PAGE 14, WEDNESDJAY SEPTEMBER 29,1982, WHITBY- FREE PRESS' CLASSIIi D AUCTION SALE MON DAY NIGHT OCT. 4 - 6:30 P.M. Automotive parts & ac- cessories, tires, muffiers, tools, 011, chemîicais, cabi- nets of nuts & boits, eîec-- trIcal fttings, buibs, parts books, service and shop manuais. Vlewing time 9 a.m. to. sale *time. .Too many Items 'toflest. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 1614 Charles St. S. WhItby TOY &GIFT AUCTION SAT., NOV. e6-1 P.M. Sin time for Christmas giving. Plan to attend and save money. More detalse later. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 WANNAMAKER AUClION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whîtby- ERnm MON. & THUR$. AT 6:30 P. Ail estates and consigniments welcome. 74. orsil., We wiIipick up., 666-3731 668-840 3 (DAY5) (EVGS.) GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Octa- ber 2 t ram 10 ta 5. Variety - alec- tric irepiaca ta blrdcaga ta cal- lectables. 908 Henry Street,, Whlt- by. Rain ar shine. GARAGE SALE -'7 CardiffCourt, Whltby, Saturday, Octaber 2 ram 10 ta, 3. Something tar everyons. ANTIQUES, furnturs, glass, china and caiiectabiss. Cash. Phane 655-3526. CASH FOR GOGLI Ail Gold and. Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental goId., Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any condition. Aiso. buying any for- ei1gn silver coins. CIGAI STORE 121 Brok StN. WhItby Exclusive Agent In WhItby for Northiand. Goid & Silver Inc. W!NTED WANTED - Heated garage or o har a unit large snough for a 14 cube van. Pickering, ta Whtby aiea. From Novembor 1lta Aprl 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE BOYS SKATES - New, nover used, C.G.M. Super Tacks, size 3½W, $75. Phono 655-4271. used ans season, .C.M. Super Tacka, sîze 3 and 4½, $40 each. Plions 055-271. IFOR HED GE-I IAny quantty -Low prlco DARI'C BROWN wooden.crlb, $75. Pair af goid drapes for living room, $40. Phono 6685016. DININO ROOM SET for sais with a bay'and hutch. Excellant condi- tion. $800. Phono 666-3493. DRY FIRE WOOD. Bosch, maplo, white blrch. 16" sticks. Dsilvor anywhore. $45 per single card. Phono (705) 454-826. CERAMICS CLEARANCE A imited quant lty of iocaliy.made ceramnics MARE us Am OFFEI No reasonable of fer ref used WHITBY FREE PRESS 131,Brock St. N. IWhltby ELECTAIO FURNACES - Furnaco converions off ail up ta $800 re- bats - on clspiay. celi Jim et 668- 4278. » SOLID WOOD chestertioid and twa matching chairs, blue striped cushions,$150. Phone 68.144. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5 colars, i89. e 1s4 styles instaiied inciuding tax. Asa eoO- nomIcai and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal windows and patio doors. * FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666.3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT aur used turniture ware- hous by appointment.' Big savIngs an deaks, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickaon Print- fihg & Office Suppies ta arrange an appaintmont to view.'683-1968. ANTIQES ANTIQUE SHUTTERS, sanded and painted, excellent shape. $15 each. Phono 686339. ýÂGBLEoéBLS FORR SAELE 1977 CHEVY VAN, autamatlc, pawer brakes, power stesring, M ton, low milsage. Beot offer. Phono 7282673. 1974 DODGE DART SNER 69,000 mles, 8 cylînder, dincorti- tiod. $65 or boot otter. Phone 686- 3757 aftor 6 p.m. 1908 CHEV CONVERTIBLE, nsw paint, mschanîcaîly Ai, $1.950. Phono 608&2736 or 88-1705. 1905 FORD GALAXY M0, tirai time on mmad sînce 1972. Asklng $1,200. Phoneo68-1 93. REWARD- Lot Seaipoînt Siameso cet, Soptembor 24, In- BrooklDund» Street area. Mals, 7 yeai's ad, wearlng a whits tisa cal- lar, auiawsrs ta Topo. Pleaso cali LyndaOs .04f25. Mlasod teribly. SUPPES] PROPS end ekega rebuilt. ExperJ boat repaire. Discaunt tibergiasa repairs. Oshawa Giasa Fiber, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. SUPPLIES TWELVE toddy bear hampaters $3 each. Habid trall, complets, $50. Twa coakatîsis, ans maie, ans tomalo, ono white, ans grsy, $175 for pair., Plus othor cages. Phono 06".193. PICK VOUR'OWN APPLES AT RED WING ORCHARDS Open Thursday through Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weather permitting>. Please look for our nsw entrance off Durham Road 23, 1.3 kiometres north of stop -lîghts at, Highway 2, half-way b.- tween Whitby and Aux. Maclntosh, Courtlands, Macouns, Toiman Sweet, Red Deliclous and Gold Deliclous. Haif bushel bag $5.50. Containers supplied. Watch this ad weekly for availability of other varieties. 868-3311 ZCRECATONu TRAVEIL TRAILER, 19 -test long, silght roof damage. Asking $850. Phono 855-3838 TYPEWRITERI RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts, avalabie. Dickson Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln he Ajax Plaza. cai _us for business machine repaira 683-1968. FREE: Drap into the Dickaon PrIn- ting & Oftice Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy ot their 1982 Metrlc Calendar. -PrIntsd ln twa colours, Il makes for handy reterence. 