for scarce Canadien and Foreign coins. Beiow la a guide to the pricea we-wiii psy for Canadien coiiector's coins. These'prices are subject to adjustment depending on the condition of -the coin.'Badiy worn, damaged and poiished coins wiii be priced iower. Coins In exceptional condi- tion wiii be priced higher. We wiii be pieased to appraise any coins for a cash purchase offer wthout obligation. One Cent 1922 Canadian 1 « copper 34.00 1923 Canadian 1' copper $8.00 1924 Canadien 1' copper $2.50 1925 Canadien 1 coppier $5.00 1920-36 .05 Five Conta 1921 Canadien 51 sil ver $1,000.00 1925 Canadien 51 silver $17.50 1926F $50.00, Twenty Cents 1858 $25.00 Flfty Cents 1947 Canadien ML $20.00 1948 Canadien $30.00 Silver Dollars 1945 $50.00 1947 ML $75.00 1948 $400.00 Otheirs 1946 Newfoundiand 5« sliver $50.00 1794-1803 U.S.A. silver dollar $150.00 1838.1839 U.S.A. silver dollar $500 1840-1873 .S.A. silver dollar 300 SILVER COINS Ca nada Slver dollars 1967 & pior 50'11967 &prior 25'11966 &prior 1967 1968 silver only) 10 1966 &prior 1967 1968 (silver only) United States S!lverdollars 1935 & prior 501 1963 & prior 25« 1964 & prior 101 1964 & prior 50' Kennedy 1970 & prior OIympiC COIns $5 $10 coin series of 4 set0f 28 Canada $5 1912-1914 310 1912-1914 $20 1967 ln set 3100 1976 14K $100 1976 22K $100 1977 $1001978 $100 1979 $2 Newfoundiand World Swiss 35.00.310.00 eech 32.50 each 31.00 each 501 each 50' each 50' each 20',eech 201 each 38.50 eech $2.50 each.- $1.00 each' <50'.each 31.00 each 36.00 $12.00 $36.00, $255.00 GOLD $150.00 $350.00 $200.00 $110.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 10 Francs............3$40.00 *20 Francs............3$80.00 French 10 Francs.......40.00 20 Francs...........3$80.00> Russian 5 Roubles............3$50.00 10 Roubles...........3$100.00 COINS, United States $1 $21/2 $33 $5 <310 $20 $75.00 $75.00 $300.00 3110.00 $200.00 $400.00 Germen 5 Marks .......... ...3$30.00 10 Marks .............3$50.00 20 Marks............3$100.00 British 5 Pounda ........... $550.00 2Pounds ...........3$250.00 Sovereign...........3$100.00 V2 Sovereign .........3$50.00 WE ALSO BUY OTHER GOLD COINS. Prices Avalabie on requeat WE BUY OLD COMIC BOOKS FOR 74 EACH WE BUY OLD LAP.RECORDS IN PLAYABLE CONDITION 20" EACH Foreign Coins We buy ail foreign coins, new and oid, inciuding silver coins, goid coins, coliectors coins, govemment Issue sets,, merchants'tokens and others. Parti- cular interest in crowns or silver dollar sized coins.- DUTCH a GERMAN * BRITISH e RUSSIAN ITALIAN il MEXICAN e SPANISH and ai l other countiries STAMPS. We buy Canadien and Foreign coilectors samps , mint or ueed, aIngies, cor- ,-ner blocks, sheets or extensive ýcollecti ons if, In our opinion, they ara of menit. The foiiowing exemples are the prIcas psid for Mint, Fine Centred, Lightiy MingedCanadien stemps. No. 73$1,500.00' No. 283$50.00 No. 65 $400.00 No. 2623$20.00 COMPARABLE MA RKET PRICES PAID FOR OTHER COLLECTORS STAMPS Postal Statlonary,ý Covers & Postcards We psy cash 'for turn-of-the- century, used and unused, Cana. dian -and Newfoundiend post- carda. We are also Interested ln some old letters and correspon-* Antique Books, Mips & Old Documents We buy antique books In-good condition and flrat edition books, oid officiel correspondance, bsnk documents, stock certificates and other oid documenta. dence. PAPER MONEY.1 Migh prices paid for the foiiowing Canadian notes: Bank of Canada 1935 and pri or-issuas; Bank'of Canada 1937 Issues ln new condition; ,ail Dominion of Canada Issues; ail Charter'ed Bank Issues <Royal Bank, etc.>; ail Provincial Government Issues; ail British and French colonial Issues; Shinpiasters. We aiso buy some U.S. and Foreign papar money.* Military Medlals We buy ail Modela, Awards, Decorations,. Orders & Badges. Below.la a liat 0f the prIces we psy for Canadien Medals. We are also partlcuierly interested ln Cana- dien Miitary Cep ana Coller Badges, Bn.- tish Miiitary Decorations and Campaign Medala and Enemeiied European De- corations. Miiitary Cross George Cross (Brn.)i..............$750.00 Cross of Veiour...........750.00 Oistingutsfred Service coss. 150 Miiitary Cross .................100.00 Oistinguished Fiying Cross. 5-200.00 Star of Courage ..:................ .200.00 Medal of Bravery ......... ......... 100.00 Air Force Cross........--... ......200.00 Albert Modal....................1,000.00 Dlstlngusted Conduct Modal ....... 