WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY-SEPTEMBER, 29,1982, PAGE il, froquois loo0king good hiya By ANN GOULDING W.I.S.C. With the upcoming Commonwealth Games, a major focus for ama- teur sports fans across Canada, competitive swlmming enthusiasts will be on the lookout'for names sucli as Victor Davis, Anme Qttenbrite and Alex Baumann. But four promising young athletes who are members of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club had the spotlight focused on them recently as well, when they received swinming awards fromn the Canadian Swirmm- ing Coaches Association for their higli place- ments in the 1962 Cana- dian Speedo Sprint Competition (50 metres). When results fromn entries across THE GREAT WALL, lllDundasSbret West, A favourite, eat spot for .Chigese Iovoes. A large selection «&Can4in diesmý.aIo served. Prices rangeè Canada were tabulated Craig Pot.sep was the fastest eigbt-year-old backstroker, placing second ln freestyle and breaststroke, and fourth in butterfly. Adrian Vargas, 9, placed second in> fly, fourth in free and breast,, and eighth in back, while Dave Gould- ing, 16, ranked seventh in back, eighth in breast, ninth in free, and twelfth in fly. Hea- ther Ainsley, 13, was eighteenth in back, twenty-seventh in free, and thl rty-fourth in fly. Coachi Tom MeLough- lin was delighted with bis swimmers perform- ances and the ensuing results, and the club lias higli hopes that a num- ber of W.I.S.C. swimm- ers,. with further train- from $2.70 and up for lunch, and $3.80 and up for. dinner. Open from il a.rn. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tili 2:30 a.m*. We are now fully licensed. viie xcell ednigi a Jon urSud s Bu eh rop * esu e o hr . b :1:teD Sosaad ne. &St. e an: Dageih 37m-mgSr(ttWs BY BERNARD SLADE Starring NUALA FITZGERALD and LARRY SOLWAY Featuring SYLVIA LENNICK Complete dinner & show f rom $19.95 JPlluefw~u 419 BROCK STREET NORTH. WHITIBY ing and development, wlll be splashing into national competition shortly. The overail perform- ance of the young club in the -1981/82 season ad- vanced the teamn to twenty-sixth spot in On- tario among the over 100. clubs reglstered with the Canadian Amateur Swimming Association, outranking the longer established clubs in the Durham iRegion. The Whitby Iroquois Swim Club is beginning its sixth season, with en- thusiasm and optimism and a soaring list of new members eager to make their mark in competi- tive swimming. Men's hockey begins The Whitby Men's Hockey League. began its tenth season on Sep- tember 23 of this year. This non-contact league was established as a recreational activity for fun. Althougli the league is competitive,- the strictness of the rules maintains a. higli standard of basic hockey. The leagues execu- tive will be attempting to add a new Image this year by involving, the league in supportive participation of conunu- nity activities. The following teams are scheduled to play this season: Family Trust Real Estate, Rivetts Hardware, Custom Auto' Radio, Holland Building Cen- tre, Royal Hotel, .tabllshed Over25 Vears (£OIoa4u ' ou,«e steak bouot & tab.ern " Excellent quallty food " Excellent service " Relaxing atmosphere " Reasonable pricea Hm sModeUUs "THËL£BÈS-T LITTLE STEAXHOUSE" IN TOWN Now Featurlng: DINNER ~ IDE~ SPECIALS Evsry Tues., Wed., Thurs."V & Sun. Nlghts BUSINESS LUNCHEON S PECIALS (R easonably Prlced) Tues. to Fr1. 11:30 &.m. to 3 p.m. COCKTAIL HOUR Tuesto r1. Dcp In and Inquire TuesA Fri. about DINNER and LUNCHEONi 3 p.m. to 5 P.m. SPECIALS P HON E: 668u2751 RESERVATION8 ACCEPTED 99DNA~ STu.-Thur. 11:30 m.-IO p.m. (¶fI M.wmt0 of Fi. à SI. M",No 2 WHITBYj Casey'ps Restaurant, Sarge's Petro' Canada and Brother's Pizza. BRIDGE RESULTS The following are the resuits of Iast week's play at the Whltby Du- plicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Har- vey Winter. North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Jim mirre, 96; Mrs. John Frost and Mrs. P.N. Spratt, 79; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cun- liffe, 73; and, Paul Beischlag and Derrick Aistyne, 68.-- East and West:, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win.- ter, 81%; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vrengdenhil, 77;, Mrs. Douglas Maundrel and Mrs. Bruce McColl, 72%; and,. Don Titherlngton and Wayne Tettis, 701h. The resuits of 'each week's play wlll be reported in the following issue of the Whitby Free Press. GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street Seath, Whltby 668-8321. This popular Chlnese restaurant lias been in Wbitby for 30 years. The specialty of the houe is. bar-be-qued spare-ribs. A new dish is being in- troduced. It's a special combination of light hor d'oevres caled Bo Bo platter. <Eat in the delightfully decorated Bamboo Room at one of their circular booths. .ýOpen Monday to Thursday from il a.m. to 2 a.m.; Friday and Saturday from il a.m. to 3 a.m. and Saturday tU il p.m. Full licensed J EXPýLORER L RESTAURANT &TAVERN * ightly Specials «« (Monday - Thursday) B..BQued Spare Ribsl.*,,,,-,.. Roast Prime Rib of Beef Jr. Filet Mignon New York Sirloin (Ail above include salad, garlic bread, or dinner roll and potatoes.) Open Mon.-Sat. 11:00-11:00 J00Hopins St., Whitbiy 8.1 95 8W,95 8»95 Sun. & Holidays 4:00-10:00 Si LVER LANTERN RESTAURA-NT 110 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY -1 FELNC ATURE- A Il V.. Cm, Eut Met Chinoe s Rflet. 7 Populo,' Diahea. $4e75 per person Avalable Mondagy - Friday 11:30 a.m.to 2 p.m. FOR RESE'RVATIONS PHONE LORNA 666-3121 Il Banquet Room Now Available PIZZA NO USE4 Our Famoua Pizza are home-macle 4 from sdari tofinisih. 66t-9000 T 0n~686-3911 amp- mmmmQihý