PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982, WHITBY.FREE PRESS. Br~k1in Býne By ROXANNE REVELER Cali 655-4951 wlth'Item, for this column. <Hi there: I have read many artiçies and books and have *fnally figured it out. Inflation is being broke with a lot of money in your pocket. - The natural aw- of money ,appears to be that anything left over will be needed tomorrow to pay an unexpected bill. * GLOBAL'S GOT US Be sure to tune in the Global Television on Wednesday, October 6 at, 7 p.m. Why? You might see yourself orsomeone you know on T.V. I have been'notified that is the tirne when "lThat's Life" will be airing the program they shot in' ý-Brooklln on Thursday, June 3 in Brooklin, to include the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair conteat. Broýoklin Flour Milis Flo'ur & Baking Supplies S16% Pullet GrowerKrumbs $740 18% Comp Layer Krumbs $7m25ý 23 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKLIN 655-4851 LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED' Group 74 will accept late registrations for qulltlng, breaci making, stained glass, cake decorat-, ing, glass engravlng,, hair pin lace, 'wood carvlng and Bunka (Japanese embro!dery). Theré are stili a few places available in most classes. For more In- formation eall Cathie at 655-3245 or Pat 655-3457. ST. LEO'S CHURCH Mass willbe celebratedat 5 p.m.,Saturday and 10:30 a.m. Sunday in St. Leo's School, Brooklln. 'This scheule willremain in effectý until. further notice. For information caîl Father O. Moloney at 668-3676. LIBRARY NEWS The library is looking forward to a "Keen Hallow- een"' this October. Who, who, whooooooo, would want to miss their' "Shivery Shrieky" month in the children's depart- ment? EverySaturday, storyhour is from 10: 30 to 11:30 a.m. so get prepared. October 2 you're in for teitchy witches, giggly ghosts and dlddle daddle bats. 'For. certainthere will be howling spooky fun every Satur day this October. We are also in the know that the wiggly Witches are out lookinig forý the "overdue books". Whatever -you don't get icaught. There isnoý telling What the cackly creatures will'do. Copies,, copies,:copies. The photocopier will flot stop demanding more work. Please be a copycatý and keep-ithappy. Only 10 and 15 cents a copy., Another reminder-that thé pre-sehool storyhour and Ladies' Group starts rolling October 19 at 12:30 p.m. Enrolîment starts now.- Children must, be thre years old and Up, but ladies -of ail ages are, welcome. Look forward to seeing you 'at your library. WOMENS' INSTITUTE Jean Hunter, telling ýof a book about a country doctor in Cape Breton was -guest speaker at, the I £ sHT PE RIE -'i. LERAC SL Womfen's Institute meeting held at the home of Elsie Gllroy. Carnie Arksey gave current eventi. Theme was '.homes are greenhouseswhere the plants of- eltiienihlp are started." Roîl calwas'"nane your favorite newcaster."1 Hostesses Marlon Hall and Elleen Young served a deliclous lunch. ThMe:next meeting will be held Oc- tober 30 at 2 'p.m. at the Communlty Center, where there vwil be, education and cultural activities. Con- venor wil be Carnie Arksey, motto 'fevery new thing we learn enriches our'lives a little." Ruby Sonley and Elsie Glroy will be hostesses. DON'T FORGET 'Brooklin Horticultural Society holds its monthly meeting Wednesday, September 22 at 8 p.m. Guest speakers, .Mr. and Mrs.- C. Tink, will give an infor- mative talk on cbrysanthemüum culture. On Saturday, September 25, the fall flower show will be held at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Entries will be acecepted between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. with public viewing from 2 to 4 p. m. Competition will include chrysanthemums, mari- golds, decorative flower arranging as well as fruit and vegetable. classes. Everyone is invited to at- tend. FRIGIUTFUL! At a supermarket, I sawa, mother with her two Young children at the meatcêounter. Sheliftedeach onein turn s0 they could see intofthe glassed-in'area where butchers were cutting, preparing and wrap- ping the fresh meat. The little boy seemed some- what bothered by. the sight'of 'the raw, meat but his mother assured him it was nothing to be afraid of. Then as 'one of the clerks- came out to put some packages on. the counter, she added, "Now thig is the scary part. ... they've ail got prices onthem." Sce you next week ...Roxanne Reveler BrosBakery drop off Frldays, hefore noon please 655-4951. s * e - u - Duplicate bridge resuits The following are the results of the first, ses- sion of play at.the Wnlt- by Duplicate' Bridge Club held last week at <the Centennial Building- as repor 'ted by, Mrs. Harvey Winter. North and South - Mrs. P.N. Spratt and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 56; ,Mn. and Mrs. Leo Vrengdeni- hil, 52; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans, 48; anid, Mn'. and Mrs. Harvey -Win-, ter, 46. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker,, 451/2; Mrs. Douglas M Naundrell and Mrs. George Steffler, 43; Mr. and Mrs. George- Mag- vas;, 42½; and, 'Mr. and Mrs.ý Frank Wells, 41 %. The results of. each wýeek's. play wIlbe reported la the followving issue of the Whitby Free Press. Distress ce ntre- to met r- Cooks show, off