125.00 conspiosous Gllanlry Medalt 1,500.00 George Medal.........300.00 Edward Modal ...........300.00 Dittngulshed Service Medal.......200.00 Mililary Medalt........... ...... 50.00 Distinguished Flying Medal ......30000 Air Force Medal .................. 400,00 Brillih Empire Medal ............... w00 MeritoriouasService Modal........... 30.00 importai Service Modali.............. 7.00 centenniai Modal..................35.00 Naval Gold Modal.......... ..... 2,000.00 Army Gold Modal ...... ......... 2,00000 Mlltsry Generai Service Modale Fort Detroit,................... 700.00 Chateauguay................ -.. 700.00 chrystiors Fans................. 700.00 Canadien Gaverai Service Modae: Pestas Raid..ý..................100.00 Red River ..................... 250.00 Soudas Modal lis Cdn.i ............. 400.0 Norlhweat Canada Modal.........150.00 Quees'a South Africa tCdn.l .....25.00 lOngs South Africe (Brin)l............25.00 1914 Star........................ 2.00 1914-5Saer.........................00 Brillih War Modal iWWII. ........... 6.00 North West Canada Victory Modal...................... 1.00 Défoncé Modal.....................6.00 Canadien volunteer Service Modal...6.00 Air crew Europe Star ............... 20.00 Atlanic Star........................6.00 Pactfic Star .................. ..... 4.00 Burrns Star........................ 6.00 France & Gormeny Star.............. 1.00 Italy Star.......................... 1.00 19391945Star..................... 1.00 Canadian Korea War Modal........35.00 UN. Service Modal - Korosea..........68.00 Arctlc Modal 1857 ................ 150.00 Arctic Modal 1876 ................ 300.00 Polar Modale .. ................. 400.00 corosatios &Jubilée Modaea.......10.00 Army Long Service &a Good Conduci Modal............... 40.00 Permanent Forces of thte Empire Long Service & Goad Conduat Modal ............. 40.00 Canadian Modal for Long Service & Goad conduct.....................10.00 Colonial AusIlliary Forces Offiera Décoration.............. 40.00 Colonial Ausltlary Forces Long Service Modal .............. 30.00 Canadien Efflclency Decoration ....20.00 Canadien Forces Docoraton.......35.00 Royal Canadian Navy Long Service & Goad canduot Modal............. 50.00 Royal Canadien Air Force Long Service & Good conduct Modal............. 50.00 R.C.M.P. Long Service_ Modal ........................ 100.00 China Figurines Webuy ail Royal Douiton & Hummel figurines and Tobvinga Bung vout figurines. Order them by number and we wili be pieesed to make you a cash of fer. Below, a partial liet of our buying prices. Royal Doulton HN6Dunce...................3$550-00 H N 38 The Carpet Vendor ........ ý.500.00 H N The Gainsborough Hat ........ 450.00 HN 61 Katharine................. 200.00 MN 96 Doris Keene as Cevelilni ...400.00 MN 305 Scribe.................. 400.00 HN 311 Dancing Fibure .......... 600.00 MN 374 Lady & Blsckamoor ....475.00 MN 425 Goose Glil.............. 400.00 MN 583 BalQon Seller............ 175.00 MN 637 Masquerade............. 200.00 M N 730 Butterf ly ................ 250.00 MN 1216 Falstaf f............... 225.00 MN 1364 Rosina ................ 200.00 HN-1488GIorla ................. 165.00 H N1526 Anthea ................ 250.00 M N 1759 The Orange Lady......... 150.00 HNl1858 Dawn.................. 250.00O MN 2Ol5SirWalter Raleigh ....300.W0 MN 2104 Abdullah............... 1W.00 M N 2253 The Puppetmaker ....175.00 HN 2484 Past Glory.............. 125.00 The Gossipa MN 1426............ 100.00 PLEASE DO NOT CLEAN VOUA COINS CONDITIONS 0F SELLING 1. seller must Se le years 0f ses or havea letterof consent for Perens or guardien. C O IN B U YE R S 2. AilItomes oughti and psid for ln ceuh or cheque. 3. Due to aruket fluctuations, the prices on ail iiverend gold bultion Items, Including scrsp sllver coins,.ozs suit. 4. l ttcllet>o oins &e ab noies muet be lnattast minimum condition, in our opinion, ln order for us tHoJ 'B A L . quaaeto. rc ilbebe ncnito1615 DUNDAS ST- E. 5. Mumpie emi&eo i ag unils fsilver cuinsesold coins. scep goid and scrsp iliver. loss Onquire for individuel arrangements. FlOF WHITBY Walhm crescent Si. 21J vanguard 21J vanguard 23J C PR 17J Model64521J Model 64521.1 Riversîde Maximum Illinol Sangemo 21J1 Sengama 23.1 Buns 19.3 Sun,, Spociai 21J1 Bunns pecial 23J3 Bans Specisi 24.3 Howard Kaystone Srtes 10119.1 Keystoe Séries 10 21J1 Keysloe.Suries 10 23.1 Keytone Surias il 21J1 Kaysone Sortes 0 23.1 -AL

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