683-1968. FLODA1 Ww VACATION I FLRDA Cierwaeor - Te the famîlyl IThros bsdroom, two bathroomî cutyclub homes, pools, * tennis, photos, $M0U.S. wkiyî * 683-5503 FORX RENT OÉHAWA - 3 bodroom bakaplît, patio, buill-In gas barbaque, roc room with firaplaco, ail appliana- os. On quiet court. Reforences roqussted. $85 per month. Phono bfora 5 p.rn. 499.6111 oxi. 25m3, afbor 6 p.m. 723-803. I OFFICE SPACE' FOR RENT Three-room, Whitby office suite with pri- vate washroom. Has over 750 square feet of fuîly broadîoomed and air-conditioned spaclousness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be dlvîd- ed Into smalier off ic- es. For further Infor- mation caîl Mr. Bur... pass bétween 9 a.m.1 and 5 p.m. at: 668-6372 CALL Offll 1 ta place your ad. [, HELF ~~IIN FLETCH ER, In ioving memory, of a dear mother, Myrti.e, who passed away October 1, 1980. We think of you ln si- lence,> We often speak your name, Ail we havewae memor- les, <And your picture ln a f rame. Our hearts stlll ache ln sadness, Our sulent tears stlll f l0w, For what it meant to lose you, No one wili ever know, - Sadly-missed and loved by daughters Lois Marion. and WANTEE THE CORPORATION 0F I(~T~-'ITHE TOWN OF WHITBY' TOWN 0F WH-IT13Y REQUIRES' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 1 A responsibie and progressive person Is sought by the Whitby Planning Department for the posi- tion advertised. The successful candidate shahl, be a graduate ln landscape architecture or land- scape technology, have a minimum working exper- lence -of 2. years which wiii pref.erably include municipal experience, a working knowledge of municipal planning, and have proven communica- tion and technical skills. A working knowledge of word processing systems would also be an asset. Duties shah ilnclude the administration and impie- mentation of landscape requirements through development agreements, plan review, Inter- departmnental co-ordination ln landscape .related matters, the preparation and review of tender documents, and research and analysis In conjunc- tion with planning stud les. Acknowiedgement only to those applicants suc- cessfui ln obtaining an Interview. Salary: start rate $21 ,467, interimn rate $22,755, job rate $24,394. Serlous applicants need only apply. Applications accompanied by detaiied resume are to be submnit- ted to the Administrator's office noted beiow and must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 15, 1982. Wm. H..Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Administrator The Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario' LiN 2M8 ARTICLES ATCE FOR SALE FOR SALE 42emp-dter.'4.UTCHER BLOCK 1626 Brook St. S., Whltby (One block S. of 401> 666-1545 CUT FOR TOUR FREEZER <GRADE A-i1 HINDS BEEF120-145 lb. 1i .9 5 lb. (4.30okg) SIDES BEEF22.20lb. 1.69 l.(.3k. HIPS BEEF 70- lb. i.8 5 lb. (4.08 kg.) FRONTS BEEF 120-145 l. I.55 lb. (3.42 kg.) ONTARIO.PORK WHOLE PORK LOIN 2.49 lb(5.49 kg.) 13-16 lb. Prices effective until Oct. 6/82 SYMPHONY, BOOK SALE The Oshawa Sym- phony Association Is ready and willing to re- ceive those excess books and records from your shelves. Having had a crowd pleasing book sale in March at the Oshawa Centre, the associa- tion's volunteer com- mittee is planning another sale of books and records to be held at the Centre, on October 1 and 2. To donate, leave a message at 579-6711, 576- 3993, 655-3296 or 263- 8200. Especially welcome' are children's books, craft magazines and books, and cookbooks. Donations of records, old and-new, are also requested. $41,00. 10% AUG 84 -3' bdrm., choice ares Whitby, professional iandscaping, main floor family, cazy fire- Place, WIO, private fenced yard,.master ensuite, family kitchen, Catherine Moift M"0-221. WHY MAKE THE LANDLORD RICHÎ - $38,900. North Oshawa, waikaut to rear iawn aiea tram living rm. & dlning rm., large kitchen, spaciaus bdrms., unfiniahed bemt., attached garage, $32,800. 16% $537. PIT monthiy ta Aug. '84, Ullan North, 668221 or OSO-?479. WHITBY $5990.- 4 bdrm. home, treed lot, fenced yard, gailey kit- chen, finlshed rec. raom with wet bar, waikout, mortgaging untl 1984, Sarah Buraoy. 1800 DUNDAS ST. E. 7"28 WHITBY. 70 ACRE FARM LAND AND MIXED BUSH - $4,000 dlown, First mtge. $14.000 at 1312% until 2001. Open mntge. On ly $22,500. Napanee area. 1 ACRE - With school house and building. PermIts availabie.. 35 minutes north of Oshawa. Only $13,500. RESTAURANT BUSINESS - Building,,equipment., Highway No. 37. $25,000. Owner wilI hold a mort- gage. AskIng $81 ,900. WATERFRONT - 1 acre with double car garage. Meat shop, well, septic, building permits available. $5,000 down. Owner wl hoid open M tge. Belleville area. Asking $1 9,900., 839-3650 (DAYS> (EVOS.>, -i -a-